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PETA...and my sister, need help

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She is a teenager. She will outgrow it. Guaranteed.

Every teenager is fanatical about something. A lot of it has to do with trying to find who they are. Not to worry though because at that age, minds are fickle.

I know at my teen years, I desperately wanted to become a game producer. I even programmed several small text adventures and RPGs (with visuals) on C++ and QBasic. As soon as my mind went to...

Hip hop. I really wanted to be a rapper. I spent hours on music programs, not just Fruity Loops. I even had a name for my future label, several songs written, and wanted to do Graphic Design just so I can have the know how for promoting my label.

There is a chance she will be a PETA freak for life but I'd put my money on her changing her mind before she is 20. Let her be a radical because the more you antagonize her, the more defensive she will be. Teenagers think they know everything.
Peru said:
"Loll", like there's something wrong with being a vegetarian, and hoping it's "just a phase". Most of this thread consists of worse propaganda than PETA spews, I'm envisioning a future where everyone who's a vegetarian is labeled a PETAbot like McCarthyism hunted commies.

I never said that it's bad to be a vegetarian or to support PETA. But I said that when you're a teenager you try to find your own way of life and everbody makes mistakes then or does something else later.
fortified_concept said:
I don't necessarily disagree with that. Humans have become a fucking pest to this planet, we're simply too many and too greedy. Personally I don't plan on having children.

By choice, right?


Setec Astronomer
ParticleReality said:
No dumb cunt, having children is needed to populate the earth. Do you want to be the last generation? Seriously? Kill yourself now please, you lived 35 years too long. Seriously, these reasons are stupid. One day, alot of people are just going to die and its people like you who will look stupid as shit.
Excluded middle.

How does reproducing less as a population equate not reproducing at all? Yes, ideally everyone could have a couple kids, but some people have to take it for the team to cover families with ten. ;)


Actually the birth rate is declining in basically all the major developed countries. In europe, it's already lower than the death rate, which means that the population is now decreasing. Overpopulation won't continue being problem IMO, once the entire world starts getting more developed.


Setec Astronomer
Fuzzery said:
Actually the birth rate is declining in basically all the major developed countries. In europe, it's already lower than the death rate, which means that the population is now decreasing. Overpopulation won't continue being problem IMO, once the entire world starts getting more developed.
Decreasing global population growth by increasing per capita ecological footprint isn't the best of solutions, unless we find a way to decrease both while becoming more "developed". Otherwise, you're just overpopulating faster with less people.

...but yes, the primary obstacle for developed nations is weathering the head count correction, and not getting reactionary like Russia or sucked into the mindless capitalist drive for growth... although space colonization and development is the big out here.


Count Dookkake said:
This is not how you do a "help my sister" thread...

Seriously though, as with any dopey religion, cult or addiction, there is very little you can do to extricate someone once they are "infected" past a certain threshold. If that intangible line has been crossed, you pretty much have to wait until they fuck their life up so much that they come to you for help.
I remember GAF helping your sister:D :D :D


While there's certainly nothing wrong with being a vegan, and being an active part of an organization, PITA or any other overly active pro-animal group is not a group that i can stand behind.

Im a butcher and TA at the meat lab for my college, and the amount of crap that we've gotten from animal rights activists and PITA members is amazing. Insults, threats and anti meat pamphlets are the least the of the offenses, with the largest being the arson of our meat lab.

Thats right, a few years back, a group of animal rights activists broke into our slaughter facility and meat lab, doused all the metal equipment, walls and floors with gasoline, and lit the place on fire. While the building couldn't really be burnt down, the smoke damage and the damage to the machines shut us down for months.

I certainly respect these organization's decision to lower their meat and animal product intake, but to push their opinions so hard onto others so much so that they felt they needed to burn a butchery is beyond me.


I am Wayne Brady.
Beef said:
While there's certainly nothing wrong with being a vegan, and being an active part of an organization, PITA or any other overly active pro-animal group is not a group that i can stand behind.

Im a butcher and TA at the meat lab for my college, and the amount of crap that we've gotten from animal rights activists and PITA members is amazing. Insults, threats and anti meat pamphlets are the least the of the offenses, with the largest being the arson of our meat lab.

Thats right, a few years back, a group of animal rights activists broke into our slaughter facility and meat lab, doused all the metal equipment, walls and floors with gasoline, and lit the place on fire. While the building couldn't really be burnt down, the smoke damage and the damage to the machines shut us down for months.

