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PETA...and my sister, need help

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my sister, 17....no pics....is about to graduate high school, she has many grants and ect. to pay for her nursing specialist program at a private college here

about 6 months ago she turned vegatarian to lose some weight, which infact worked as she is now rather skinny. then about 2 months ago she informs me she is a vegan, while i question this lifestyle i still find it acceptable

then about 2 weeks ago she tells me she is a peta activist, she isnt going to nursing school but instead some college in illinois that has a large peta group, and has for all we can tell gone off the freaking deep end

regardless of the info i try to tell her about how peta is nothing but lies ie killing more animals then they save, using terrorist to destroy labs ect. she has her mind made up that humans are evil and animals should never killed.

all of this while having 2 cats and a dog, and she likes going to the zoo...2 things peta clearly states they are against

anybody out there have some reference links that i might be able to use to combat this insanity?

no pics

update 1/15

after an hour long conversation with her the other day she realized PETA was batshit crazy and hypocritical, and decided to look into alternatives in the animal rights area, something less strict and sane

sane humans +1
peta -1

then the next day we were driving around and i decided to pick up a blizzard and she tells me she doesnt want to be vegan anymore just vegetarian and ask me to buy her a blizzard, i gladly comply, my sister is finally coming back to reality


hmm, well PETA isn't evil, but if she's letting in run her life that might be of some concern.

lots of people change majors in college. But if she's going there just for a student group or something...

If she's transering schools and majoring in something different that better suits her interests though, I don't see anything wrong with that .


Sounds like she got a case of crazy idealism, aka hippie syndrome. I'd recommend getting someone she respects that is older and has experience about college and such, to talk to her, and see if they can talk some sense into her.


She's a retard for going to a college just for a student group IMO. That's not why people go to college.

If her education is related to that, I wouldn't argue with it. I mean, she's not my sister.

That's your job :p

way more

Evonus said:
Sounds like she got a case of crazy idealism, aka hippie syndrome. I'd recommend getting someone she respects that is older and has experience about college and such, to talk to her, and see if they can talk some sense into her.

Yeah right. Tell a 17-year-old girl that her ideas are wrong and try to control her. She'll certainly obey. Just like if they told her to stay away from a boy.

I don't know how evil PETA is but I"m sure she'll get bored within the year and leave.
I hope she knows PETA is full of hypocrites which wouldn't be alive to spread their bullshit with out the Animal testing they hate so much.


Yeah, no matter what you say she's going to do it, for all you know it could be a good learning experience, though there are MUCH better animal rights organizations to do work for- PETA always seemed good at heart but horribly misguided. Just keep an eye on how shes doing and let her know what about it that's bothering you at least.


Typical pre-college bull.

My cousin went though the same crap, hanged with the hippy crowd in high school and got these weird ideas. Wanted to be an environmental socialogy/philosophy (whatever that is) major.

Like many in college he realized how stupid his utopian ideas was and how naive he was to the real world and regretted his decision. Except he was smart enough to transfer out of his crappy school and started a pre-med route and now he's a doctor.
PETA is pretty damn nutty, but fighting this is only going to make her more self-righteous and convinced she's some sort of hero.

I suggest you act as if nothing has changed at all. If she comes around, she comes around. If not... nothing you can do. But I think she'll come around.


Just get some PETA douche of a guy to break her heart, problem solved plus you get the added bonus of being able to beat the shit out of the PETA douche for breaking your sisters heart!


Limbaugh Parrot
Rentahamster said:

oh my God

Toni Vernelli was steralised at age 27 to reduce her carbon footprint

This entire article is proof that militant environmentalism is now its own religion (though I would pin it down more accurately as a cult)

edit: after further thinking, maybe we're better off that these people aren't continuing their gene pool. I would hate to have their offspring running around the planet if they're going to be as stupid as their parents are.
Rentahamster said:

"Having children is selfish. It's all about maintaining your genetic line at the expense of the planet," says Toni, 35.

"Every person who is born uses more food, more water, more land, more fossil fuels, more trees and produces more rubbish, more pollution, more greenhouse gases, and adds to the problem of over-population."

No dumb cunt, having children is needed to populate the earth. Do you want to be the last generation? Seriously? Kill yourself now please, you lived 35 years too long. Seriously, these reasons are stupid. One day, alot of people are just going to die and its people like you who will look stupid as shit.

Have more children guys....if you're smart. Really fucking smart. We need more smart babies.


Limbaugh Parrot
ParticleReality said:
Have more children guys....if you're smart. Really fucking smart. We need more smart babies.
I am all in favor of these environmentalists/PETA folks voluntarily sterilizing themselves. You can't fix stupid, but this is a GREAT way to prevent more stupid!
JohnTinker said:
I am all in favor of these environmentalists/PETA folks voluntarily sterilizing themselves. You can't fix stupid, but this is a GREAT way to prevent more stupid!

