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Perryman: “Why do blacks typically vote Democratic?”

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Is this guy completely nuts or does he have some legitimate points?

Political HIGHLIGHTS OF Unfounded Loyalty
Findings Regarding Republicans & Democrats

From the Civil War To 1964

1. Both parties were inspired, by the Bible: one party believed the Bible supported their position that blacks should be free, the other believed the Bible said that blacks should be slaves (Based on the curse of Ham in Genesis 9:25-27. Note: The Muslims were the first religious group to enslave and trade Africans as slaves - 800 years before Columbus allegedly discovered America.

2. One party and their abolitionist supporters believed the Bible instructed them to lay down their lives for the slaves, the other party and their supporters believed the Bible gave them the right to take the lives of blacks if they rebelled against being slaves.

3. On the issue of slavery, one party and its supporters gave their lives to expand it (to Northern states) and the other party and their supporters gave their lives to ban it.

4. One party was heavily influenced by the Abolitionists and the radical wing of their party (Radical Republicans) and the other party was influenced by the Ku Klux Klan and other terrorist groups.

5. One party and its supporters started the Freedman's Bureau and other programs to help build communities for blacks, the other party and their supporters engaged in practices to hinder those efforts and to destroy those communities (Wilmington, North Carolina).
6. One party and its supporters established quality schools and colleges for blacks, the other party and their supporters engaged in practices that attempted to close some of those schools or diminish their quality.

7. One party passed laws and Constitutional Amendments (13th , 14th , 15th) to include blacks as part of mainstream society, the other party passed laws to exclude them from the mainstream (Jim Crow Laws and Black Codes). One set of laws that were designed to help blacks, the other set of laws designed to
hurt or hinder blacks.

8. The members of one party gave black voters protection, members of the other party murdered, tortured and intimidated black voters.
9. By 1900, as the lynchings of blacks increased (by the members of Democratic Party and their Klan supporters) the number of black politicians decreased. Up to this time (1900) all of the black elected officials in Congress were Republicans.

10. By 1933, black leaders believed Republicans took their vote for granted and elected Franklin D. Roosevelt. Not long after Roosevelt took office, he banned black newspapers from the military and refused to pass key legislation to help blacks (Civil Rights Commission and Anti-Klan laws).

11. By 1945 (under President Truman), the military was in the process of being integrated, the integration process was completed under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Republican President.

12. During the Eisenhower Administration other Civil Rights Laws were passed and school desegregation began (as a result of pressure from the African American community).

13. During the 1960's, the Black Church, which was the foundation of the black community, ultimately became the salvation of the Democratic Party (their only hope for the White House).
14. Under President Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed. Johnson commended Senator Everett Dirksen a Republican senator from Illinois for pushing the law through. More Republicans voted for this law than Democrats. Southern Democrats voted against the law.

15. Under Republican President, Richard Nixon the 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act was passed and Affirmative Action was established with quotas, goals and timetables.

16. By the time Ronald Reagan took office in 1981 both parties were being influenced by individuals who claimed they were former racist and/or Klansmen (Senator Robert Byrd, Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, and Trent Lott to name a few).

17. By 2003, the Democratic Party had elected white women and white men
as U.S. Senators (for their party), but never a black man. The Republican had elected three.

18. By 2003, the Democratic Party had never offered an apology for the
horrific atrocities that they had committed against blacks over the past 150
plus years.

Summary: The past activities of both parties has a residual resounding affect on blacks today. From one group and their supporters, millions of blacks are still raduating from the schools and colleges that they established; they are still getting the benefits from the constitutional amendments and laws that they legislated; and they are still getting protection from the organizations that they founded and financed (theNAACP). From the racist efforts and practices of the other group and their supporters, blacks are still trying to heal from the wounds inflicted on them (during the past 150 years) and they are still trying to overcome the racist practices and laws that excluded them from the mainstream. Since 1863, the Republicans have sponsored, supported and passed more Civil Rights legislation favoring African Americans than the Democratic Party.

Conclusions: Today both the Republicans and the Democrats are overlooking their past. One party is overlooking the terrible acts they have committed against blacks. The other party is overlooking the terrific things they done for blacks. One party literally gave their lives to hurt blacks, the other party gave their lives to help blacks. One needs to remember its past to correct their errors, and the other needs to remember their past to continue the things they did for us.


