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Pat Tillman's parents rip army.

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from ESPN.com,

WASHINGTON -- The family of former NFL player Pat Tillman says the Army disrespected his memory by lying in its investigation of his death in Afghanistan last year.

In interviews with The Washington Post, the Army Ranger's mother and father said they believe the military and the government created a heroic tale about how their son died to foster a patriotic response across the country.

"Pat had high ideals about the country; that's why he did what he did," Mary Tillman told the Post. "The military let him down. The administration let him down. It was a sign of disrespect. The fact that he was the ultimate team player and he watched his own men kill him is absolutely heartbreaking and tragic. The fact that they lied about it afterward is disgusting."

Tillman, a player for the Arizona Cardinals, left the NFL after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to join the Rangers with his brother. After a tour in Iraq, they were sent to Afghanistan in 2004 to help hunt for the Taliban and Osama bin Laden.

Shortly after arriving in the mountains to fight, Tillman was killed in a barrage of gunfire from his own men, mistaken for the enemy as he got into position to defend them.

After a public memorial service, at which Tillman received the Silver Star, the Army told Tillman's family what had really happened.

The separate interviews with Tillman's parents, who are divorced, appeared on the Post's Internet site for Monday's editions.

Patrick Tillman Sr., a lawyer, told the Post he is furious about a "botched homicide investigation" and blames high-ranking Army officers for presenting "outright lies" to the family and to the public.

"After it happened, all the people in positions of authority went out of their way to script this," the father said. "They purposely interfered with the investigation, they covered it up. I think they thought they could control it, and they realized that their recruiting efforts were going to go to hell in a handbasket if the truth about his death got out. They blew up their poster boy."

"In the case of the death of Corporal Patrick Tillman, the Army made mistakes in reporting the circumstances of his death to the family," Brig. Gen. Vincent K. Brooks told the Post. "For these, we apologize. We cannot undo those early mistakes."

damn. imagine being the soldier that killed him!


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
"In the case of the death of Corporal Patrick Tillman, the Army made mistakes in reporting the circumstances of his death to the family," Brig. Gen. Vincent K. Brooks told the Post. "For these, we apologize. We cannot undo those early mistakes."

This is the most eye opening quote I have read in awhile...


Just a horrible story all the way around. You try not to make too big of a deal about it, because 1000's of unfamous people have lost thier lives also.

::sad smiley


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
It's sad the army lied. Did they really think they were going to get away with it?
Dsal said:
It's sad the army lied. Did they really think they were going to get away with it?

Yes. The did the same thing with Lynch as well. The Adminstration is trying to make heroes instead of making good policy.


Probably going to taste the old ban stick for this but I've spent a couple hours trying to hold back posting this, but fuck it I just can't.

This just makes his death doubly funny. He had a guaranteed life of luxury and gave it up so his own men can shoot his ass while he tried to cover them. :lol Monty Python couldn't have written a funnier scene that that.


ShadowRed said:
Probably going to taste the old ban stick for this but I've spent a couple hours trying to hold back posting this, but fuck it I just can't.

This just makes his death doubly funny. He had a guaranteed life of luxury and gave it up so his own men can shoot his ass while he tried to cover them. :lol Monty Python couldn't have written a funnier scene that that.

Preserved. I hope karma kicks you in the fucking nuts.


Tenacious-V Redux
it's a tragety all the way around - nothing funny anywhere here. Sadly and ultimately this fiasco will cause changes in recruiting and the way the US government conducts itself. That will be more important and long lasting than anything Tillman could have done with a gun/bombs over in a place where US soldiers simply don't belong and aren't wanted :(


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Didn't we know that the administration lied about this last year before the election? Why didn't the parents speak out before, like when Bush was running campaign ads based upon those lies? I don't understand why people sit around and cower beneath these lies and then surface after they could have made a stronger difference.
ShadowRed said:
Probably going to taste the old ban stick for this but I've spent a couple hours trying to hold back posting this, but fuck it I just can't.

This just makes his death doubly funny. He had a guaranteed life of luxury and gave it up so his own men can shoot his ass while he tried to cover them. :lol Monty Python couldn't have written a funnier scene that that.

WOW!! :(


Mercury Fred said:
Well, you have to admit, it is Monty Python-esque.

I don't know, I see it more like 18-27 yr olds in armed combat who make mistakes, and then human beings are killed and families are decimated. But, I guess I'm old fashioned like that.

...and its the kind of thing that has happened in a variety of wars, regardless of which dumbass we had sitting in the White House.


ShadowRed said:
Probably going to taste the old ban stick for this but I've spent a couple hours trying to hold back posting this, but fuck it I just can't.

This just makes his death doubly funny. He had a guaranteed life of luxury and gave it up so his own men can shoot his ass while he tried to cover them. :lol Monty Python couldn't have written a funnier scene that that.
It's not bannable (in my opinion), but it's a pretty fucked-up point of view.

Was his death ironic? Certainly, and his parents are the ones pointing that out. Someone who was a high-profile soldier died in friendly fire, and the military is hiding the facts to avoid a massive PR hit. I distrust ALL of the image manipulation being done by the military right now -- I mean, did anyone see Extreme Makeover: Home Edition last night?

