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Penny Arcade cos-play!

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Sorry if old...

Jim Bowie

At least he's not dressed as an anime character randomly placing Japanese words in the middle of his normal speech.


FnordChan said:


Incredibly accurate.... haha ^_^ Especially those fanfic girls, they can't stop yapping about how there's not enough angst in the relationship and inadvertently brag about how they've written pages and pages of smut, and ask idiotic questions like: "Do you think that's enough? 9 pages of angst? I don't think I've put much forethought into their relationship, I should add a few MORE pages::smirk::" slap slap Very irritating. *_*


It should be -- it looks like it was drawn on portion of notepad material while they were at the con.... of course, i could be wrong and they could very well be harboring complimentary mariot sketchpads just because :p~


the chubby dude should be holding a 'Hug me!' sign and the 12 yr old should be holding a 'Kiss me!' sign. it's like a flood of attention whores.


I got back from Otakon 2004 yesterday, and I only saw two of those stereotypes while there. Either I'm blind, or I'm missing something here.
Otaking said:
I got back from Otakon 2004 yesterday, and I only saw two of those stereotypes while there. Either I'm blind, or I'm missing something here.

U dont notice when u are ONE OF THEM!!!


A) his name is Otaking and B) the above stereotypes ARE true but people tend to try and hide it. You guys should see "This is Otakudom!" a fan made video using some FY source material spoofing anime cons and all the dumb shit related to it.


Shouta said:
You guys should see "This is Otakudom!" a fan made video using some FY source material spoofing anime cons and all the dumb shit related to it.

Better yet, you guys should see "Fanboy Bebop", which is like Otakudom but with more hentai jokes. It's a Laff Riot(tm).



That's just an invitation to have fellow forum members feverishly search for those very images, me thinks you secretly want to be found out O_O! hehe ... I'm sure if you looked halfway decent you have nothing to worry about. Perhaps you could post a few reference pictures and let the forum decide whether your choice of costume was 'adequate' for your build :p


MrPing1000 said:
U dont notice when u are ONE OF THEM!!!
I doubt I am. I'm probably one of the more quiet people at the convention. I also tend to avoid the people with the hug/kiss signs. I feel that they are a bit unnecessary. The only gaming I did was DDR, and I can't do that with OTHER people where I live because we have no arcade. It was the first time I saw anyone other than myself play. I generally don't wear costumes either. I dress for comfort foremost. I also make sure to bathe and use proper hygine. I have a normal social life and a job, the same things everyone else here at this forum has. I was simply a spectator that wanted to just have a good time and take a vacation for the first time in a while. I am not "one of them". People who know me in real life could easily tell you that.

I did see "This is Otakudom" on Sunday before I left and thought it was very good. I will agree the stereotypes do exist, I wasn't saying they didn't. However, I wasn't purposefully looking for them, so I had no reason to notice them. When I go to a convention I tend to keep to myself to avoid such things. I just wanted to clear some of those things up.
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