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PC RPG Appreciation Thread


epmode said:
my new xp system simply doesn't play system shock 2. or torment.


Do you have a nvidia card? If you do you may have to revert back to older drivers to play these games. I had the same problem too with System Shock 2. I did some searching and found out the 56.72 drivers cause problems with some older games because it can't sync the AGP aperture setting or something like that. I switched to an ATI card and I can play System Shock 2 again! I will finish the game this time!




Age of Empires 2 gave me a lot of joy.

Also yay for Operation Flashpoing, Freespace 2, AvP 1 and 2, Red Alert.

Edit: oops, misread the topic. Anyway, PC games rock!


Yes. They were tremendous RPGs. I have to say that Doom 2 and Tie Fighter's Collector's Edition are the two best PC RPG ever made!


Schmackos said:
Age of Empires 2 gave me a lot of joy.

Also yay for Operation Flashpoing, Freespace 2, AvP 1 and 2, Red Alert.

Wow, what universe do you live in where those games are RPGs?


Hang out with Steve.
6.8 said:
I have to say that Doom 2 and Tie Fighter's Collector's Edition are the two best PC RPG ever made!

I wasn't aware that either of these games were RPG's -- even in the loosest sense of the term.


Gold Member

OMG I LOVED this game and the pen & paper version. One of the best realized sci-fi universes ever.
BGII is the best RPG due to the sum of its parts. Planescape: Torment EASILY has the best story, dialogue, and voice work. Icewind Dale and Fallout both kick much, much ass. The Ultimas are classics and System Shock 1/2 nuff said. Anachronox is pretty swanky.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
mac said:
Have we all forgotten?

Not really, Deus ex and System shock 2 are my favorite games on PC, i just dont consider them to be in the RPG category, even though they have an RPG-like system.


Buggy Loop said:
So many passed on the game because it was from ION storm, that it was based on the quake2 engine (not technically good but they did marvels with the engine), and that it had a buggy release and then the team was disbanded, eleminating any possibilities of a patch.

Forgot to mention this yesterday, and it may be old news to most of the people here, but... Two Anachronox patches were produced by former team members after the team was disbanded. (That's dedication.) Not only do the patches fix bugs, but there are some other improvements as well. Anyone who doesn't have the patches can still d/l them from www.planetanachronox.com. :)


AeroGod said:
Anachronox has the best story, atmosphere, characters, and script in any game ever made. Period. Ill stand by that statement untill the day I die because I seriously doubt it will EVER be surpassed. If youve never experienced it, you gaming career will forever be tarnished by a gigantic VOID of emptiness. You're missing out. Give or take the "RPG" elements, they were ho-hum, it wouldve worked just as good if not better as a straight up adventure title without the combat elements and dated and boring RPG system. Still, that was impossible to ruin the game in the least bit.

A fansite actually created a Anachronox movie using in-game cutscenes and video they made of certain parts of the game. That kicked major ass. Im unable to find it anymore though.

Clearly too young to have ever played Wasteland :)


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I've been intrigued by the notion of PC RPG's, I want to get Baldur's Gate II: The Collection and the Icewind Dale Ultimate Collection. I've heard that should do me for like 500 hours of gameplay, lol.


epmode said:
my new xp system simply doesn't play system shock 2. or torment.


go to the forums at through the looking glass, they have a big bunch of fixes that work for shock 2 on xp without you having to rollback drivers.
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