Makoto the best.

She's pretty awesome. The English VO is stellar. Fits her perfectly.
Lol, the best part is whenver she's exasperated about something, sounds just right
Makoto the best.
She's pretty awesome. The English VO is stellar. Fits her perfectly.
I'll disagree, best place to get XP and money is mementos via bosses and selling the loot. Plus mementos also has reaper that can power level you massively.Yeah, and I think it's mostly mementos. From around the last three mementos zones or so, I started to skip everything and went straight to find the request target and the ladder down to the lower level. I found the loots useless and the exp gained insignificant. The best place to get exp is still certain shadow(s) in the latest dungeons.
It's not really a grind if you do the exploit. Since spawning a reaper takes 5 mins and killing him can take anywhere between 10 seconds to 5 mins all depending on whether he spawns with despair or not...Although this also assumes you can escape the battles quickly which is a star confidant perk. I guess it's not really possible at lower levels when you haven't build up those two confidants to max but certainly possible around level 40-50.Wow, I guess I missed that.
But overall I never felt the need to grind at all. When I entered a new palace I was usually underleveled, but starting from the middle my level caught up or even surpassed most shadows there. I reached level 75 in the end without having to grind for levels at all, I just played and killed most shadows I saw naturally. I think this is a good design for a genre that's infamous for its grindy nature. This is also why I enjoyed the game so much until the end.
I'll disagree, best place to get XP and money is mementos via bosses and selling the loot. Plus mementos also has reaper that can power level you massively.
On top of this there is the money from bosses, basically mementos is the best way to earn money which will let you buy better gear if you haven't already found it in chests. A lot of my best gear throughout the game were from Mementos chests tbh.
It's not really a grind if you do the exploit. Since spawning a reaper takes 5 mins and killing him can take anywhere between 10 seconds to 5 mins all depending on whether he spawns with despair or not...Although this also assumes you can escape the battles quickly which is a star confidant perk. I guess it's not really possible at lower levels when you haven't build up those two confidants to max but certainly possible around level 40-50.
I'm in NG+ and have confidant perks from previous playthrough so I can do it much earlier just need to wait for flu season.
She's pretty awesome. The English VO is stellar. Fits her perfectly.
Tae is bae.
And fu*k Ryuji.
I disapprove of this first post. Ryuji is my bro.
Makoto / Haru / Ryuji -> best party
You're fine to go as far as you can go each time you're in. The 3 days is a story contrivance,You can do that process as early as you need to find the treasure (day 1), then send a calling card (day 2) which triggers the boss fight the next day (day 3).
Ryuji is only useful in the first 3 or 4 palaces. From there I rarely used him at all. In later stages, spells deal more damage than physical and there's no risk at all.
My fixed party for boss fights:
- MC (buffs/debuffs)
- Ann (atk debuff & damage dealer)
- Makoto (def buff & healer)
- Mona/Haru (damage dealer & healer)
At endgame, Mona and Ann totally wreck everything with their spells, doing like 1500 damage. Haru's ranged physical attacks are also pretty strong, surprisingly.
Yeah, she's great. Also the same person who did A2 in Nier: Automata.
His install kill only works if you are 10 levels higher than them, if you are then you won't really get much money/XP from them to matter at your level and it'll just prolong your game time.Ryuji's insta kill ability makes another social link useless. The other ability that makes me earn doubt money if I kill enemies in one turn after successful ambush.
Damn it![]()
Ryuji is only useful in the first 3 or 4 palaces. From there I rarely used him at all. In later stages, spells deal more damage than physical and there's no risk at all.
My fixed party for boss fights:
- MC (buffs/debuffs)
- Ann (atk debuff & damage dealer)
- Makoto (def buff & healer)
- Mona/Haru (damage dealer & healer)
At endgame, Mona and Ann totally wreck everything with their spells, doing like 1500 damage. Haru's ranged physical attacks are also pretty strong, surprisingly.
His install kill only works if you are 10 levels higher than them, if you are then you won't really get much money/XP from them to matter at your level and it'll just prolong your game time.
You're using Mona to deal damage? Having both Mona and Makoto in party is kind of redundant as Makoto is better than Mona at everything except having the crit ability. You are losing out damage per turn by spending so much on support as you only have one real damage dealer. The MC should fill in the spot of backup attacker since you won't debuff/buff/heal all the time.Ryuji is only useful in the first 3 or 4 palaces. From there I rarely used him at all. In later stages, spells deal more damage than physical and there's no risk at all.
My fixed party for boss fights:
- MC (buffs/debuffs)
- Ann (atk debuff & damage dealer)
- Makoto (def buff & healer)
- Mona/Haru (damage dealer & healer)
At endgame, Mona and Ann totally wreck everything with their spells, doing like 1500 damage. Haru's ranged physical attacks are also pretty strong, surprisingly.
It's random, treasures appear more during a certain weather day...think it might be rain.I'm at level 99 after farming Reaper yesterday. Sigh I guess I'll use the treasure trap item and look for treasure enemies. Anyone knows what mementos floor has many of them?
