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Pence says Roe v Wade will be overturned if Trump wins.

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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Hasn't this pretty much been the stance of every GOP nominee for a long time? Isn't it the stance of the GOP?


Fun fact, Kaine is personally Pro Life, but votes with Planned Parenthood.

GOP is going to have to have a reckoning, they don't want birth control, don't want abortions, don't want to pre natal programs, or safety nets. They just want the birth. How can they live with being so ain't shit?

He isn't pro life he is pro choice. Pro choice means the right to choose, which includes choosing 100% of the time to carry the fetus to term.
What do you expect that their elected officials could do about it?

GWB had already brought back the Mexico City Policy abolished by Clinton, the republicans passed a nationwide ban on one form of abortion, state legislatures controlled by the GOP passed legislation that was allowed under current Supreme Court precedent, and GWB appointed two justices whose appointments were controversies due to whether they might overturn Roe v Wade.

Under Supreme Court precedent, there wasn't much else to do. Are you complaining that the republicans didn't try to pass a FDR-style court packing law to appoint more than 9 to the SCOTUS? Considering even FDR couldn't get that through his congress, there's no way the GOP could. Several of the GOP senators were also pro-choice at the time too (Murkowski and both senators from Maine, I think).
I feel like you're misunderstanding my question. I'm not complaining about anything ( and I'm pro-choice if that wasn't clear).

I'm asking if you feel that abortion was the campaign issue that it always seems to become when Republicans aren't in the WH as it was when they had control of all three branches of government? When Roberts was appointed to the court a I seen to remember the issue being raised again and them he proclaimed it to be "settled law" or something. Now it's not settled again I guess.


Yes, but its the woman that has to carry it for 9 months, so any decisions regarding it should be hers alone.

The ultimate decision, sure. But I don't see why anyone should be excluded from the conversation about abortion. If a couple want to talk about abortion, I think they should talk about it. Excluding one half is just a bad idea for a relationship. If we're talking about legislation, I feel there shouldn't be any legislation to begin with. It's nonsense. And it's not just men talking about it, I don't see why women should be allowed to force their opinions on other women either. So it's not a gender issue. It should be a choice - plain and simple. Trying to police that choice is the flaw here.


A lot of people seem convinced it isn't possible to overturn Roe v. Wade. The thing to remember is that, even if a heavily conservative SCOTUS remained hesitant to overturn Roe v. Wade directly (for whatever reason), abortion can be made completely inaccessible, to the point where it is legal in theory but impossible in practice. We had some recent victories in this respect, but if there was a significant shift in SCOTUS, I don't doubt new challenges to abortion rights would occur, in the form of new laws which place ridiculous restrictions on clinics. And with a different court a different result could easily occur.

Having Roe v. Wade remain on the books won't be much comfort, if they manage to slowly eradicate all clinics. They can baby-step their way into making abortion illegal, so make no mistake that abortion rights are absolutely at stake in this election.
I feel like you're misunderstanding my question. I'm not complaining about anything ( and I'm pro-choice if that wasn't clear).

I'm asking if you feel that abortion was the campaign issue that it always seems to become when Republicans aren't in the WH as it was when they had control of all three branches of government? When Roberts was appointed to the court a I seen to remember the issue being raised again and them he proclaimed it to be "settled law" or something. Now it's not settled again I guess.
I guess if you're just saying there was less for the GOP to attack, that's a true statement.

I definitely remember abortion still being an issue during the 2004 election although it was competing for idea space with the war, the economy, and the marriage amendments on state ballots (plus Swiftboating). Kerry was heavily criticized by pro life groups for his pro choice stance and promise to treat Roe v Wade as a litmus test for justices. For instance, here's an exchange from the Bush Kerry debate in 2004, they both seem to treat it as an active issue:

KERRY: I will not allow somebody to come in and change Roe v. Wade. The president has never said whether or not he would do that. But we know from the people he's tried to appoint to the court he wants to. I will not.
MODERATOR: Kerry claims that you had never said whether you would like to overturn Roe v. Wade. Would you?
BUSH: What he's asking me is, will I have a litmus test for my judges? And the answer is, no, I will not have a litmus test. I will pick judges who will interpret the Constitution, but I'll have no litmus test.
KERRY: The president didn't answer the question. I'll answer it straight to America. I'm not going to appoint a judge to the Court who's going to undo a constitutional right, whether it's the 1st Amendment, or the 5th Amendment, or some other right that's given under our Constitution. And I believe that the right of choice is a constitutional right. I don't intend to see it undone. Clearly, the president wants to leave in ambivalence or intends to undo it.
Source: Third Bush-Kerry Debate, in Tempe Arizona Oct 13, 2004​


This "Fuck what women want, I decide what you can do" rhetoric is garbage.
For contrast, Tim Kaine is against abortion personally, being Catholic, but he is for PP because he thinks they should have the choice themselves and his personal feelings shouldn't be a factor.

