you can't put a price on sparks
Pavarotti thread urges
Better a good cheese thread tomorrow, than a poor cheese thread today.
Like cheddar, some things just need to be aged.
Make sure you put a Wallace and gromit reference in the OP for that cheese thread
Lol I even quoted that to talk about "parity". I'm a fucking clown.
Uhhhhh Pagliacci Thread Urges? Because I feel like a sad clown right now.
WB passive-aggressively developing AQUAMAN film. Two writers not talking to each other.
hey gaf so this guy wants to give me $10 million isn't that great
i'm going to be so rich
are you jealous of me yet?
Are you a lurker?
I hope this thread gets zero responses. There's just hundreds of people who see it and nod their heads quietly as it falls off the front page.
Thread Thread Starter Last Post Replies Views
Are you a lurker? BosSin Today 07:39 PM by Zombine 1 547,294
I really want to make a "NPD releases updated numbers!" thread and link to like NPD's fashion sales report or something.
I really want to make a "NPD releases updated numbers!" thread and link to like NPD's fashion sales report or something.
Jean sales down 5% yoy oh my
I really want to make a "NPD releases updated numbers!" thread and link to like NPD's fashion sales report or something.
Jean sales down 5% yoy oh my
Gaf I crushed my nuts doing jump lunges, what do I do?
This actually happened to me yesterday
i think you should do it
and post a new npd thread every month for a different industry
Actually tell us more.
I would read that.
Fight the negativity. The popular kids circle-jerking!!
Donuts +4.1% MOM
Chicken +3.7% MOM
Pizza +1.6% MOM
This is real data, guys.
"Erotic" might not be a compliment towards people
what caused the donut bump?
No thanks, I'm actually fine with pouting and throwing fits.r u sad nobody shouted you out? I just did a shout out to everyone who posted in there, if you came and joined the party instead of pouting you'd've gotten one at least :3