I bought a janky TurboExpress back in 2013/2014 for ~$60. It took about 30 seconds for the screen to 'warm up' and for the picture to come in, which only worked using a custom-made AC cable (not batteries, I assume it gives additional power for some sort of throttle), and the sound was really quiet (although this also warmed up over a longer span of time). But considering that repaired units cost ~$150 at the time, and I wasn't planning to use batteries, a working unit at that price seemed like a score.
I finally got around to buying a soldering kit for other reasons, and remembered I had it sitting in the closet. Checked ebay out of curiosity and saw they're up to $300 now, yikes. Plugged it in, despair! The screen wasn't kicking in and the sound was dead. But after letting it sit for about 3 minutes it did finally show the picture, but no sound.
Having ordered a capacitor kit and getting my soldering kit, after a few hours of practice, reckless impatience kicked in and I decided to replace only the easy capacitors right away and see if it improves. I popped it open to a couple of surprises; the original owner not only attempted a partial capacitor repair before selling it, but also somehow cut the end of the TV tuner ribbon cable off! Hrmm. My confidence in being able to repair it dwindled when I saw that they already replaced all of the well known trouble making capacitors for the audio.
But after a headache of a time trying to get at the really tiny ones by the IR shield, I was able to replace the two tiny ones they missed in the audio cluster. I also discovered that with a gentle touch, one of their capacitors..fell off. And looking closer at their work, I realized that they weren't very good at soldering, and did a really botch job at it. Worse yet, attempting to re-do one of them I realized they had used lead-free solder that wouldn't melt for the life of me.
But after swapping a small handful, I booted it up, the screen turned on instantly, and the audio was back and loud! But Magical Chase still crashes on my Turbo Everdrive. Why..