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PETA starts "Fish Have Feelings Too" Campaign

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NEW YORK - Touting tofu chowder and vegetarian sushi as alternatives, animal-rights activists have launched a novel campaign arguing that fish — contrary to stereotype — are intelligent, sensitive animals no more deserving of being eaten than a pet dog or cat.

Called the Fish Empathy Project, the campaign reflects a strategy shift by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals as it challenges a diet component widely viewed as nutritious and uncontroversial.

"No one would ever put a hook through a dog's or cat's mouth," said Bruce Friedrich, PETA's director of vegan outreach. "Once people start to understand that fish, although they come in different packaging, are just as intelligent, they'll stop eating them."
I can accept fish as being intelligent, that doesn't mean I'll stop eating them. :D


Banstick Emeritus
Someone needs to put a hook through this doofus' nipples and use him for shark bait. Get between me and my sushi at your peril.


Chili Con Carnage!
Sure Fish have feelings, but the real question is: If i stick a pick axe through a peta members face, will he scream out in pain?

Theres only one way to find out.


I don't know I have this great urge to jam a hook down a living salmon's throat and then start ripping bloody chunks out of it with my teeth in front of this Bruce person.


Ghost said:
Sure Fish have feelings, but the real question is: If i stick a pick axe through a peta members face, will he scream out in pain?

Theres only one way to find out.

Ask Jeeves?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I just found out a friend of mine is a PETA member. I was disappointed. :(

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Kurt Cobain tells me these people are wrong.


Sriram said:
Why does everybody hate peta so much?

Oh, I don't know, maybe because they compared eating meat to the Holocaust?

Maybe because they provide indirect support to "eco"-terrorists?

Watch Penn and Teller's "Bullshit" episode on PETA.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Sriram said:
Why does everybody hate peta so much?

Because they claim ridiculous nonsense like "Fish have feelings"

Fish have the personality of a virus. They are about as smart as a battery powered fish.


I dont want an argument about this I just wondered why people direct so much hate towards some peoples belief. Why cant you have a little respect.


Whenever people bring up ridiculous stuff like this I can't help but think of Tool's "Disgustipated" and how the carrots must feel. :(


Sriram said:
I dont want an argument about this I just wondered why people direct so much hate towards some peoples belief. Why cant you have a little respect.


Were you not listening? They had a campaign EQUATING MEAT EATING TO THE HOLOCAUST!


Sriram said:
I dont want an argument about this I just wondered why people direct so much hate towards some peoples belief. Why cant you have a little respect.

They don't really respect my view as to where I sit on the food chain, do they?


Boogie said:

Were you not listening? They had a campaign EQUATING MEAT EATING TO THE HOLOCAUST!

How is this disrespectful though? From their point of view it is and more animals get killed for meat than jews died in the holocaust.


Sriram said:
I dont want an argument about this I just wondered why people direct so much hate towards some peoples belief. Why cant you have a little respect.

Because they believe their beliefs are superior to mine and they have no problem telling me so. Tell them to have respect when they're throwing animal blood on people.


Sriram said:
How is this disrespectful though? From their point of view it is and more animals get killed for meat than jews died in the holocaust.

Sriram, if I was Jewish, I wouldn't want to have animals being killed compared to what my relatives went through. You can't see how that's really disrespectful? Or is this circular arguement only in your favor?


Banstick Emeritus
In 2000, PETA used Rudy Guiliani's image in a "Got Prostate Cancer" anti-milk ad, shortly after he was diagnosed with the disease. Even after the backlash, PETA defended their actions by stating that they were promoting compassion toward animals with their "Milk Sucks!" campaign. Never mind the fact that humans are also animals. But whatever.

Their vegeterian advertisements called the eating of meat "Holocaust on a plate".

Fuck PETA.


Sriram said:
How is this disrespectful though? From their point of view it is and more animals get killed for meat than jews died in the holocaust.

Who the fuck cares if more animals are getting killed for meat than the number of people who died in holocaust.



Animals are killed all the fucking time. It's called nature. If we free all the innocent cows and pigs, they're just going to get their throats chomped on by a wolf or coyote. And us humans? Well, shucks, we're omnivores too. Eating meat is NATURAL.

But fuck you. If you won't condemn those who value the lives of animals as much as, strike that, MORE THAN, humans, then fuck you.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sriram said:
Can you prove that though? And even if thats true, would you say the same about all animals?
The better question is, can PETA prove that fish are intelligent? I've never seen any evidence of this. Now animals like dolphins and monkeys, yeah, there's plenty of evidence showing that they can have the intelligence and emotional responses of three year old children. I'm not going to go eat dolphins or monkeys, or dogs or cats for that matter. Fish though? Sorry, but they don't have much intelligence, and they taste so good.



I'm a lifelong vegetarian, and PETA pisses me off to no end. I wish it wasn't cold as fuck, I'd go fishing and email them some pictures.


bishoptl said:
Easy there Boogie. Have a burger and calm yourself down with this icy cold glass of milk.

:lol Sorry, bish. Recently finished reading Survival in Auschwitz, so I guess I'm prone to fly off the handle right now at anyone defending PETA's crap.