I love Alan Keyes, and Alan Keyes loves me.

It's sorta retarded becasue the Republicans and Democrats of that era aren't the Democrats and Republicans of this era.

I posted the last post in this thread and I think it is a good approxmiation as to why Blacks vote Democratic.


First tragedy, then farce.
No, he is full of crap. Lincoln didnt believe in slavery, but he didnt actively fight a war to end it.

The North was not willing to throw down their lives for slaves, they were willing to die to preserve the union. The emancipation proclimation was as much a PR compaign as anything else. Had the south not seceeded its very unlikely slavery would have ended in the Lincoln administration because he would not have wanted to start a civil war.

A large chunk of why the south seceeded was because of slavery, but was not at all part of why the North went to war with the South.

Besides, up until about 30 years ago, most southern states voted democratic based on these old alliances, but given that most of the south has swung republican (since the parties switched sides of the political spectrum a centrury ago).

Also of note: Disregarding the LBJ administration is a joke. He did more for civil rights than any president before or after him.. his foreign policy sadly is what he is remembered for, but he was one of the greatest domestic presidents this country has ever seen.

Also, he seems really content to give all credit/blame to one of the two parties, reading this article you would think that Republicans were kissing black children in political rallies 100 years ago. Nevermind that Strom Thurman holds the record for the longest philibuster in senate history.. and he did so to try and block the civil rights act.


Listen up blacks! You need to vote based on what parties were trying to do for you 40-140 years ago! Nevermind what their current day efforts are, or that the parties' ideologies were completely fucking different back then....


StoOgE said:
No, he is full of crap. Lincoln didnt believe in slavery, but he didnt actively fight a war to end it.

The North was not willing to throw down their lives for slaves, they were willing to die to preserve the union. The emancipation proclimation was as much a PR compaign as anything else. Had the south not seceeded its very unlikely slavery would have ended in the Lincoln administration because he would not have wanted to start a civil war.

A large chunk of why the south seceeded was because of slavery, but was not at all part of why the North went to war with the South.


For one, I know democratic candidates hire people to drive into ghettos across the nation and give out free beer and stuff. :D It probably doesn't take much to make the ghetto happy! Repubilcans don't do that.


First tragedy, then farce.
I dont care what that book says.

Lincoln was only elected because the democrats spilt votes between 3 different candidates to Linconlns sole candidacy for the republican party. The majority of the country had not voted for him, and he knew this. He also knew that Cotton was the backbone of the american economy and to start a civil war over slavery (which the end of would have destroyed the cotton industry anyway) would destroy the economy in both the North and the South.

Even amongst the abolisionist, most were still extremely racist, and the typical Northern citizen was even moreso racist. Hell, New York almost seceeded from the Union because they DIDNT want to fight a war that they saw as being for the benefit of slaves. If you want to talk about things left out of shitty high school text books that would be one for you. The mass rioting in New York during the civil war (and Boston as well for that matter, IIRC popes day celebrations and the like were still ongoing at this point) is completely glossed over in an attempt to paint the North as a unified group against slavery.

Lincoln only went to war because the South seceeded. The South did so because they felt that Lincoln would end the free state/slave state entrence into the union and likely would slowly fill the Senate and House with more anti-slavery votes and eventually end slavery through those means. It is extremely likely that this is what would have happened, so the South was 'right' to seceed in that sense. However, Lincoln would not have tried to push the emancipation proclomation through without the war allready having been started.


Yeah, I always wondered about this b/c people always say the Reps are the party of Lincoln. Meh, I don't know. All I know is there are a lot of tightass white people in the Republican party. All the cool hippies are in the Democratic party. So there you go. A case of what have you done for me lately. Republicans...zero. Democrats...a little bit more than zero. Democrats win! :D

Personally, I think black people should all go out and vote for Bush. I think that'll catch everyone's attention, and it'll mean that come 2008, both parties will produce candidates who cater more to blacks. If blacks all voted for Kerry (which they'll largely do), I think Reps will just view that as the norm. But if blacks suddenly voted Republican, I think everyone would have to pay attention.