I certainly respect these organization's decision to lower their meat and animal product intake, but to push their opinions so hard onto others so much so that they felt they needed to burn a butchery is beyond me.

That is fucked up.

Thats the type of crazy shit (done by crazy ass people) everyone is talking about.

Ok you love animals....but terrorism? at one point could someone (in our culture) POSSIBLY process that as a good fucking idea.

Thats simply why I think they are crazy and if this guy doesn't stop his sister she's going to turn into a person the family wont want to be around real quick.


My sister and mother are both vegetarians. If you want to give your sister advice, you're going to have to do so while respecting her ideals, not by trying to show her that she's crazy. If you want to convince an idealist to do something, you have to beat them at their own game.

The important thing is that she doesn't lose her scholarship/grant money, right? Explain to her that she make more of a difference by going to the local college and starting her own PETA chapter than going to some school that already has a large PETA group and just being another member. She has the opportunity to be a leader instead of a follower.

Further point out that by going to the school with the nursing scholarship, she will be able to afford to donate to something like WWF, which actually makes a difference in saving endangered species. If she goes to the other school, that grant money might go to someone who ends up spending it on fur coats, leather pants, and steak dinners.


fortified_concept said:
I don't necessarily disagree with that. Humans have become a fucking pest to this planet, we're simply too many and too greedy. Personally I don't plan on having children.

For every child you don't have, an underdeveloped country's family produces several. If you're so concerned about the Earth, go take it upon yourself to go to these countries and educate their women and promote family planning so that they have less offspring. Not having babies yourself is just the lazy way out.

As for the OP's concerns, if she was called out on her hypocrisy and did not listen to it, there is little chance she would listen to further reason. You respect her right to be crazy, and she respects your right as an animal to consume meat, as you were evolutionarily designed to.


Seriously, just leave your sister alone. She's an adult now, she can make her own decisions (however dumb they might be.) Part of being an adult is accepting the consequences of the decisions you've made.


Wow, this thread is a little creepy.

but...the people telling you to leave her be have the right idea. Don't try to "fix" your sister.




Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
What is it with the post-adolescent brain and liberalism? She's being conned. Don't worry. Most outgrow the left after they're free of the college bubble and experience real life. Only the boomer generation contracted the incurable form of the disease.
140.85 said:
What is it with the post-adolescent brain and liberalism? She's being conned. Don't worry. Most outgrow the left after they're free of the college bubble and experience real life. Only the boomer generation contracted the incurable form of the disease.

This is the stereotype. But when I was in college I was basically libertarian, partially out of resentment of professors constantly injecting liberal opinions into lectures. But that was years ago, and the longer I spend in the "real world", paying my own bills, etc., the more I find that liberal policies make sense.

JayDubya said:
Seriously. If she finds humanity that disgusting, she should really kill herself.

I take it that you've never been anywhere near suicidal? Or are just being flippant? But whatever, there is a low-level self-preservation instinct present in the vast majority of people that makes suicide difficult even if one thinks that it's the rational thing to do.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
"Ahhh help!!! my sister doesn't share my moral POW! help me brainwash her crazy cunt into the only righteous way!!"

WTF dude... I do not share that pow either, but your attitude is downright horrible and arrogant. I support your sister.


Let her do what she wants, but advise her on taking supplements.

My view on Veganism is that its worthless.

The point isn't that we eat meat, its that we just fucking eat way too much of it and everything else.

If the whole world were Vegan, we'd eat all of the plant life and kill off all of the animals anyways.

The problem is MODERATION.

Not just in food, in everything.

after an hour long conversation with her the other day she realized PETA was batshit crazy and hypocritical, and decided to look into alternatives in the animal rights area, something less strict and sane

sane humans +1
peta -1

then the next day we were driving around and i decided to pick up a blizzard and she tells me she doesnt want to be vegan anymore just vegetarian and ask me to buy her a blizzard, i gladly comply, my sister is finally coming back to reality


