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PC RPG Appreciation Thread

Name em!

Planescape Torment:

Baldur's Gate I & II w/Expansions:

Icewind Dale I & II






Those sons of bitch made my life a living hell.

Oh and the very underrated:

A true Diablo 2 clone that was quite fun to play. Some screens:


u know i started baldurs gate but i cud never get into it, i think i got to some big city not long after the start then got confused and stopped. I also own fallout2 and i desperately want to play it again but i cannot find it :( I've also lost fallout tactics thingy :( crap
BGII is awesome, but when it switches from Open World to Linear Story it does it so quickly it is sorta unsettling and has potential to sorta ruin the game. The expansion was godly tho. I wish they made an IWD2 Expansion. IWD2 was fucking HARD in parts tho.


I loved the Fallouts (not Fallout Tactics), the early Ultimas, Knights of the old Republic, and the uber game of them all WASTELAND


Hmm my best "rpg' experiences are likely too old to consider listing, since most fun I had was back in golden "sierra" days.


Almost forgot about sentinel worlds.... man, good times :) Most modern RPGs just can't hold my attention to extent that many of these could. The stories were so tight and compelling.


Dark Sun 1 & 2 were awesome. Anybody who liked Planescape: Torment and Baldur's Gate should check those 2 old games out..

And Also:

I prefer western PC RPGs much more to japanese RPGs, I guess mostly due to much better written stories and much more interaction and much less linearity.
FF8 PC woulda ruled if squaresoft re-rendered the backgrounds to match the "hi-res" characters. Eden totally killed my computer back when too.


Betrayal @ Krondor
Battleteck: Crescent Hawks series

Alll those good RPGs, brings a tear to my eye.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Planescape Torment
Fallout 1 & 2
Baldurs gate II + Throne of Baal

And an RPG i simply cant get tired of and which i find has the most refreshing story/characters/setting, Anachronox. Flawed RPG but its such a fun ride, its more of an adventure than an RPG though, but the RPG elements are still well done, just not the deepest.



So many passed on the game because it was from ION storm, that it was based on the quake2 engine (not technically good but they did marvels with the engine), and that it had a buggy release and then the team was disbanded, eleminating any possibilities of a patch. I still played it to the end a good 5 times now, stumbling only once on a very annoying bug, related to my SBLive, only happened once.

Play the game BIATCHES

Buggy Loop said:
Buy it, pirate it, i dont think it matters anymore since the devs never saw a penny off this project, thanks to goddamn eidos. Its no longer in production, consider it abandonware pretty much.

Are there any fan made add-ons for this title? Like redone textures or anything to that effect?

I'm probably going to just order it used off of Amazon.

Oni Jazar

Semjaza Azazel said:
Are there any fan made add-ons for this title? Like redone textures or anything to that effect?

I'm probably going to just order it used off of Amazon.

There's an unofficial patch made by one of the ex-devs which should be worth getting. Dunno where it is tho.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Not that i know of, no. But dont worry about graphics, even after playing doom3 alpha, farcry, riddick, etc, im still charmed by anachronox's touch in graphics, really good style.

There's a few add-ons, mostly APE games (ape is a software that allows users to make their own arcade games that you can play in the actual game, though the sdks were never released and only a few are able to tackle it)
Sacred's items are sorta dull, the quests are fun and the game can get challenging SOMETIMES. I advise you not to play it with Diablo II on your pc cause youll end up playing Diablo II.


When I was 15, I was playing Might & Magic 4 & 5 and my friend who had no PC always came at my place to play as well.

But we had our own game so when he was playing MM4/5, I was playing his Final Fantasy 3 cart that I couldn't buy at the moment.

My mother was surprised: "What sort of friendship is that?", she was asking when she saw my friend in the PC room and me in my room playing FF3.


Anacrhonix is so damn awesome. I love the game. So much fun! The setting, story, and characters are fantastic. One of two PC RPGs (And I guess you can loosely call Anachronox an RPG) I have actually played and completed (Anachronix and Fallout 2).

I have the BGII collection, so I will start that soon. However, after reading this thread I may just play through Anachronix again!


This thread suffers from a severe lack of Gothic, Divinity, and Guild Wars.