That said, I think we would have found that Colin Powell would have gotten a large chunk of the black vote if he ran as a Republican. I think John McCain would as well, although that's less certain. It's so funny that the Republicans have a perfect coup just waiting in the form of Powell. They could easily steal the black vote from the Democrats if he ran. IF. PEACE.
Pimpwerx said:
That said, I think we would have found that Colin Powell would have gotten a large chunk of the black vote if he ran as a Republican. I think John McCain would as well, although that's less certain. It's so funny that the Republicans have a perfect coup just waiting in the form of Powell. They could easily steal the black vote from the Democrats if he ran. IF. PEACE.

Yeah but, he didn't want he or his family to be targets of assissination.


Slick_Advanced said:
I posted the last post in this thread and I think it is a good approxmiation as to why Blacks vote Democratic.
That's a great post. As far as Bush not going to the NAACP convention, I'm kind of torn. On one hand, some of the comments about Bush by top NAACP leaders have been personal attacks and completely unnecassary. However, Bush should realize by not attending he's going to alienate some Blacks. And he's needs every vote he can get this election to win. He should try to reconcile the differences if not for the votes, then at least for the Black community.

Doth Togo

Slightly off topic but relates to Democrats...

You make money. You have an income, be it a large sum or small. Why would you want a government to take money from you and give it to people that sit on their asses all day long (be it white people, red people, green people, black people or otherwise)? You should have as much say in where your money goes as how you earned that money. You earn what you get. If you choose to be a lazy ass and not do anything with your life or contribute to society, your family or community, great. I hope that you can afford to survive because I don't want to see my money going to anyone that can't pull their own weight. I want to see the social welfare system reformed. Private foundations can take care of those that need financial assistance. It's what philanthropy is meant to do.

I don't support the Democratic party because I don't want my money going to mismanaged governmental agencies that take my tax dollars and give out free, non-committal financial handouts to those looking for an easy ride.


Pat Buchanan ran with Ezola Foster in 2000, didn't help him much. As long as there's a D next to tthe name, blacks will give their majority vote to him.
Wolfy said:
I love Alan Keyes, and Alan Keyes loves me.

Doth Togo said:
You make money. You have an income, be it a large sum or small. Why would you want a government to take money from you and give it to people that sit on their asses all day long (be it white people, red people, green people, black people or otherwise)? You should have as much say in where your money goes as how you earned that money. You earn what you get. if you choose to be a lazy ass and not do anything with your life or contribute to society, your family or community, great. Hope you can afford to survive because I don't want to see my money going to anyone that can't pull their own weight. I want to see the social welfare system reformed. Private foundations can take care of those that need financial assistance. It's what philanthropy is meant to do.
Welfare is a small part of the budget, and the vast majority of people who use it aren't lazy asses, but regular people who've run into hard times.


Yeah, why would you want the government to give your money to people that need it when we can use it to build a bloated military and finance half-justified wars?

Doth Togo

JoshuaJSlone said:
Welfare is a small part of the budget, and the vast majority of people who use it aren't lazy asses, but regular people who've run into hard times.

So they should get a job. Flip burgers if they have to... Get back on your feet. Do something productive. My income wasn't meant for anyone but me. I earned it.

My point is not to sound self centered. It's meant to say... by DOING SOMETHING rather than taking it easy and getting a free ride...builds a community. It builds pride in the self. Think...yes, I lost my job, but you know what, dammit, I'm not going to just sit idle here. I'll do it again and do better. By removing a free handout system, people are forced to work in order to survive. That builds skills (trade skills, character, self esteem...).
Doth Togo said:
I don't support the Democratic party because I don't want my money going to mismanaged governmental agencies that take my tax dollars and give out free, non-committal financial handouts to those looking for an easy ride.

Meanwhile in the real world, Bush has made the largest deficit in US history...


Come on dumbasses, it's really just as simple as leaving your children at home while you slave at some minimum wage fast food job with zero benefits! Lazy fuckers!
AirBrian said:
That's a great post. As far as Bush not going to the NAACP convention, I'm kind of torn. On one hand, some of the comments about Bush by top NAACP leaders have been personal attacks and completely unnecassary. However, Bush should realize by not attending he's going to alienate some Blacks. And he's needs every vote he can get this election to win. He should try to reconcile the differences if not for the votes, then at least for the Black community.

