man October is fucking nuts!
Holy crap are you me? Although I haven't beaten P5 yet I don't think it tops P3.Story 3>5>4
Cast 4>3>5
Dungeons 5>>>>4>3
Music 3>4>5
Overall 3>5>4
Won't include 2, it felt too different to compare
Yeah, you'll be more than fine. Golden's story additions aren't really great and the gameplay is still great. For 3, people continue to debate on whether or not FES or Portable is the best version as they each have their own pros and cons, so there's no real definitive edition so to speak.Sadly no Vita so no way to play P4g
That's okay though, I'm sure the ps2 games are classics in their own right?
Literally the only thing I can think of that P4 does better than P5 is localization, and even that isn't saying much, to be honest. P4 is one of my favorite games ever, by the way.
I seriously just don't see the complaints about padding in dungeons except for stuff like the PINs in palace 3. Even palace 5, my least favorite, felt coherent in how it worked, it's just that I wish it was more combat focused, but it's pretty puzzle heavy.
Palace 6 complaints are the most confusing to me though because I keep reading about repetitive mechanics and I don't see them, did we play the same dungeon? It was just a bunch of objectives that required you to explore and fight the most fun enemy parties in the game with the narrative excuse of, yes, doing the same thing about 4 times. It even had an arena challenge which was great, but because you're getting coins as a reward it's repetitive?
I seriously love dungeon crawling and fighting tough enemies so I savor dungeons as much as possible in this and rarely find them too long because I always take 2 or 3 days to beat them. Sure it'd be nice if they were more fun in NG+ but that's a minor issue in my mind. P4's were competent in the sense that I just saw them as an excuse to fight enemies, which was fun enough, but P5's dungeons add an extra layer of fun by being, well, real dungeons with real puzzles.
Do you need to max all confidants in one run for the plat or can you split between NG and NG+?
P3 OST never grabbed me. Altho I never beat the game so I never heard the late game music. I think only the title menu music in FES was quite nice. But, I will make another attempt to watch a full LP of the game so I can at least have knowledge of what happens in the game cuz P3 lovers tell me it's worth it.
This was my exact reaction, revelations left and right.12/24: Massive spoilersHoly shit the twins fused!
Holy shit Igor wasn't Igor this entire time. Good god this game and I'm not even done with it yet!
Do it. Persona 4 is (imo) better than Persona 5 so I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot.Since this is my first Persona game I have been thinking about buying P4 and P3 for ps2 as well. I still have a nice PS2 slim I could play them on, but they are pretty expensive for ps2 games(then again so was Godhand)
If you think that one was hard, you are in for a rude awakening in the third dungeon.
Pretty sure that boss doesn't have a weakness:Eyes can only be hit by physical, mouth only by magic, and nose by either.
One beef I have with bosses in this game: The whole game you are told to find the weakness (which could be a thing they are weak to, or might just be using buffs/debuffs/reflection/whatever), but then bosses just kind of throw that rule out the window.
Example (4th palace boss):It just kind of breaks it's own rules where something is more effective even though they aren't actually weak to it. I don't mind the cinematic stuff in the bosses, but throwing the game's rules out the window in favor of them is pretty stupid.You can't hit her with physical because she is flying around,
then you do the ballista and shoot her down, and then you can just keep hitting her for a few turns. At first I was using magic, then decided on a whim to use a physical skill and it did about 4-5 times the damage. Yet she isn't weak to phys. It kind of just breaks it's own rules here where something is more effective on it, but it isn't actually it's weakness.
Wow this is almost identical to my opinion aside from the music part.
I just need to listen again to P3 tracks before I say if it's better than P5's or not.
I can't think of any music from p3 that sticks out in my mind outside of tanaka's theme, the velvet room theme, and the fes opening them song. Obviously 2 of those don't really help p3's ost compared to the others. The p4 songs I can remember a dozen of them, p5 despite putting 60 hours into so far I can only think of a handful of songs (opening theme, persona awakening theme, steal the treasure) that stick out to me. Perhaps if I listened to both p3 and p5's ost separate from the games they would swap but this is simply from memory.
So Zero Punctuation did a Persona 5 review.
He liked it ...?!
If you think that one was hard, you are in for a rude awakening in the third dungeon.
Pretty sure that boss doesn't have a weakness:Eyes can only be hit by physical, mouth only by magic, and nose by either.
One beef I have with bosses in this game: The whole game you are told to find the weakness (which could be a thing they are weak to, or might just be using buffs/debuffs/reflection/whatever), but then bosses just kind of throw that rule out the window.