GodfatherX said:

after an hour long conversation with her the other day she realized PETA was batshit crazy and hypocritical, and decided to look into alternatives in the animal rights area, something less strict and sane

sane humans +1
peta -1

then the next day we were driving around and i decided to pick up a blizzard and she tells me she doesnt want to be vegan anymore just vegetarian and ask me to buy her a blizzard, i gladly comply, my sister is finally coming back to reality
No ice cream is just brutal D:
GodfatherX said:

after an hour long conversation with her the other day she realized PETA was batshit crazy and hypocritical, and decided to look into alternatives in the animal rights area, something less strict and sane

sane humans +1
peta -1

then the next day we were driving around and i decided to pick up a blizzard and she tells me she doesnt want to be vegan anymore just vegetarian and ask me to buy her a blizzard, i gladly comply, my sister is finally coming back to reality

Dude, she should drop the vegetarian lifestyle just long enough to enjoy the double cheeseburger war.
GodfatherX said:

after an hour long conversation with her the other day she realized PETA was batshit crazy and hypocritical, and decided to look into alternatives in the animal rights area, something less strict and sane

sane humans +1
peta -1

then the next day we were driving around and i decided to pick up a blizzard and she tells me she doesnt want to be vegan anymore just vegetarian and ask me to buy her a blizzard, i gladly comply, my sister is finally coming back to reality

Told you so, and I'm glad to hear it.

EDIT: You mean less strict and more sane, right?
yeah less strict and more sane

she's been vegetarian for about 18 months so i dont see her contributing to the burger war..wtf that is anyway


Gold Member
Have your sister consider college courses that are sane and more beneficial than PETA.

She could be a veterinarian, wildlife conservationist, wildlife biologist, etc. It boggles the mind that when it comes to saving animals it's the domestic pets and livestock that number in the hundreds of millions that people choose to protest over.

What happened to endangered species?


GodfatherX said:

after an hour long conversation with her the other day she realized PETA was batshit crazy and hypocritical, and decided to look into alternatives in the animal rights area, something less strict and sane

sane humans +1
peta -1

then the next day we were driving around and i decided to pick up a blizzard and she tells me she doesnt want to be vegan anymore just vegetarian and ask me to buy her a blizzard, i gladly comply, my sister is finally coming back to reality

you should have linked her to the thread showing PETA keeping animals in cages and then dumping their bodies in junkyards.


Mojovonio said:
Let her do what she wants, but advise her on taking supplements.

My view on Veganism is that its worthless.

The point isn't that we eat meat, its that we just fucking eat way too much of it and everything else.

If the whole world were Vegan, we'd eat all of the plant life and kill off all of the animals anyways.

The problem is MODERATION.

Not just in food, in everything.

I usually never say this but QFT.


I don't plan on having children either, honestly, the biggest dilemma we face as fucking species is overpopulation. People choosing not to have children are some sort of terrorists on GAF or something?


Hitokage said:
Decreasing global population growth by increasing per capita ecological footprint isn't the best of solutions, unless we find a way to decrease both while becoming more "developed". Otherwise, you're just overpopulating faster with less people.

...but yes, the primary obstacle for developed nations is weathering the head count correction, and not getting reactionary like Russia or sucked into the mindless capitalist drive for growth... although space colonization and development is the big out here.
Well, arguably, the way technology is going, our global footprints are eventually going to decrease in the future. Just look at all the trends towards green everything. I honestly can't see a person 50 years from now leaving a bigger footprint than they do now.


Venerable Member
etiolate said:
Every girl turns into a liberal once they get past highschool, then they get fucked by skeezy liberal sounding guys with bongos and guitars, leading to being used as a semen depository for years, which then makes them see it is all just another manipulative social ruse for easy fucking and the ideals and heart were never really there.

If you want to help her realize this sooner, give me her number!

Yup, you almost got to the point where you need to call in professional help....


Die Hippie, Die


Fuzzery said:
Well, arguably, the way technology is going, our global footprints are eventually going to decrease in the future. Just look at all the trends towards green everything. I honestly can't see a person 50 years from now leaving a bigger footprint than they do now.

Now, in the last few years sure, consumer products are starting on a 'green' trend. But while consumer products are important, *everything* has to be more efficient and less wasteful, factories, mines, farms, transportation, the whole shebang. Coal and Oil have to be replaced by something renewable, suburbs are expanding and they are the largest footprint style of living there is.
etiolate said:
Every girl turns into a liberal once they get past highschool, then they get fucked by skeezy liberal sounding guys with bongos and guitars, leading to being used as a semen depository for years, which then makes them see it is all just another manipulative social ruse for easy fucking and the ideals and heart were never really there.

Pretty much.

Also watching the Penn and Teller thing you can see these large organisations are just money making schemes.
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