Which is you know, the way a politician should be.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
For contrast, Tim Kaine is against abortion personally, being Catholic, but he is for PP because he thinks they should have the choice themselves and his personal feelings shouldn't be a factor.

Which is you know, the way a politician should be.

The internal logic of this argument is why guns (and abortion) are never going away in the USA.
So basically any legal arguments are moot and all you need is a majority of judges?

With all the foot-in-the-door mandatory wait times, red tape banning doctors performing any for roundabout reasons and closing abortion clinics, it is certainly possible it will only be legal on paper but inaccessible in reality - at least for the poors.

Abortion can be made completely inaccessible, to the point where it is legal in theory but impossible in practice.

Having Roe v. Wade remain on the books won't be much comfort, if they manage to slowly eradicate all clinics. They can baby-step their way into making abortion illegal, so make no mistake that abortion rights are absolutely at stake in this election.

Precisely, the strategy. Inaccessible to poors that it's practically banned anyway.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
With all the foot-in-the-door mandatory wait times, red tape banning doctors performing any for roundabout reasons and closing abortion clinics, it is certainly possible it will only be legal on paper but inaccessible in reality - at least for the poors.

An African-American woman is almost five times likelier to have an abortion than a white woman, and a Latina more than twice as likely, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Plenty of poors have been aborted rather than being born, so I wouldn't worry about it. In fact this is probably a point that we could find some common ground with Trumpistas.


An African-American woman is almost five times likelier to have an abortion than a white woman, and a Latina more than twice as likely, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Plenty of poors have been aborted rather than being born, so I wouldn't worry about it. In fact this is probably a point that we could find some common ground with Trumpistas.

it's a worry for the future, the whole women's health vs texas case being a prime example of what could easily go wrong with a conservative majority. if kennedy hadn't gone with the liberals we'd have had a 4-4 split, leaving the appeals court ruling that the law is constitutional in place and hundreds of thousands of poor women would have had essentially zero access to abortions.
An African-American woman is almost five times likelier to have an abortion than a white woman, and a Latina more than twice as likely, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Plenty of poors have been aborted rather than being born, so I wouldn't worry about it. In fact this is probably a point that we could find some common ground with Trumpistas.

It's going to be inaccessible to the poor women who can't travel and so on. It basically is in some states, I think there's plenty to worry about.


They really shouldn't be saying these things prior to getting elected unless they really want to be a joke ticket and bury the Republican party.


I have to say the 'pro-choice' arguments are very weak. That women carry the fetus is completely irrelevant in the discussion of whether abortion should be legal or not.

The only arguments that matter are those that compare the value of the live of said fetus and how much it will suffer during such a procedure, and compare it to the the risk to the life of the mother and the expected quality of life of the parents.

If you would successfully argue that the life of a fetus is as valuable as the life of an adult human, giving the mother the choice having the fetus killed is hardly more sensible then giving her the choice to kill her 12 year old son. In those cases there are only arguments for aborting if not doing so would risk the life to a greater extent than the survival chance of the baby.

Abortion should be legal however, since there's no valid metric to argue that a fetus has anywhere near as much intrinsic value as a person. The reason why many people think otherwise is because they have a religion that says so, and religious arguments have no place in making laws in a free society.
Thomas might retire as well. Though he would probably stay of Clinton wins.

It's widely speculated that with Scalia gone he may die of a broken heart without him there to offer love, support, and intellectually dishonest arguments he can "me too" on to justify his absurdly regressive views.


Both parties are the same, guys.


Like I said, next Pres gets 2-4 justices on the court. If Trump gets in everything from Roe v. Wade to Obamacare is done.


A photo of the White House redesign after Trump wins.


Nah bruh.


This is more like it.


Wouldnt you need a big shakeup in senate numbers?

This wouldn't be a Congressional decision. This is a SCOTUS matter. The next president will get to appoint 4-5 new Supreme Court justices, which will impact federal law related to social issues tremendously for decades. Once you cut through all the drama and bullshit, this election is really about who gets to control SCOTUS for the next generation or two.


The worst part is if they stack the court with people far enough to the religious right to overturn this, they'll do a LOT more.


That's not a really nice thing to say. It takes two to have a baby after all...

The amount of risk an energy of the man involved in the creation of the baby is 0.001%.

Dudes are naturally stronger, taller, faster, and don't have to worry about bleeding out of their crotch every month. But for some reason, a lot of us insist we're suddenly equal genders when it comes to pregnancy.. when we're fucking not, not even close.

A woman risks death by choosing to carry a pregnancy. A guy chooses whether he's watching HBO or NFL after his contribution. We just don't have the ponder staring down the barrel in the same way once a pregnancy starts.


This seems to have won over every single pro-life person I knew from college despite their once vehement objections to Trump.
I have to say the 'pro-choice' arguments are very weak. That women carry the fetus is completely irrelevant in the discussion of whether abortion should be legal or not.