I agree, but the best form of garnering support is engagement. He could have asked for a private meeting with some of the leadership and worked towards a more amicable solution. That is not to say he has to placate this group but, they should be able to express their ideas to one another. Can he be insulted as a person? Sure, he has every right to be. But, as a politican he knows that he is going to be defined by his stance on policy not as a person. We don't elect "good people" we elect people who we feel will serve our best interests.

I don't support the Democratic party because I don't want my money going to mismanaged governmental agencies that take my tax dollars and give out free, non-committal financial handouts to those looking for an easy ride.

Like airlines for example? Maybe you haven't checked the news but, the GOP controlled Administration hasn't done much in the way of cutting down expenses. The idea that the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility is really hogwash and poppycock. They are no more likely to reduce spending when they are the majority than the Democrats are in the same situation. It's just where they put the money.
JoshuaJSlone said:

Welfare is a small part of the budget, and the vast majority of people who use it aren't lazy asses, but regular people who've run into hard times.

Pretty much and the great American myth is that this money goes to mostly Blacks. The reality is that working poor whites benefit far more from these programs than anyone else.


Stooge, I'm taking issue with two of the claims in your original post in particular.

The North was not willing to throw down their lives for slaves,
but was not at all part of why the North went to war with the South

Which strike me as far too broad and sweep under the rug the very real desires to end slavery and sympathy towards the slaves.

Furthermore, I'll disagree with your comments about how not talking about New York riots is an effort to paint the North as united against slavery. Primarily because I don't think there is an effort to paint the North as united against slavery (they just wanted to preserve the union and all). Furthermore, it's just as significant that various southern areas rejected the confederacy and fought for the union, but that doesn't exactly get much coverage either. So I'd say it's just more of a consequence of shallow commentary and analysis, rather than a spin job.


I agree, but the best form of garnering support is engagement. He could have asked for a private meeting with some of the leadership and worked towards a more amicable solution. That is not to say he has to placate this group but, they should be able to express their ideas to one another. Can he be insulted as a person? Sure, he has every right to be. But, as a politican he knows that he is going to be defined by his stance on policy not as a person. We don't elect "good people" we elect people who we feel will serve our best interests.

The garbage that spewed out of Julian Bonds mouth alone makes it right for Bush not to go to convention. the NAACP doesn't speak for all blacks, Bush is going to speak at the Urban League next week. The problem the NAACP sees that if Bush blows them off, it makes them look irrvelevent which they have become increasingly so over the years as they have gone more left than anything else.

The tirade against blacks who dare disagree with them calling them frauds and hustlers for the white man was disgusting.

Doth Togo

Slick_Advanced said:
Pretty much and the great American myth is that this money goes to mostly Blacks. The reality is that working poor whites benefit far more from these programs than anyone else.

Never said that it's one group or the other. Your second sentence has evidence to back it up....though I'd not use the word "benefit."
Ripclawe said:
The garbage that spewed out of Julian Bonds mouth alone makes it right for Bush not to go to convention. the NAACP doesn't speak for all blacks, Bush is going to speak at the Urban League next week. The problem the NAACP sees that if Bush blows them off, it makes them look irrvelevent which they have become increasingly so over the years as they have gone more left than anything else.

The tirade against blacks who dare disagree with them calling them frauds and hustlers for the white man was disgusting.

I'm glad you are so enlightend. However, the reality is that most Blacks are going to see it like as a direct snub at a Black institution and will vote accodingly. Would you like to counterpoint with some sage advice or some reason why Blacks would switch en masse to the GOP. Until they learn inclusion, they will never get the Black vote.

I personally don't want a leader who can't perform in hostile situations.


First tragedy, then farce.
Most people on benefits do have a job actually, you might not have noticed but if you are a single mother working 40 hours a week at minimum wage isnt going to get it done.

Thats around 850 dollars a month BEFORE taxes. I would like to see you support yourself and a few children with that. Hell, work another job part time (60 hours a week) and you still wouldnt have enough money. Its people who think like you (you earn what you get) that fuck people over buy paying them next to nothing so that their stock share can go up a 1/4th of a point that leads to people not being able to financially support themselves.

