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Penny Arcade Guys Replicate


Hournda said:
Penny Arcade?


direct linking to SA often results in a direct ban

White Man

You'd want to give him congrats until you realize his real name is MIKE and he named his kid Gabriel, after his INTERNET ALIAS based on some astronomer.

Who's Gabe named after? I know Tycho is named after visionary astronomer Tycho Brahe. Is Gabe's name astronomer related as well?

And Tycho Brahe wasn't just some astronomer. Before he was 18, he had found and corrected flaws in both the Copernicus and Alfonsine tables. Before he was 30, he spotted a supernova in the sky (without aid of a telescope) and was rewarded with his very own island. Then he spent 20 years stargazing (no telescope!!!), and made shockingly accurate charts judging the positions and movements of astronomical bodies.

Today, unfortunately, he's most famous forinspiring the name of that Penny Arcade dude. Oh yeah, the original Tycho lost his nose in a duel, and wore a fake silver nose over it (think Shock-G's Humpty Hump). Legend has it he died from not going to the bathroom. He was at a banquet at the King of Denmark's pad, and back in the day, it was bad mojo to leave the table for anything before the king did so first. Tycho had to go to the bathroom, but he couldn't leave, so he just kept boozing it up. He passed out and died. I guess it's actually alcohol poisoning (which is still cool for a famous historical figure), but 'dying from not peeing' sounds more dark and ysterious.

I always figured Gabe was just named after ultra-cool multi-religion-spanning archangel Gabriel. If he is, you're a dumbass. Everyone that's read Aquinas knows that angels probably lack the anatomical nuances provided by physicality to become astronomers. Also, the whole communicating without speaking thing would make it difficult to communicate unless they learned to write in another language, and frankly, if I were an archangel, that would just piss me off.

EDIT: Also, the rule for babies, as elegantly pointed out by Patty and Selma, 'The older they are, the cuter they ain't.'


(more a nerd than a geek)
White Man said:
Everyone that's read Aquinas knows that angels probably lack the anatomical nuances provided by physicality to become astronomers. Also, the whole communicating without speaking thing would make it difficult to communicate unless they learned to write in another language,'

Angels lack physical bodies, therefore they somehow can't observe... ignoring the fact that the lack of physical constraints would make observing the universe much easier... so I see no reason why an angel would be necessarily unable to be an astronomer.

I studied Aquinas. You, sir, are no Aquinas...

Anyway, congrats to "Gabe".

White Man

Angels lack physical bodies, therefore they somehow can't observe... ignoring the fact that the lack of physical constraints would make observing the universe much easier... so I see no reason why an angel would be necessarily unable to be an astronomer.

I studied Aquinas. You, sir, are no Aquinas...

I never even thought of it that way. That's kind of cheating though, isn't it? I mean, being able to observe the entire universe since the beginning of time with no restrictions kind of pisses on all the discoveries and advances we mere humans have made. I would not consider this 'angelic astronomy' to be true astronomy since it's the very limits of our human existence that make the stars so attractive in the first place. Since angels, higher entities, would be on a higher level of existence, they're observing of our cosmos would be a mere overlapping of our individual realities. It's like me walking into a first grade class and whipping some 7 year old's ass at addition. . .sure, it's technically math, but it's more like something from the theatre of the absurd. I'd be extremely out of my element, sniping a lower denominator just to show them up.

EDIT: I'm Jesuit trained -- I'm more of an Ignatius kind of guy. I've actually only studied Aquinas in philosophy classes.


(more a nerd than a geek)
White Man said:
I never even thought of it that way. That's kind of cheating though, isn't it? I mean, being able to observe the entire universe since the beginning of time with no restrictions kind of pisses on all the discoveries and advances we mere humans have made. I would not consider this 'angelic astronomy' to be true astronomy since it's the very limits of our human existence that makes the stars so attractive in the first place. Since angels, higher entities, would be on a higher level of existence, they're observing of our cosmos would be a mere overlapping of our individual realities. It's like me walking into a first grade class and whipping some 7 year old's ass at addition. . .sure, it's technically math, but it's more like something from the theatre of the absurd. I'd be extremely out of my element, sniping a lower denoinator just to show them up.

Oh, sure, it would be beyond any human level of observation -- I fully agree. I'm just saying that I'm sure an angel would be a much better astronomer... especially if you go with the concept of being -outside- of time, and thus able to observe all of history in a single moment...

..and, generally, I think Aquinas would argue that angels are -not- higher entities, just different ones. Angels lack the ability to create, specifically to create -new life-, which Aquinas held to be the thing which made man more like God than the angels... and, fittingly enough, ties in with the thread at hand.

White Man

This is the coolest thread derail ever. Aquinas never fails when it comes to starting interesting conversations. I'm not even religious -- I just like the mixture of logic and metaphysics. A really intelligent student could probably argue for Aquinas' thoughts on angels being one of the first (if not the first) treatsies on open/closed systems and the interactions between the two.


(more a nerd than a geek)
White Man said:
This is the coolest thread derail ever. Aquinas never fails when it comes to starting interesting conversations. I'm not even religious -- I just like the mixture of logic and metaphysics. A really intelligent student could probably argue for Aquinas' thoughts on angels being one of the first (if not the first) treatsies on open/closed systems and the interactions between the two.
Heh. I've got a B.A. in English Literature and Theology... it was a fun four years. Aquinas is one my favorite "old" philosophers, at the very least because he always approached things in a systematic and logical way. Even if you disbelieve everything he says, you at least KNOW what he says and why he says it... as opposed to the German philosophers. Grunt.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
You know, I think Penny Arcade is shockingly overrated (but no more than any really popular thing with hipsters and geeks often is - no great sin by PA). And that Gabe and Tycho continually lower themselves to pander to an audience far below what they could be aiming at. However, this typical Internet snark over appearance, etc, is lame beyond words, especially in the context of discussion over Mike/Gabe having a child with his wife.

