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PE teacher's affair with pupil, 15, exposed by faulty printer


PE teacher's lesbian affair with pupil, 15, exposed by faulty printer.

Emily Fox, who taught at the £25,000-per year Royal Masonic School, has been jailed after her lover's mother read crude email

A pupil's lesbian affair with her PE teacher was exposed when her mother saw a crude email on the family printer.

Emily Fox, 26, was jailed for 15 months yesterday after she admitted four counts of sexual activity with a child.

The teacher built up a relationship with the 15-year-old girl after lessons at the Royal Masonic School, a private girls’ school in Rickmansworth, Herts. She swapped mobile numbers with the teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, and they started messaging each other.

After a term in November, 2012, the girl told her teacher she “loved her as a friend” and “cared for her”.

Soon their relationship became “far more intense” and they were sending “hundreds” of messages to each other.

By June last year, the pair were having sex and exchanging crude messages. The affair was discovered when the girl tried to print an explicit email from Fox on a faulty printer.

It came out about a week later when her father tried to use the machine. He failed to notice the email but her mother read it and immediately contacted the school, which charges £25,000 a year.

They confirmed that it was from a member of staff. Hertfordshire Constabulary were informed and Fox went to Hatfield police station voluntarily on Sept 6 last year.

Neither she nor her teenage lover, now aged 16, gave formal interviews. However, Fox, from Bath, admitted having sex with a child while in a position of trust at St Albans Crown Court on Aug 7.

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