Payday 3: Anniversary edition

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Payday 3 had a pretty bad launch last year, to the point where Payday 2 was still the better game. Steam reviews even dropped to mostly negative.
The developers listened to all the complaints and started "operation medic bag", where they attempted to address all the complaints and make it closer to the second game.
You can see all the previous updates on the site below

The anniversary update brought back the server browser and cross platform voip/text chat.
There's still a couple of updates left, but all in all the game is in a very good place now, and steam reviews have gone from mostly negative to mixed, with recent reviews rating even being 'Very Positive' now.
The Anniversary edition of the game is also on sale now, which basically has all year one content for a good price

If you were still interested in payday 3, now is a good time to jump in, or if you played it previously on game pass, your progress should carry over because of the nebula account.


Gold Member
Man, it's been a full year since this came out? PD2 was hugely popular, and even now, it has ~8500 players in-game (Steam) compared to PD3's ~1100. I appreciate the developers trying to fix the game vis-a-vis the community's complaints, but I dunno, it seems like most people have already moved on (or back, as it were).


Haven't played since launch. Definitely want to check it out again. Seems like a good time.
Loved this game when i played it sometime ago.

New to the franchise.

Will get complete edition later whenever that comes out.
I bought the game on sale on PS5 a couple months ago.
There is like 5(?) heists, a couple weapons. Everything is dlc, why did I do this to myself after what they did with PD2 on consoles?
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