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Pedestrian Gets OWNED by Traffic Accident

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A pedestrian always has the right of way, but that doesn't mean they are not responsible if they walk out from between cars, dart out into the road, or cross at an unmarked area when conditions don't allow cars to stop in time. That doesn't mean you can go ahead and run them down if they're not at a crosswalk, but you aren't responsible if you hit someone acting recklessly.

I remember a cop hitting (and killing) a girl who walked out from inbetween cars at my high school. It wasn't his fault, he was going below the speed limit and they've since put a stop sign there...
You people are fucking sick. You don't even know the story behind this. This thread proves why humanity needs to destroy itself.


That's pretty cool. I think the guy is okay though. At the end it looks like he gets up and brushes himself off.

Kon Tiki


Instant karma’s gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you’re gonna be dead
Nikashi said:
If a guy jaywalks in front of your car, and you hit him, you're considered 100% at fault for the accident.

Wrong answer. I have hit a pedestrian while going 20 mph. It was raining, he was on the sidewalk, and RAN across the street talking on a cellphone. He flew into my windsheild. He had no injuries at all, but my windsheild got smashed. He refused medical treatment. There was also a witness to the accident.

I of course didn't get charged with anything. The law in NJ says that if there's no crosswalk, and the driver has absolutely NO TIME to stop, as I did, the driver can not be charged. After speaking with my lawyer I could have made him pay for my windsheild and towing, but, luckily for him, I let it go.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Manders said:
That's pretty cool. I think the guy is okay though. At the end it looks like he gets up and brushes himself off.

Uhhh...no. The guy's motionless.


Mr. E. Yis said:
Wrong answer. I have hit a pedestrian while going 20 mph. It was raining, he was on the sidewalk, and RAN across the street talking on a cellphone. He flew into my windsheild. He had no injuries at all, but my windsheild got smashed. He refused medical treatment. There was also a witness to the accident.

I of course didn't get charged with anything. The law in NJ says that if there's no crosswalk, and the driver has absolutely NO TIME to stop, as I did, the driver can not be charged. After speaking with my lawyer I could have made him pay for my windsheild and towing, but, luckily for him, I let it go.

Again, people are missing the point. The PEDESTRIAN cannot be implicated in the accident, legally, AT ALL. PERIOD. Under the LAW, the pedestrian assumes NO fault for any accidents. The driver is 100% at fault, even though in some cases (like yours) they aren't charged because of circumstance.

Your suing the pedestrian would have been a civil matter, which doesn't have anything to do with this.

And this video is absolutely 100% real, it's already been confirmed.
Nikashi said:
Again, people are missing the point. The PEDESTRIAN cannot be implicated in the accident, legally, AT ALL. PERIOD. Under the LAW, the pedestrian assumes NO fault for any accidents. The driver is 100% at fault, even though in some cases (like yours) they aren't charged because of circumstance.

Your suing the pedestrian would have been a civil matter, which doesn't have anything to do with this.

At least it seemed to me that you were speaking about ALL cases, not necessarily this specific case, when you said:

"If a guy jaywalks in front of your car, and you hit him, you're considered 100% at fault for the accident."

and I responded that that statement was false in NJ. (and probably most other states as well)

I don't see how I nor anyone else is 'missing the point'.

Under the LAW, the pedestrian assumes NO fault for any accidents. The driver is 100% at fault, even though in some cases (like yours) they aren't charged because of circumstance.

You've changed your argument from "all jaywalkers are innocent if hit" to "this specific jaywalker is innocent".

And car accidents involving 2+vehicles and a pedestrian are much less common than an accident with just vehicles or 1 vehicle and a pedestrian. In short, my case happens MUCH more often than the one in this video. My case being where the pedestrian CAUSED the accident. Oh, and if I wasn't charged due to 'circumstance'
(whatever that means), then, uh, obviously it isn't 100% driver's fault.


you can be charged with jaywalking and possibly lose a civil suit for damages and still not be at fault for an accident

he hasn't changed his argument at all


LOFL I haven't laughed like this since quote a while, thanks for the movie.
It's a bit sad for the people involved, but I'd rather be laughing about it than crying..

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