As far as lazy goes, right now i have a job that pays really well and I dont accomplish a damn thing. The hardest job I have ever had was working for a lawn care company one summer when I was in high school. The people that work the hardest are the ones that dont get paid a damn thing, and that is the real shame in this country.

Try making this country work without construction workers, burger flippers and people in manufacturing.. then try to imagine this country wher corporations dont have a corporate ethical standards consultant and figure out which one is more important.

Our country relies upon people that we continually fuck over with pay that isnt enough to live off of, the very least we can do is offer them benefits so that their children can go to extended care after school while they work, or help them to pay for food for their children.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
There is a simple answer to this: LBJ and the Civil Rights Act. The staunchly conservative Southern Democrats who voted against it were Democrats in name only, and their membership in that party was an historical anomaly. The battle lines were clearly drawn in the '64 election with LBJ pro civil rights and Goldwater anti.

Yes, there were other things that happened that allow you to make the argument made by the author. In reality the only thing that matters is that the Democratic party passed civil rights legistation, in the process handing over the South to the Republicans just as LBJ predicted when he signed the bill.


Doth Togo: I don't want my money to go to people who are doing nothing and refuse to do nothing. But I want my money to go to people who need it. People who are trying and can't make enough scratch for various reasons. Why? Because if everyone's quality of life can improve to a satisfactory level, there's less motivation to lie, cheat and steal. Inequality is what drives crime and violence. All in theory of course. I personally think capitalism is the biggest sham, but that's besides the point. PEACE.


Doth Togo said:
So they should get a job. Flip burgers if they have to... Get back on your feet. Do something productive. My income wasn't meant for anyone but me. I earned it.

My point is not to sound self centered. It's meant to say... by DOING SOMETHING rather than taking it easy and getting a free ride...builds a community. It builds pride in the self. Think...yes, I lost my job, but you know what, dammit, I'm not going to just sit idle here. I'll do it again and do better. By removing a free handout system, people are forced to work in order to survive. That builds skills (trade skills, character, self esteem...).

You realize that once an economy's unemployment rate gets too low, inflation kicks in causing everyone more financial difficulties? So there is a natural need for some unemployment.

Furthermore, there are forms of welfare spending are specifically targeted at people who already do have jobs.

And, to continue down the path Slick started, I'll take social welfare over corporate welfare any time...I've yet to see the argument that USAirways or tobacco farmers need taxpayer money more than a kid with unemployed parents, or some guy who just lost his job and needs some time to get back on his feet, or full time minimum wagers getting the EITC.


First tragedy, then farce.
Gruco said:
Which strike me as far too broad and sweep under the rug the very real desires to end slavery and sympathy towards the slaves.

I will grant you some elite intelectuals very likely had sympathy towards slaves, however their was still rampant racism within those circles, and amongst the common northerner racisism was so rampant that its highly unlikely they gave a shit that slavery existed, especially when they were barely a half step above slavery themselves.

As far as the southern counties that refused to seceed and sided with the Union (most were just neutral IIRC) that is something that is glossed over. But the entire city of New York being engulfed in rioting is something on a much more significant scale to gloss over, simply by size and numbers involved... there was not wide spread support of the war on either side really is something that is missed by most educators. It was, on the whole, political elites driving the war machine both ways... that is why many families would put a son in both armies to hedge their bets for whoever won.


Slick_Advanced said:
I'm glad you are so enlightend. However, the reality is that most Blacks are going to see it like as a direct snub at a Black institution and will vote accodingly.

Blacks voted 91% for the Demos in 2000 and most blacks are not going to be livid or feel snub because he decides not to go to the NAACP, as I said he is speaking at other black groups, just not at this one.

Would you like to counterpoint with some sage advice or some reason why Blacks would switch en masse to the GOP. Until they learn inclusion, they will never get the Black vote.
I personally don't want a leader who can't perform in hostile situations.

There is a difference between hostile and downright nasty lying pieces of garbage that is in the NAACP leadership at this time that has poisoned the atmosphere so much that it is not worth speaking to them.