You don't remember the battle theme or town music? I think you are bad peoples
Dorm music, story boss theme, school first season are all highly memorable as well. I personally hate it but a lot of people seem to like burn my dread
I would go further and recommend getting a cheap Vita or PS TV to play P4G and P3P on.Do it. Persona 4 is (imo) better than Persona 5 so I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot.
There is barely anything to do at that point. Do whatever you feel like doing tbh. You cannot do everything in one playthrough, so there is no point trying to achieve as much as possible when you can do all of it in NG+ much faster and easier. So just enjoy your first run doing whatever you feel like.I've made some progress through the first palace:, and thus far palace exploration/progress is going much better than I expected.defeated a mini boss
However, back in the real world, I couldn't be more lost. I'm not really sure where to start confidant wise, job wise, which stats to increase early on, etc.. etc.
Any YouTube explanations I should watch, or any websites I should read through?
I've made some progress through the first palace:, and thus far palace exploration/progress is going much better than I expected.defeated a mini boss
However, back in the real world, I couldn't be more lost. I'm not really sure where to start confidant wise, job wise, which stats to increase early on, etc.. etc.
Any YouTube explanations I should watch, or any websites I should read through?
There's more...You really wanna know the answer to that question?Welp destroyed the latest memento area (adyeshack or something) at lvl 53, I didnt even have requests there, just wanted to clear the zone for the fast travels.
How many more zones are in there? Cant be many more.
Only just realised you could rearranged a Persona's skills... eep! Sooo much better now.
Since this is my first Persona game I have been thinking about buying P4 and P3 for ps2 as well. I still have a nice PS2 slim I could play them on, but they are pretty expensive for ps2 games(then again so was Godhand)
Do you own a PS3? Both games are available as PS2 classics and are, for some fans, the ideal way to experience them.
4 was a Scooby Doo game in a village with modern JPop music...just saying !
I don't care if it had other good, fitting, piano themes or what not that makes people cry, it's never getting a slip from me because of that particular mismatch. Persona 5's music is such a good fit for it's style throughout (with the exception of palace 5 music, fuck that shit physically hurt my ears).
Spoilers about the Strength Confidant (also feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!):
I really like the dialogue & the continuous nodding to Margaret from P4 (or maybe it's Elizabeth). I've found myself constantly wanting to say to the TV "It's from Margaret!!" every time they exclaim they don't know why they have the list of Personas or who left it lol.
The twins are just great in general.
If you think that one was hard, you are in for a rude awakening in the third dungeon.
Pretty sure that boss doesn't have a weakness:Eyes can only be hit by physical, mouth only by magic, and nose by either.
One beef I have with bosses in this game: The whole game you are told to find the weakness (which could be a thing they are weak to, or might just be using buffs/debuffs/reflection/whatever), but then bosses just kind of throw that rule out the window.
Example (4th palace boss):It just kind of breaks it's own rules where something is more effective even though they aren't actually weak to it. I don't mind the cinematic stuff in the bosses, but throwing the game's rules out the window in favor of them is pretty stupid.You can't hit her with physical because she is flying around,
then you do the ballista and shoot her down, and then you can just keep hitting her for a few turns. At first I was using magic, then decided on a whim to use a physical skill and it did about 4-5 times the damage. Yet she isn't weak to phys. It kind of just breaks it's own rules here where something is more effective on it, but it isn't actually it's weakness.
P5 is my first Persona game, and I'm tempted to get a PS TV for P4G. What size memory card would I need? Would 8 GB suffice?
Story 3>5>4
Cast 4>3>5
Dungeons 5>>>>4>3
Music 3>4>5
Overall 3>5>4
Won't include 2, it felt too different to compare
There's more...You really wanna know the answer to that question?
I have no idea how anyone can think Price, Days when my Mother was there, Whims of fate and Freedom and Security are bland or forgettable, especially considering how they fit to the dungeon's visual theme. Those are two words that get thrown around without considering what they stand for. Even Ark is quite nice.I think the biggest offender in P5 music wise is the Palaces, so far at least they're all extremely bland and forgettable. I'm not entirely sure about the Zero 7 style vocal version of the night music either, it's a nice tune but I'm not sure It's something I want to listen to repeatedly through a game
The Drazonball Z sounding mini boss? music just straight sucks
Trying to Pulinpa bosses in Mementos never works for me. Do I need to do some intense Sukukaja + Sukunda + Foul Breath to pull this off? Or am I just that unlucky?