I guess thats a good reason but if you're insanely smart you need to have children. WE need to start a counter balance to dumbass kids all around the world.
PETA, like many organizations out there, is essentially doing good work. But unfortunately, they get distracted by too many extremists within their ranks and just go so overboard on some radical whacko fringe-nutjob ideas that it can taint their image.

For example: I've read interviews in which they (PETA) would love to setup laws to offer up all children in schools vegan only lunch menus and soy milk, instead of only traditional offered menus. In theory, this does sound feesible and fairly well thought out, cept for when one of the guys being interviewed showed his true colours when he said something to the effect of "Milk is for baby cows. Not humans....." <---- Then I knew they were nutjobs and went out to Outback Steakhouse.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
DiatribeEQ said:
For example: I've read interviews in which they (PETA) would love to setup laws to offer up all children in schools vegan only lunch menus and soy milk, instead of only traditional offered menus. In theory, this does sound feesible and fairly well thought out, cept for when one of the guys being interviewed showed his true colours when he said something to the effect of "Milk is for baby cows. Not humans....." <---- Then I knew they were nutjobs and went out to Outback Steakhouse.
challenging the notion that post-infant humans need to be drinking cows milk? He doesn't sound like the nutjob.
demon said:
challenging the notion that post-infant humans need to be drinking cows milk? He doesn't sound like the nutjob.

But the point is, is this: While this is just one voice of the many that make up PETA, it is still a part of an organization that is attempting to spread is ever growing morals onto us. I, for one, do not support fur, nor the means in which they get it. But at the same time, I will eat meat, grill meat, fry meat, broil meat, bbq meat, and so many other things with it. I am a carnivore, trapped in a humans body. I have several vegan friends (my boss is one). I don't try to enforce my beliefs on them, nor do they do the same with me. The same should go with people within organizations such as PETA: Respect the wishes of others in the USA (and around the world).

Also, understand that in getting the meat in which we will eventually consume, it does involve the *killing* of the animal to do so. That is the nature of the world: For one thing to continue, something has to die as a result. Herbavores eat plants to live. Carnivores eat Herbavores to live. Omnivores (us), eat both of them to live. We as humans get the luxury of being able to selectively choose what we wish to eat.

I can safely assure you that did a scenario come about in which we were reduced (virutally overnight, somehow for the sake of arguement) to being a hunter/gatherer society again, that most "Modern Vegans" in the world would change overnight and gladly consume the flesh of bambi, his mom, dad, brother and sister, all the while asking when Porky the Pig was going to be fried up.


demon said:
challenging the notion that post-infant humans need to be drinking cows milk? He doesn't sound like the nutjob.

Why would you want to challenge that notion? Is there some proof of cow milk not being healthy?
Um, leave her alone? Just because she has different views and values than you doesn't mean she needs "fixing" or anything. People have to live their own lives, whether you think it's a good idea or not.
This is not how you do a "help my sister" thread...

Seriously though, as with any dopey religion, cult or addiction, there is very little you can do to extricate someone once they are "infected" past a certain threshold. If that intangible line has been crossed, you pretty much have to wait until they fuck their life up so much that they come to you for help.


Every girl turns into a liberal once they get past highschool, then they get fucked by skeezy liberal sounding guys with bongos and guitars, leading to being used as a semen depository for years, which then makes them see it is all just another manipulative social ruse for easy fucking and the ideals and heart were never really there.

If you want to help her realize this sooner, give me her number!
tnw said:
hmm, well PETA isn't evil, but if she's letting in run her life that might be of some concern.

lots of people change majors in college. But if she's going there just for a student group or something...

If she's transering schools and majoring in something different that better suits her interests though, I don't see anything wrong with that .

Bullshit they're not. you should see of of the propaganda shit they spew.


Crotchety Old Man
I have a friend who has recently lost the plot somewhat (and by that I mean isn't even the same person anymore) due to dramatic weight loss and malnourishment, look into her diet and consider that.


DiatribeEQ said:
Do some research next time. If I wasn't at work, I'll dig up some links/quotes for you.

i am actually well aware of there actions smartass and compared to the animal liberation front (which i have friends in) and earth liberation front they are puppy dogs.


blame space said:
Um, leave her alone? Just because she has different views and values than you doesn't mean she needs "fixing" or anything. People have to live their own lives, whether you think it's a good idea or not.



Klaxon said:
Just a phase. My sister was a vegetarian when she was 16 or 17, too. She didn't held out very long..
"Loll", like there's something wrong with being a vegetarian, and hoping it's "just a phase". Most of this thread consists of worse propaganda than PETA spews, I'm envisioning a future where everyone who's a vegetarian is labeled a PETAbot like McCarthyism hunted commies.
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