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PAYDAY The Heist | PSN STEAM |OT| You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!


Just played a couple hours, it's kind of like the shooting of Dead Island with the level design of the Left 4 Dead boss areas. I played co-op with a friend and two AI partners who seemed intelligent. The whole experience is kind of disorienting, but still fun. Lots of Call of Duty style auto upgrades unlocked during gameplay that you can choose to equip in between levels. Some of the voice acting is hilarious.
i'll have to check it out. Will wait to see how the community is. CoD will satisfy my competitive FPS fix, but for any real co-op you are stuck playing with morons most of the time. Hopefully this has some actual good coop gameplay.


I'm downloading this now and would be glad to play with any other GAFFers interested :D PSN is Reeducator

edit: Unfortunately my download is going pretty slow, so I don't expect to have it for an hour or two.


kamspy said:
I can't find one. I've had it preordered for a while. But back when I preordered it, it had a date. =(

looks like it isn't today.I'm gonna say at this point the 22nd that's my bet lol.Hopefully soon because people on steam forums are pissed


So far, I really like it. Fast-paced, difficult, actually requires good communication between players, and has a bit of variety to it. Visuals are lacking and the framerate isn't steady all the time, but it never hinders the experience too much. It's kind of awesome to make cops cuff themselves. Overall, if there's significant dlc down the road I'll consider a solid investment.


Anyone getting surround sound while playing? My receiver is only showing two speakers are working when I'm playing this game. Strange.


two new reviews, one of the reviewers stated that the game played better on PC due to the controls.

Gamesradar: 8/10
Regardless of its imperfections, if you're wondering about getting Payday: The Heist, simply ask
yourself: did that scene from Heat get my blood pumping? Did those robberies in Point Break make
me want to don a president mask and go buckwild on some bank tellers? Your answer will steer you
in the right direction.

Game Informer: 65/100
Working together with your crew to clear each hurdle while not getting shot to pieces by the police is a
tense experience that can be every bit as good as Left 4 Dead at its best. Those peaks are few and far
between, though, and practically nonexistent if you’re playing with the crappy bot AI. I absolutely adore
Payday’s concept, but the execution -- particularly on PS3 -- leaves much to be desired.



codhand said:
The aiming and the framerate on PS3 are not good. I would hope both are better on PC.

Having the same issues unfortunately. The game though is somewhat fun, I need to play a bit more and venture in to the multiplayer.
downloading the demo right now, was turned off by the hands-on previews posted in this thread, but this seems to be getting some good word of mouth, so I figure I'll at least check out the demo instead of just passing on it outright

although the price tag is pretty steep, it's really gonna have to impress me...
... for the PS3 version. Should be spoiler free (except the often publicly shown Bank level and even then nothing crazy specific).

Visually, it is nothing particularly special. However, it isn't bad. There is just some fairly standard, realistically styled art at every corner which can make it visually unappealing to my eyes, though others may enjoy it more. Often, PayDay can look really good when the art can blend with visual effects and all the glorious action that goes on. Despite the art style lacking any substance with me, the visuals are really a non-issue because I am very rarely paying close enough attention to them to even care. Regardless, the framerate issues the game can suffer from on occasion are as annoying in this game as they are in any other game. Not all the time, but occasionally the game will take a dive when the police pop smoke and there is a lot going on. I personally don't feel it is game breaking unplayable because the drops aren't to sub 15 - 20 or lower, but it can be immersion destroying and frustrating. I'm sick of developers not caring much about framerate... so annoying.

Mentioning immersion, it is something the game actually does really well despite the dry art style. The moment you start the opening bank sequence, the music and the walk inside just set the mood almost immediately. You know you are about to cause some havoc, and you are just waiting for the right moment. The music in this section is really, really good for building tension, setting the mood and drawing you into the bank. Once you start the heist, the music picks up and maintains pace with the pretty frantic action of the ensuing shootout. I know some might prefer to turn the music down to so they can focus on the shouting, but I like having it on because I feel it increases the tension.

Gameplay wise, the game is the good when you play with the A.I bots, but they aren't entirely intelligent and will often run out into the open and get owned pretty quickly by the police. You are generally responsible for ensuring all mission objectives and that can be a bit of a pain in the ass... although I have only played a few rounds with the A.I, so maybe they do more in different levels or I am just missing something entirely. Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that it A.I is fairly dumb. You are better off just using the offline portion to grind up equipment and hone your aiming.

However, move to the online portion and this game suddenly becomes one of the best I've played all year. Get a full room and start the bank heist... start communicating right away and this game just takes on a whole new life. Spread out along the bank and count down the start to the heist. All hell will break loose and you are have to start coordinating your attacks and retreats. Call someone to take out the cameras and always keep a group of two. Call out that you are planting the drill and have the other three provide cover. Start coordinating where you drop the bag of ammunition so you always have access to it and no one is too far away from the others. One player fires into the crowd of police and the other reloads and restocks his ammo. Repeat the process for each player and be make sure you get one player covering the rear at all times. Plant positions and hold up. Use cover effectively and the game just flows. There is very little like it out there right now. Each game I had, even the ones I lost, were just frantic, crazy battles of attrition and risk / reward. Push too much and you get punished, stay back and hide and you end up getting overwhelmed.

It reminds me of Left 4 Dead, but instead more focused, controlled and linear. I had some of the most fun I've had all year with my second full game. Everyone worked together and it just worked... and there was still room for improvement. It really makes you feel like you just accomplished something pretty crazy and it feels good man... I like the steady increase in equipment and upgrading, because it keeps you motivated to keep playing, but doesn't get ridiculously tedious either. Constant progress updates on your trophies and leveling make it easy to know where you are at and how much more a certain action will take before you get that trophy or level.