There, fixed.

Ultima and Fallout have been mentioned already so... wait, almost forgot:


Not strictly rpgs but rock too much to be omitted:





Does Daggerfall not get any love in this thread? After playing and enjoying this game, I can hardly bear rpgs with turn based combat. Ever since I got into rpgs, despite how much I loved my turn based games, I always craved something that had all the depth of a hardcore rpg, but had the fast, fun combat of an action rpg, then I had the blessing of coming across the Elder Scrolls. I played Morrowind first, but I love Daggerfall way more. The towns feel so much more real and full of life, you can travel, ride horses, physically take on the role of breaking in houses by bashing in doors. Wonderful magic system, great combat, beautiful music and excellet sound effects, Daggerfall is probably the best rpg I have ever enjoyed pc or console.


And even i am moderately surprised
Another prop. for Wasteland.

Playing it all over again.

I've still to play Fallout 1 and 2 - how do they stack up to the original classic?

I've got my nice new PC, so i need to find something that will give me that Wasteland buzz.
golem said:

I think this was the first PC title I fell in love with. I bought it when it was still known simply as "Hero's Quest" at Babbages. Just because I loved the cover art at my age. I installed it on my 286 heh.

I must have played it every single day. Having fun just seeing what sorts of commands it would even respond to. It took me months before I reached the end, but once you figure out your main goal you can beat the game pretty damn quickly... even so there's just so much to do.

I still think some of it has aged well, graphically. For some reason it just has this certain level of charm in its simplicity... and everything is clear enough that you can make it out. The monsters in the battles still look pretty damn good. I even love the PC beeps for the music lol.

I still prefer the text based one to the mouse based remake.

Trial by Fire was fucking awesome too, other than the maze that connected everything heh.


Anachronox has the best story, atmosphere, characters, and script in any game ever made. Period. Ill stand by that statement untill the day I die because I seriously doubt it will EVER be surpassed. If youve never experienced it, you gaming career will forever be tarnished by a gigantic VOID of emptiness. You're missing out. Give or take the "RPG" elements, they were ho-hum, it wouldve worked just as good if not better as a straight up adventure title without the combat elements and dated and boring RPG system. Still, that was impossible to ruin the game in the least bit.

A fansite actually created a Anachronox movie using in-game cutscenes and video they made of certain parts of the game. That kicked major ass. Im unable to find it anymore though.


I just want to put out a shout out for Lands of Lore (I can't remember if it was 1 or 2... I believe Patrick Stewart did some voice work for it)... one of my first encounters with an RPG and I look back on it fondly.

Edit: IMDB search confirms it was Lands of Lore 1


Count me in on the Anachronox love. Possibly the best RPG on PC in my eyes. I'm not a fan of the D&D games, so don't give me that BG2 is the best crap. :D


Ultimas 5-7

Might and Magics 2-5

Eye of the Beholder

Lands of Lore

Ultima Underworld

Daggerfall and Morrowind

Arx Fatalis


anachronox easily, i dont really like the open ended rpg approach so a japanese style PC rpg is my favorite. the planet city anachronox was soooooooo fantastically designed and so immersive, the characters were great, the dialogues were great...i really enjoyed playing through anachronox. too bad the ending was rushed and there will never ever be a sequel. fans of this game should really make a sequel using the UT2k4 engine or something, i'd buy it.


I've wanted to play Anachronox for years, but by the time I got around to looking for it, I couldn't find a copy. A few weeks ago, I came across the game in the clearance bin at the local EB, and picked it up for about $1.50 after tax. I'm only a few hours into the game (just started exploring the tunnels with Grumpos), but I'm loving it so far--I was planning to start an appreciation thread for it after I finished. Glad to see that it stays good, and that other people enjoyed it as much as I am now.


Tag of Excellence
I was initially only going to voice my support for this thread (PC RPGs need everyones loving) but I noticed the Anachronox lovefest going on. I bought the game when it initially came out and never regretted it. Extremely enjoyable game and sadly no one knows it exists.


I'm glad somebody remembers the good old Sys' Shock. There were times when I was praying for a sequel, but after seeing Deus Ex being dragged through the mud, I'm glad it will probably never happen.
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