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PDA question


Do any of you guys have any suggestions for a PDA that has wireless internet access, good productivity software/features, and good games? Money is no object the GF is getting me one.

Also do any of the current PDA's have good internet access eg. would i be able to check out the ga forums on the go?


I have one of these


Dell Axim

I browse GAF every night from bed with desktop like speed using a plain old 802.11b wireless router.

Check HERE for more info.

I'd really recommend an add on browser like Netfront that supports tabbed browsing like Firefox.

Expect about 3-1/2 hours of heavy wifi browsing and 1:20 to fully recharge. If you want games check out PDAarcade for starters.

Right now dell is having a sale for $296 I think. Used to be a heavy duty Palm guy, but browsing on this switched me over for good.

Hope that helps.


cool thanks man. I was kinda eyeballing the HP ipaq pocket pc 4150 and sony clie nx73. How do you think these stack up. I'm kinda new to the PDA thing.


I second the Axim X30 High model. I got one for my wife and she loves using it to browse the net when I'm taking up the computer.

Justin Bailey

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I have a ipaq 4155 and it does great with NES emulation. SNES is full speed with the sound off and so-so with it on. The only downside is the battery life, but you can buy a larger one (which I did).


Cimarron said:
cool thanks man. I was kinda eyeballing the HP ipaq pocket pc 4150 and sony clie nx73. How do you think these stack up. I'm kinda new to the PDA thing.

I had a Clie with wifi but the browsing is much slower on a palm not to mention you can only have one site open at a time. With the Axim I can have five sites open and switch back and forth instantly like a desktop. I get about 300K sec downloads so its pretty much like a desktop with a smaller screen.

HP4150 is a great machine too. I've owned 3 previous Ipaqs but went for the dell becuase of the CPU speed and price. In my experience the Dell recharges faster too which is important.
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