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Pedestrian Gets OWNED by Traffic Accident

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...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Ownage? Seriously, that guy died in a horrific way. And you call that owange?

Chalk one up for being an incensitive asshole.


Yeah, my friend was making a left turn and some bitch ran the red going the other way.

What a way to fuck up my Friday evening. :(


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Vicious said:
I don't really feel like DLing that on 56k, could someone describe what happened?

Guy is crossing the street at a pretty wide intersection. Guy isn't jay-walking or anything. All of a sudden you see a PT Cruiser from the bottom of your screen come and swerve, only to hit a car that was crossing the intersection. The PT Cruiser was pretty much ok, but the crossing car flipped, skidded a bit, caught the crossing guy, dragged him a bit and crushed him. It was horrible. The shot is pretty far off so you can't see any blood...but still.

Doth Togo

Docpan said:
Yeah, my friend was making a left turn and some bitch ran the red going the other way.

What a way to fuck up my Friday evening. :(

You and your friends walk away? That's all that counts.


Wait a second. The cars going N/S were stopped. So who had the right away? The SUV that flipped? And if so, why was that idiot walking across a street that had a green light without looking for oncoming cars?


Talk about your freak accidents. Looks like the guy missed his turn on the crosswalk, and shouldn't have been in the street to begin with.

EDIT: Cripes, SKluck beat me to it.


Kills Photobucket
there a news story to go with this video?

Seems to me it could be fake, I've never seen an intersection camera with that good of resolution before.


SKluck said:
Wait a second. The cars going N/S were stopped. So who had the right away? The SUV that flipped? And if so, why was that idiot walking across a street that had a green light without looking for oncoming cars?

Seems like the light was just changing, like it was just turning red for the N/S traffic. The car coming from the S was probably trying to run the yellow. The guy going W was probably running the red (about to be green).

I can't make out any lights in the video, though, and they're waving around a lot. I wondered if the power were out, but in that case, the guy walking should have been running.

Does anyone have a pointer to a news story?
SKluck said:
Wait a second. The cars going N/S were stopped. So who had the right away? The SUV that flipped? And if so, why was that idiot walking across a street that had a green light without looking for oncoming cars?

It looks like the SUV was on the left lane and the guy had crossed the left and was already starting to cross the right when the accident happened.

Like most people, when I cross the street, even if I'm in the middle of the lane I generally don't run for it if there isn't any danger. You can tell if a car will get to you by the time you're in the middle. Obviously the SUV was going slow enough that he would have been clear of it. Like I said, he had already crossed the left and was starting on the right lane. You can see that he doesn't start to run until he realizes that the accident threw the SUV into the lane he was in.


Holy shit!


From the article, the Pt cruiser and the pedestrian fucked up on this one. I can't believe the guy actually lived.

Amazingly, investigators also say that themassive dent left on the side of the SUV, caused by the impact of the crash, created a hallow space that keept Tegtmeyer from being crushed to death as the vehicle rolled over him.

He's very lucky to be alive.


fart said:
pedestrians always have the right of way, no matter what the traffic controls say
Right, but the pedestrian crossing light was red and cars were heading his way, so for his sake he shouldn't have been in the street.


fart said:
pedestrians always have the right of way, no matter what the traffic controls say

I don't believe that's quite true. Yes, cars should always yield to pedestrians, but that does not give pedestrians the "right" to step in front of traffic. You can be ticketed for that.


yah that definitely was not a good time for jaywalking :/

hope he pulls through

<Ripclawe> "No pedestrian shall cross a roadway intersection diagonally unless
+authorized by official traffic control devices. "
<Nikashi> Ripclawe: That's not right of way
<Nikashi> Ripclawe: That's just jaywalking laws
man, diagonal? ripclawe you so crazy


I don't believe that's quite true. Yes, cars should always yield to pedestrians, but that does not give pedestrians the "right" to step in front of traffic. You can be ticketed for that.

Jaywalking violations have nothing to do with right of way, they're completely seperate areas.

If a guy jaywalks in front of your car, and you hit him, you're considered 100% at fault for the accident.

Kon Tiki

Amazingly, investigators also say that themassive dent left on the side of the SUV, caused by the impact of the crash, created a hallow space that keept Tegtmeyer from being crushed to death as the vehicle rolled over him.

See what God did? :-O
Nikashi said:
Jaywalking violations have nothing to do with right of way, they're completely seperate areas.

If a guy jaywalks in front of your car, and you hit him, you're considered 100% at fault for the accident.


the pt cruiser should be charged with whatever laws they can find. 28 secs is an eternity in traffic light turns. Stop @ a light for and measure 28 secs.

And the ped was lucky that he lived, but poor bastard.


my guess is the reason no one has been charged yet is that the other car involved was going WAY TOO FAST and seems to exhibit little to no accident avoidance (it almost seems like he or she is trying to beat the pt cruiser through the intersection) while the pt cruiser is puttering through the red light. the other possibility is that they're waiting to see how the pedestrian does.
Nikashi said:
Jaywalking violations have nothing to do with right of way, they're completely seperate areas.

If a guy jaywalks in front of your car, and you hit him, you're considered 100% at fault for the accident.

thats such bullshit


well it's not since cars go like 60 times the speed of people and something ridiculous like 70% of auto accidents involving pedestrians end in ped fatality
fart said:
well it's not since cars go like 60 times the speed of people and something ridiculous like 70% of auto accidents involving pedestrians end in ped fatality

Well I dunno i was taught at a very young age to look both ways and only cross on the corners, ah well guess my parent were 1337.
ZombieSupaStar said:
Well I dunno i was taught at a very young age to look both ways and only cross on the corners, ah well guess my parent were 1337.

Even if ped's DO have the right away (which I was always taught in driving school), that doesn't mean you should just dart out infront of cars and the like.

If you're in the way of an oncoming car, I don't think anyone, regardless of if they are in the right of way, expects it to be a fight they can win.
That's frickin insane! Can't believe the guy survived. Looks like he survived because the car landed on its wheels after it rolled into the guy, not because there was some "impact pocket" that sheilded him.


I don't think it was the pedestrians fault in judgement terms. (legally, I have no clue) The roads seemed pretty open and after the crash the car just "shot out" at him. This video was pretty disturbing to watch. When I was in elementary school a student got hit by a car and died and I cross the streets a lot so this is going to make me even more cautious.


The pedestrian was in the far lane and the car coming at him looked to be in the middle lane untill the PT cruiser hit in sending it right at him. So the guy isnt necessarily an idiot just really unlucky

Kon Tiki

This is why I really hate crossing the damn street.

Do you build tunnels too?

This is why I never cross at an intersection. Call it Jay Walking all you want, but when I cross midstreet, I only have to worry about traffic in 2 directions.


Wow that is insane. I wonder what kind of life this guy will end up having. Probably a quadaplegic or something. :(
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