The legal arguments are quite sound when it comes to bodily integrity. What you are proposing is that a woman's body can be invaded without her consent, and she has no say in the matter being denied the ability to make her own decisions regarding the use of her own body and her specific objections being ignored and disregarded. Kind of like if we took you and injected an alien inside your body, then legally prevented you from having it removed.

If you would successfully argue that the life of a fetus is as valuable as the life of an adult human. . .

It's not and never has been in terms of overriding a woman's decision. That particular argument has consistently failed for 40+ years so pro-lifers try other angles like saying "it's about protecting women" in one form or another.

Most abortions are early term, way before any viability arguments come into it.

Abortion should be legal however, since there's no valid metric to argue that a fetus has anywhere near as much intrinsic value as a person. The reason why many people think otherwise is because they have a religion that says so, and religious arguments have no place in making laws in a free society.

Even if it was granted the same value, the reason why abortion is legal would still favor the woman from a legal perspective. Since even those born and alive don't have rights pro-lifers want to grant the unborn. What the strategy is is to not argue the legal angles but simply either brute force a ban (don't know if that is possible) or make it inaccessible, and introduce round-about maneuvers, I doubt Roe will actually counter-argued in court and be overturned. If there was a valid legal strategy against Roe we would have seen it by now and not the same tired arguments.

Speaking of brute forcing Roe out "just because we said so" here's some info on that:


Not too long ago six of the nine justices were Republican appointees and they didn't touch Roe.

Also there is a valid metric, brainless organisms (and disconnected neurons do not amount to one) like zygotes embryos and fetuses should not have the same value as a neonate by simple common sense (IVF clinics would be a holocaust under such logic).

I think if you listen to the undertones trump wishes to establish a new political order in which he can do as he pleases. My guess is that he will ignore the supreme court and congress possibly even removing dissenting people from their position.
Overturn the supreme court? Lol..

In your dreams.

A supreme court has no physical powers. They only are powerful if the leaders of the lrgislative and executive respect them. Trump has repeatedly made clear that he thinks very litttle of the constitution


The legal arguments are quite sound when it comes to bodily integrity. What you are proposing is that a woman's body can be invaded without her consent, and she has no say in the matter being denied the ability to make her own decisions regarding the use of her own body and her specific objections being ignored and disregarded. Kind of like if we took you and injected an alien inside your body, then legally prevented you from having it removed.

No I don't,... having the body invaded is a matter of choice. There are other laws for situations where it isn't, and rightfully so. If you claim that the embryo is another person 'invited' into the body, and killing it when you eject it, that would be wrong and overrule any clause of bodily integrity.
The only true argument is that a embryo isn't a person, and therefore it is ok to remove it. And yes, anti-abortion people like to argue they have other reasons, but their only true arguments are that a. god doesn't like abortion and b. from conception onward the fetus is a person with a soul and has the value of a real human.
That we know this isn't true doesn't matter to them.

Also there is a valid metric, brainless organisms (and disconnected neurons do not amount to one) like zygotes embryos and fetuses should not have the same value as a neonate by simple common sense (IVF clinics would be a holocaust under such logic).

You're reversing the argument I made. What you say here is true, but religious people disagree with this statement for NO OTHER VALID REASON than 'my religion says this isn't true'.

Any arguments to legalize abortion should simply be 'get your religion out of my government' not 'women have a right to their own body'. The latter is true, but not the point at all.

I actually dislike Pence more than I do Trump.

Trump is all about the show. He's a total nut that will say or do anything for attention. He doesn't actually mean half of the shit he says – not that that makes him any less dangerous. What he "stands for" changes moment by moment to align with what is in his own self-interest.

Pence is a prick who believes the ultra conservative shit he spews.

Same way I felt about Trump Vs Cruz.
The ramifications of potential Supreme Court justice appointments are seriously scary.

Also lol at the Trump ads I'm getting on this thread.


Bet Trump's not happy.

Trump needs to pass along his non-committal techniques.

"That's something we're going to look into"

It works as a confirmation for his base and it also works as a defense for his base at the same time

"well he didn't really mean it. Just wants votes"


So in other words, it won't get overturned.

They don't even need to overturn it. They can stack the court with Scalias and kill it with a thousand cuts. Laws like the one in Texas will be upheld and make it virtually impossible to get one. I also expect them to defund Planned Parenthood thus removing health care from millions of women.
Don't boo. Vote.


Whoever thinks Hillary is sorta the same as Trump and doesnt vote for her, deserves 8 years of Trump. Too bad normal reasonable people will suffer though.

If you ever read between the lines of "most" Trump defenders, it's pretty obvious they don't rally care. They lump them both together as the same because in their minds they are just two more politicians and in the end, none of it is really going to effect them anyway. What they really want is somebody to stir shit up. Make the system wonky. Heck break it and maybe then things will really change and somehow it will make their lives better in some way.

So yeah, they don't personally care what ends up happening to others because of it, in fact, they are convinced nothing will because they refuse to think outside of their selfish little bubbles.
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