However, I really dislike the gunplay... I'm sure some of you are aware of my obsession with Killzone-like control and the fluid, smooth weighty feel the game introduced... so going to this was like trying to eat a handful of cinnamon at once. I just couldn't do it... it took me far too many rounds to get used to the almost robotic aiming adjustments and I still can't get used it to it. Not enough small movement in aiming and far too much overcompensation when trying to make small adjustments.

Granted, the actual button placement is good and after a few more days, I think (I hope) I will get used to it. For some, it won't be a problem, but for me, it was. I'll get over it at some point I'm sure, but it was a little jarring.

Final thing to mention is just to make sure you listen carefully to the game. There is a lot of scripted communication and it can be important, so just make sure you keep your ears clean. It'll be interesting to see the future of the game after a few patches. Hopefully they can tighten up the aiming to make it a little smoother and fluid, make the objective markers a bit bigger and work on a few smaller issues and I think this game will have a solid community behind it. They just need to release a few extra maps to play... hopefully on the cheap... or free.

When all is said and done (and ignoring my personal annoyance with the aiming), I really, really like it. Hopefully, people give it a try. I tried to keep it spoiler free, sans the already often demoed Bank level.


Where is the training mode for this ? I can't find it on the menu and it just threw me in with the computers... I'm scared to go online


bish gets all the credit :)
FTH said:
Where is the training mode for this ? I can't find it on the menu and it just threw me in with the computers... I'm scared to go online

It's a shooter with normal shooter controls. You go to the waypoint, hit R2, and proceed. It's not very complicated.


Cmagus said:
looks like it isn't today.I'm gonna say at this point the 22nd that's my bet lol.Hopefully soon because people on steam forums are pissed

Yeah. What a crock of shit. No comment from developers and no release date. When I paid for it, it had a release date and a damn developer Q&A in the Steam forum.

This is frustrating.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I am liking this game more and more. I don't know if it's because it reminds me of TDK's initial scene or because I wanna do some bank robberies with my friends.

Or maybe both! I won't be able to get it on PC since none of my friends don't play on PC (I know, 'get better friends') and I can't buy anything on Steam (I don't have a CC).

I would still prefer on PC, for the controllers, but oh well.


Oh hey, I didn't even realize this was out. Too much stuff is coming out lately.

Will have to look into it more soon.


alr1ghtstart said:
It's a shooter with normal shooter controls. You go to the waypoint, hit R2, and proceed. It's not very complicated.
Its throwing all this information at me, like I need to shoot all the cameras and then I the must tie down the hostages? Then the waves of cops and pushing me towards each step but it's all so quick and fast and there's no reprieve for me to learn it.. And all this stuff about custody trading for your teammates..

I'm thinking now that this game is for hardcore team shooter experts only.
MeBecomingI said:
... for the PS3 version. Should be spoiler free (except the often publicly shown Bank level and even then nothing crazy specific).

Awesome. I always wanted a game that could create the sensation of that Heat heist. That scene still gives me the rush and those gun sounds in the movie were just wow...I think this might be the closest to it though I wish it was even better with higher production values.


I'm so annoyed that it's not on the EU store... Considering in purchasing it off the US store but getting the DLC will be a hassle.


I just played the demo mission twice and it took twenty minutes to get into a game. I had to refresh the matchmaking screen over and over and.......

Once I found a room, of course not one person had a mic, so I had no idea what I should be focusing on.

Anyway, the game is definitely not what I was expecting. It's very straightforward and there is no room for creativity. We walked into the bank, guards started shooting, we shot back, and then a bunch of waiting took place. The entire time there's a voice instructing you on what your objectives are - so you and your crew are either the most trust worthy criminals on earth or the least prepared, because who walks into a heist without knowing what they're supposed to be doing? It's all rather odd.

Visually the game is a mess. I know it's downloadable title, but the amount of slowdown during heated battles is unacceptable. Also, the smoke and fire effects are boarder line offensive. The game looks like its a decade old.


The shooting on PS3 feels much better with the sensitivity set down to 40%, makes turning around kinda slow, but aiming, way better.
Checked out the demo yesterday, jumped into a online game with 3 others and enjoyed it a lot. I'll echo the sentiment that the shooting feels kind of floaty, like most games they just didn't get the sounds for the guns right, and seems like there is some healthy auto-aim on because I put down a ton of cops and snipers at distances without seemingly aiming correctly at them on occasions.

I didn't take the time to really check out the controls, but am interested to see how some of the other mechanics like the hostage taking and cuffing people work. We played on Normal difficulty, I had my mic on, but the other people didnt say much and we ended up beating the level, after having only really one close call where 2 of us were downed while waiting for the drill to finish up.

Pretty cool overall, still on the fence on whether to buy the full version as I don't have anyone I know to play it with online and haven't heard anyone speak positively of the offline A.I. Will prob give the demo a couple more spins this week and make a decision after that.

Worth checking out the demo at the very least.


RetroGamer42 said:
I bought all four of the PSN Play games and never did get my voucher for this. Am I screwed?

If you haven't, check your message inbox on the PS3. It doesn't come via email.


Been playing this quite a bit on PS3, but I just pre-ordered the PC version which I'll switch over to.

It's really a sleeper for me. A ton of fun if you have the right group.


@Overkill_tm on twitter are completely denying it was ever supposed to be out in Europe this week. Even though it was announced for this week. Wonderful.

Glad they don't already have my money or i'd be even more annoyed.
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