When the executive branch sets a policy that you know to be unconstitutional, defends that policy in court, and fights implementing due process in spite of court orders, doesn't that worry you?
The administration says they want to suspend due process. They have suspended due process. Due process is suspended right now. You are defending a political party by saying "Don't worry, they won't be able to do everything they want, since some of it is so fundamentally wrong that the Supreme Court will slap them down." Do you realize how utterly insane that line of reasoning is?
But you don't want to face this, so you use dumb-ass rhetorical devices to pretend this is a conspiracy theory. "Well everyone thinks all the Democrats will be locked up, hur dur dur." When you're arguing against a straw man, it shows you're scared to face facts.
I'm saying that hundreds of people have already been locked up for years without a trial, they're locked up now without a trial, there are multiple reports of physical and mental abuse at the prison, and no international humanitarian groups have been allowed in to investigate. It's already happened. It's happening now.
The process always works? Nobody's due process is ever infringed upon?
Let's not forget
which end of the political spectrum is defending that sort of stuff these days.
Assman: Newsweek has tens of millions of Arab "viewers?" Huh?
Look, Newsweek ran it by the Pentagon and nobody denied it (if I recall, they had a week to ring up Newsweek and comment). What does this tell you about 1) the credibility of the report, and 2) the Pentagon's culpability in the riots, if this in fact triggered them?
No, there is no rule about losing your anonymity if you mislead people. Now you're just making shit up. (see: Judith Miller and all her WMD story sources)
And honestly, it's amazing the kind of pretzel you're twisting yourself into here. There's a conspiracy with this official and Newsweek to make people hate America, so they made up a story about a Koran being flushed, ran it as a minor item, and then as a total, wacky coincidence, the Pentagon says later "oh yeah, we did abuse some Korans, piss on them and stuff?"
Once again, you'd be a lot more credible if you weren't really obviously ignorant of the actual facts involved. Your conjectures would still be silly, though.
Did the Pentagon ever deny that the reported incident happened, or just deny that the incident had been reported in that particular paper? I remember that there was a non-denial denial at some point, but I really didn't follow this one too closely.