It seems some people's need to elevate themselves by criticizing others knows no bounds, and has no concept of honor. Need look no further than the top hate and snark sites on the net for that.

Hey, while we're talking about it, here's a fun game:


See how many habitual bully and thug traits you can match up to common Internet personality types!

White Man

Heh. I've got a B.A. in English Literature and Theology... it was a fun four years. Aquinas is one my favorite "old" philosophers, at the very least because he always approached things in a systematic and logical way. Even if you disbelieve everything he says, you at least KNOW what he says and why he says it... as opposed to the German philosophers. Grunt.

I studied English Lit and Philosophy, and I take great offense to what you say about my beloved German philosophers. For the most part. Give me a good post-structuralist Frenchie any day of the week. I do agree with what you say about Aquinas. Even though I'm not religious, I find his ideas very interesting and clear. It's some of the best logic outside of the Greek masters. Now I kind of want to get my mom to ship me some more of my books, but I just got her to do a pretty big shipment the other week. Drats.


(more a nerd than a geek)
White Man said:
I studied English Lit and Philosophy, and I take great offense to what you say about my beloved German philosophers. For the most part. Give me a good post-structuralist Frenchie any day of the week. I do agree with what you say about Aquinas. Even though I'm not religious, I find his ideas very interesting and clear. It's some of the best logic outside of the Greek masters. Now I kind of want to get my mom to ship me some more of my books, but I just got her to do a pretty big shipment the other week. Drats.

I prefer the Greeks and Aquinas because of their ability to better use reason and logic to prove or explain their points. My studies in the German philosophers were restricted to a single year, but I never found them to be as clear as the older folks... that, and I do find myself siding more with the basic beliefs and views of the Greeks and Aquinas than I do with the "modern" philosophers from the 1600-1800's.

White Man

I prefer the Greeks and Aquinas because of their ability to better use reason and logic to prove or explain their points. My studies in the German philosophers were restricted to a single year, but I never found them to be as clear as the older folks... that, and I do find myself siding more with the basic beliefs and views of the Greeks and Aquinas than I do with the "modern" philosophers from the 1600-1800's.

Well, I've always been a proponent of the old Decadent idea of 'Art for Art's sake,' and I think a little bit of that idea has leaked into my philosophical biases. I find myself drawn to the more abstract philosophies that are useful as little more than whacked out mental exercises, and I think the German's pretty much pioneered the modern era of that field. The 20th century French intellectuals are my favorite because so many of their ideas are built around language, writing, and communication, and that kind of fits well with my love of literature.
Kaijima said:
However, this typical Internet snark over appearance, etc, is lame beyond words, especially in the context of discussion over Mike/Gabe having a child with his wife.

It seems some people's need to elevate themselves by criticizing others knows no bounds, and has no concept of honor.

Yeah, but isn't PA completely based on "typical Internet snark" to begin with? Almost every strip reads exactly like a lame message-board stone being thrown at various members of the industry and other easy targets. Same with their written updates. And they do it all under the guise of these hip/attractive doodz-with-'tude who are, in fact, nothing like their scrawny and/or fat mega-nerd real-life counterparts. I'm sorry, but that IS kinda funny. If they weren't the targets, they'd probably think so too, and would likely bar no holds in pointing it out in one of their strips.


bobbyconover said:
Yeah, but isn't PA completely based on "typical Internet snark" to begin with? Almost every strip reads exactly like a lame message-board stone being thrown at various members of the industry and other easy targets. Same with their written updates. And they do it all under the guise of these hip/attractive doodz-with-'tude who are, in fact, nothing like their scrawny and/or fat mega-nerd real-life counterparts. I'm sorry, but that IS kinda funny. If they weren't the targets, they'd probably think so too, and would likely bar no holds in pointing it out in one of their strips.

As true as this may be, you would expect some common fucking courtesy during times of birth/death.


border said:
Nope, sorry. Only during death or tragedy. Birth ain't gonna cut it.
Well you get excused because of your bounty of midgets in your anal cavity.


I remember from a long while ago when I played NTN trivia, one of questions involved Tycho Brahe and Gabe something or other. They were related somehow, I freaked out because I knew of them.


Tag of Excellence
I know they won't read this and I know they won't ever hear about it but what the hell:

CONGRATULATIONS TO Gabriel Aiden Krahulik!
And of course the parents!

Penny-Arcade said:
I showed up at the waiting room with an Xbox and a PS2, just to be certain. Everyone has seen the ridiculous movies and television programs where harried, powerless men rush madly about, and I determined that this was precisely the type of bullshit that wasn't going down on my watch. We played Burnout 3 from eleven in the afternoon until nine o'clock at night, intermittently comforting Gabe and being horrified at the workings of feminine machinery. Pork, Brad, and I set our minds on the acquisition of tremendous destruction bonuses in the crash mode, believing that if we could only amass fifty million dollars and gain access to the Semi, we would have done our part in the day's long exertions. Friends, it was not easy. but I am proud to say that we succeeded.

ROFL that is awesome.
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