But is his death FUNNY? Not at all. There is absolutely no schadenfreude here, and I seriously question your mental health for finding any humor in the situation. Also -- with all due respect -- I don't think you understand Monty Python at ALL.
if anyone knows, how common are friendly fire deaths in war type situations like Iraq and Afghanistan? Is it usually just a case of miscommunication? Like i said earlier, imagine being a soldier that accidentally killed one of your own. That must be a horrible feeling. I wonder if those guys are given honorable discharges or something.
ToxicAdam said:
I don't know, I see it more like 18-27 yr olds in armed combat who make mistakes, and then human beings are killed and families are decimated. But, I guess I'm old fashioned like that.

...and its the kind of thing that has happened in a variety of wars, regardless of which dumbass we had sitting in the White House.

Yes and I guess it is old fashioned to

Burning evidence after realizing that you were involved in a friendly fire incident. As we all know it is standard procedure to strip your comrade nude and burn his clothes before you lug his dead body back to base.


Hide the fact that the Military was aware that he died of an act of gross negliance four days before a blowout memorial keeping the family and the country unaware of this "fact" letting the public believe that he was killed by emeny forces.

Yes you are old fashioned.

Sorry Toxic Adam that dog don't hunt.


The Pentagon estimates of US friendly fire deaths are:

WW II: 21,000 (16%)
highest-ranking US loss of the war, Lieutenant General Lesley J. McNair
Sinking of the Surcouf by US planes
Vietnam war: 8,000 (14%)
Gulf War: 35 (23%)
Afghanistan (2002): 4 (13%)

taken from Wikipedia

I'm not defending the military. Everything they say should be taken with a shaker of salt (Probably, even those statistics above). For the most part, they control everything that happens (events and information) on the battlefield and can twist it to how it pleases them.

So, i don't even know what the hell you are referencing Tommy. I said it's not "Monty Python-esque" that someone dies in combat in a FF situation. I know its ironic to alot of the slobs that come around here that someone who had it all, but felt compelled by a greater call, dies in an accident. But, I don't.

I think it magnifies the tragedy, and hopefully gives pause to some young kids who want to join the army for a few college dollars or to get out of debt.
The issue isn't about him gettin his ass shot off. It's war people die the issue is that the Army and the Administration hid facts because of the negative reaction that would have gotten the Administration.
ToxicAdam said:
Is this some kind of shocking revelation that hasn't happened before, a thousand times in the past?

Oh, well why didn't you say that! I guess we shouldn't hold our public officals accountable for misleading the public.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
Oh, well why didn't you say that! I guess we shouldn't hold our public officals accountable for misleading the public.

So, how again does this validate the statement that Tillman's death was laughable or "Monty Python-esque".

You just keep telling me things I already know.
ToxicAdam said:
So, how again does this validate the statement that Tillman's death was laughable or "Monty Python-esque".

You just keep telling me things I already know.

Where did I say it was laughable? I think you got the wrong guy. And Monty Python is retarded.
I've always wondered...

In this day and age, do institutions like the military or the Catholic church really gain something in cover-ups, meaning they're able to hide more shocking things than those eventually exposed? Because when things explode in their face, it can be really bad for them, more so then if they had to come clean in the first place.

I'm sure there are things that remain hidden almost indefinitely, but are the cover-ups simply an old reflex from the leadership, back when things could be more easily hidden from the public, or if in the end, it's still better for them to cover up whenever they can.


Blackace said:
"In the case of the death of Corporal Patrick Tillman, the Army made mistakes in reporting the circumstances of his death to the family," Brig. Gen. Vincent K. Brooks told the Post. "For these, we apologize. We cannot undo those early mistakes."

This is the most eye opening quote I have read in awhile...

Makes me want to throw up...fucking roaches.

Dsal said:
It's sad the army lied. Did they really think they were going to get away with it?

Well, the Bush administration did...and they're hardly the first.

Dan said:
Didn't we know that the administration lied about this last year before the election? Why didn't the parents speak out before, like when Bush was running campaign ads based upon those lies? I don't understand why people sit around and cower beneath these lies and then surface after they could have made a stronger difference.

Yep...reminds me of the way the Democrats suddenly decided to be critical of the Bush adminstration, after basically rolling over for them the first two and a half years after 9/11, By the time they got around to being critical, it was too late.
This is something I'll file under "instituted pathological lying" and shake my head in frustration.

I will say it wasn't no sergeant pulling the trigger on this. ;)

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I honestly couldn't be swept up in the hoopla of all his shit even when this was going on. I can't fathom leaving his family like he did. That is how I always viewed it.


Ninja Scooter said:
damn. imagine being the soldier that killed him!

Before: Yeah! We totally got that rag-head! One guy shot his arm off but I got the finisher right in the chest! Yeee-haw!

After: ...

Forget that...imagine being Tillman shooting back. He probably didn't fire back that much knowing that it's his guys. Do you kill your own soldiers for self-survival? Or do you just try hiding and surviving?
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