Check the stats again or go into a fight with him, that persona has total immunity to all of his attacks.4th palace is awesome. Its huge rho, gotta stop at this first safe room, I need some sleep ;_;
Why isgood againstIsis? I dont see anything particularly unique on mine.Anubis
You're using Mona to deal damage? Having both Mona and Makoto in party is kind of redundant as Makoto is better than Mona at everything except dealing wind damage. You are losing out damage per turn by spending so much on support as you only have one real damage dealer. The MC should fill in the spot of backup healer and backup attacker since you won't debuff/buff/heal all the time.
At endgame Ryuji is a must if you want to do actual damage, for reference with attack 2x and defense debuff on enemy he does 2000+ damage on final boss, when everyone else does like half of that even with their most powerful ability, in terms of pure damage dealt he outclasses everyone and only the MC comes close if he has charge. Haru and Yusuke are swappable but I find Haru more useful because Psy and One shot kill is a bit more useful than Ice and Baton pass physical (which is very situational and useless on bosses)
So after dying twice due to dumb and or unlucky shit happening in the maze I'm fairly close to putting this on Safety just so I don't have to redo stuff this many times because of a mistake.
I hear studying at the diner is a good idea but...where is it? Is it the burger place?
Ah nice, just found it. Yeah, I just missed the stairs before.Just in front of it. There's a ladder and I'd agree that it's somewhat missable in a glance. Make sure that you prioritize studying in rainy days as you can get 4 stats (3 knowledge and 1 other stat of your choice depending on your picked menu.
You can stack "attack up" on one character if the buff is done by two different characters. In my case the attack up buff on Ryuji would be done by MC and Haru. Ryuiji's charge deals more than 2x damage so it's not equal to the damage you would do in two turns and definitely not equal to the damage you would do with Mona/Makoto/Ann in two turns.What's that attack 2x? The charge spell? But that means that he's losing 1 turn of attacking so it's still basically 1000 damage per turn right? As mentioned, Ann and Mona are doing 1500 per turn and I feel they're the best damage dealer thanks to their elemental damage boost passives. They don't lost HP when doing it on top of that.
Makoto feels like the jack (queen?) of all trades to me. Her damage is average but she's also useful for supporting the party. I ditched her physical spells as I found them useless. She's my main healer, because when healing are mostly fill your HP to full, stats don't matter anymore. And Mona's magic stat is too high for him to fill that healer role. He's more useful as the damage dealer.
Just remember that if you put it on Safety, you won't be able to change it.
Ah nice, just found it. Yeah, I just missed the stairs before.
Is studying worth it on sunny days also? Finished the first palace and everyone keeps talking about exams so I'm kinda nervous (only at knowledge level 2).
You can stack "attack up" on one character if the buff is done by two different characters. In my case the attack up buff on Ryuji would be done by MC and Haru. Ryuiji's charge deals more than 2x damage so it's not equal to the same damage you would do in two turn. Now damage is dependant on your and enemy level but I can guarantee you that if you are doing 1500 with Mona and Makoto then you'll do double or more with Ryuji on the same enemy. It's crazy how much damage he does, the path to the final boss was just me killing strong enemies in 1-2 hits.
It's because the max damage level that Mona, Makoto, Haru and Ann can hit is "Severe" (with a 50% passive boost). Yusuke, MC and Ryuji on the other hand can hit "colossal" level damage, which is a lot more. Plus MC and Ryuji have charge for further increasing that damage to 2x+.
Makoto was my main healer and defense buffer and I got rid of her physical as well cause it was shit. But if I used her to deal damage then she would be the first one to run low on SP. Cause her Severe nuclear damage took like 44SP per cast...that's too much !
Damn, once you finish maxing out most of your social stats you really just start plowing though the Confidants, especially with thebonus.Fortune
I just finished a palace in the first few days and have been doing nothing but social links...
Yeah, she's great. Also the same person who did A2 in Nier: Automata.
Totally agreeIt's incredibly frustrating that the MC dying is an instant game over - there's no justification for it, and it's needlessly archaic.
Coupled with a lack of autosave/checkpoints in places - particularly in Palaces that don't have many save rooms - and it just kinda blows.
It's incredibly frustrating that the MC dying is an instant game over - there's no justification for it, and it's needlessly archaic.
Coupled with a lack of autosave/checkpoints in places - particularly in Palaces that don't have many save rooms - and it just kinda blows.
It's incredibly frustrating that the MC dying is an instant game over - there's no justification for it, and it's needlessly archaic.
Coupled with a lack of autosave/checkpoints in places - particularly in Palaces that don't have many save rooms - and it just kinda blows.
makoto/morgana/ann could diaharan/mediaharan you endlessly and it'd be impossible to lose
It's incredibly frustrating that the MC dying is an instant game over - there's no justification for it, and it's needlessly archaic.
Coupled with a lack of autosave/checkpoints in places - particularly in Palaces that don't have many save rooms - and it just kinda blows.