Black people will never vote en masse for Republicans because of social issues even though most blacks are conservative culturally. But that will change over time though the Mfumes and the jacksons of the world keep on with the scare tactics and keep the idea that black people have to taken care of like a bunch of scared little children.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Doth Togo said:
So they should get a job. Flip burgers if they have to... Get back on your feet. Do something productive. My income wasn't meant for anyone but me. I earned it.

My point is not to sound self centered. It's meant to say... by DOING SOMETHING rather than taking it easy and getting a free ride...builds a community. It builds pride in the self. Think...yes, I lost my job, but you know what, dammit, I'm not going to just sit idle here. I'll do it again and do better. By removing a free handout system, people are forced to work in order to survive. That builds skills (trade skills, character, self esteem...).

I've been on various welfare-type programs twice in my adult life and it's helped keep myself and my family out of extreme hardship... it is NOT a free ride nor is it some easy life. You obviously don't know what you're talking about and are basing your opinion on this from isolated popular stories of welfare mothers who have more babies to get a bigger check.

As long as minimum wage is as low as it is and there is a severe lack of low income housing, we will need some sort of system like this. If you have something against paying taxes then stop using any public tax funded program/system... then you can bitch about it.


As long as minimum wage is as low as it is and there is a severe lack of low income housing, we will need some sort of system like this.

No, we don't need a system like this, no one has a right to housing that the government must pay for. Its one thing to have a safety night that you should be on temporarily, its another to say the government based on revenue paid for by people who work should have to pay for someone's housing


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
again, we're talking about people who work full time yet still do not have enough income for the housing in their areas... I'm not talking about unemployment issues.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Doth Togo-

When you say things like that, you really don't do much to convince anyone that you have put any thought into the issues or researched them at all. Your stance against welfare is cute (and, sadly, the way the majority of people view it), but it is horribly misguided and uninformed. Furthermore, your assertion that it is the Democrats who are handing out all these welfare checks and the Republicans who are stopping them from being written is also foolish. I suggest you educate yourself a little bit about the current administration's budget and the overall budget of the American federal government before you come onto message boards and start speaking your views.

Remember, Bush is one of the only President's ever to reduce taxes AND increase spending. Think about that when you start trying to talk about fiscal responsibility.


John Edwards will give money to the Smithston Foundation, creators of the upcoming show "Good Morning Black America." It will air at noon across the country.

Doth Togo

Nerevar said:
Doth Togo-

When you say things like that, you really don't do much to convince anyone that you have put any thought into the issues or researched them at all. Your stance against welfare is cute (and, sadly, the way the majority of people view it), but it is horribly misguided and uninformed. Furthermore, your assertion that it is the Democrats who are handing out all these welfare checks and the Republicans who are stopping them from being written is also foolish. I suggest you educate yourself a little bit about the current administration's budget and the overall budget of the American federal government before you come onto message boards and start speaking your views.

I welcome you to come to Washington, DC to meet with me and discuss the budget and agenda of the various agencies that are involved in what I do. Send me an email and let me know when a good time is good for you.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Doth Togo said:
I welcome you to come to Washington, DC to meet with me and discuss the budget of the various agenies that I work with. Send me an email and let me know when a good time is good for you.

Well then let me know when all the pork is taken care of, then I might actually care to listen to ignorant rants about the money we're spending on welfare.


The biggest problem I find with your views Togo is that it visits the (supposed) sins of the fathers on the sons. By that I mean that if a kid had the misfortune to be born to burger flipping, taxi drivin' parents then the kid is not going to get a good education as the public school system (tax funded) is down the shitter (and no money for private school fees), is not going to get great health care growing up (because of the lack of tax funded universal health care and no money to pay for Health insurance) is not going to have a great home life (because parents can't afford to stay at home and there's no money to pay for a good baby sitter). I don't see how there's any equality in a system where there is no equity in education and healthcare.

Edit: This isn't welfare, this is HEALTH and EDUCATION.


Buchanan is responsible for leaking Watergate to Woodward, at least, many seem to think so. I just finished reading Death of the West, it was a great, terrifying read. I think he was sincere in picking Ezola as his running mate, he would have received more votes if he had a male running mate instead of a black female.
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