Okay, first off, even tho im a vegetarian I dont know anything about peta (live in the uk so i dont hear about them), I agree that some of the stuff you mention is kinda low of them.

Secondly, boogie, I dont appreciate you telling me to fuck myself because of my beliefs. Im sure youd be upset if i said something like "who gives a fuck about all those jews in th holocaust" - note: I DO NOT ACTUALLY THINK THIS.

I find it funny that a lot of people here come out with these comments, yet when that kfc farm video was posted a lot of the same people were shocked =/
Im pretty sure fish, along with most other animals feel pain, regardless of whether or not they are intelligent. Should I go out and shoot everyone thats intellectually inferior to me?

Ill Saint

Screw Humanity.

Mother Nature needs to pull the plug on this hole and wipe us out before we start spreading our wonderful destructive selves elsewhere.


Sriram said:
Im pretty sure fish, along with most other animals feel pain, regardless of whether or not they are intelligent. Should I go out and shoot everyone thats intellectually inferior to me?
If I had done this, Bush would not have won re-election. But I would have had to do A LOT of shooting.


Sriram said:
Im pretty sure fish, along with most other animals feel pain, regardless of whether or not they are intelligent. Should I go out and shoot everyone thats intellectually inferior to me?

Only if you're going to eat them afterwards. I don't kill animals for sport, but I'm more than happy to eat them.


I remember when PETA used to be a rational, sane organization filled with people who legitimately cared about animal rights. Now they're just after headlines and are apparently run by a lot of angry, angry vegans.

They need to be reminded that even animals eat other animals, and us, too, are part of that little, nagging thing called "The Food Chain."
I think PETA goes way overboard and its hard to take them seriously.

However, I do also think there are grave problems with the way we raise/kill/process the meat/animal products we consume.

The amount of cancer that's spreading (and things like Mad Cow or that Bird Flu) I think is related very closely to the diet we eat, which isn't very natural, even in the sense that humans have traditionally been omnivores.


Sriram said:
Im pretty sure fish, along with most other animals feel pain, regardless of whether or not they are intelligent.

Yep, so what. Fish will feel pain if a shark, or an eagle eats them too. And since humans are omnivores, it's okay for us to eat animals too.

I don't have a problem with people choosing to be vegetarians. If you don't want to eat meat, that's fine. But the instant you say that it's wrong to eat meat, then you're off in crackpot land, as far as I'm concerned.


Trakball said:
Only if you're going to eat them afterwards. I don't kill animals for sport, but I'm more than happy to eat them.

Well, I dont see the validity of this at all. When you go to macdonalds or burger king, none of that meat is providing you with any goodness, its a factor of bad health, so its even worse than killing something for sport.


Sriram said:
Well, I dont see the validity of this at all. When you go to macdonalds or burger king, none of that meat is providing you with any goodness, its a factor of bad health, so its even worse than killing something for sport.

When did I say that I was eating meat from McDonalds or Burger King? If we're going to have a rational arguement, please don't put words into my mouth.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
If I kill and eat an animal, does this then allow me to make a fur coat out of it? Is fur still murder?


Boogie said:
Yep, so what. Fish will feel pain if a shark, or an eagle eats them too. And since humans are omnivores, it's okay for us to eat animals too.

I don't have a problem with people choosing to be vegetarians. If you don't want to eat meat, that's fine. But the instant you say that it's wrong to eat meat, then you're off in crackpot land, as far as I'm concerned.

Difference being a shark connot live without meat. It also kills fish in a humane way and the shark eating meat isnt wasting the earths resources =/ I guess I shouldnt be replying to you anyway seeing as you think some peoples morals are wrong but youll be rude to people who dont accept yours. Guess i was a bit naive too expect an apology though. Im pretty sure if i told someone outright to fuck themselves I would be in for a ba or a warning,

Edit: Trackbal, i wasnt speaking about you personally, the 'you' was just in general.
And the fur issue confuses me with lots of non-vegetarians being against fur. Can anyone explain this?


I think PETA is running out of creatures to protect. Next week they'll be harrassing cats about how insects practice communism.

MetatronM said:
When the fish get smart enough to not take the bait, that's when I'll stop eating them.
That was the perfect post. I mean, this thread was made for that post.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sriram said:
It also kills fish in a humane way and the shark eating meat isnt wasting the earths resources =/
If someone even dares go to the 'wasting Earth's resources' argument, they damned well better be Amish, 'cause if you're not, you're most likely wasting resources all day long in dozens and dozens of ways that are more destructive to the Earth than eating fish.


Sriram said:
Difference being a shark connot live without meat. It also kills fish in a humane way and the shark eating meat isnt wasting the earths resources

First of all, see what Dan said.

Second, in what way is ripping a fish apart with razor sharp jaws more "humane" than how humans process fish?

I guess I shouldnt be replying to you anyway seeing as you think some peoples morals are wrong but youll be rude to people who dont accept yours.

Well, guess what, some people's morals are wrong. The "morals" espoused by Hitler were wrong. The "morals" espoused by those who hold blacks to be inferior to whites are wrong. And PETA's "morals" are wrong. Stuff your moral relativism.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Equating the mass killing of fish to the mass killing of humans is fucking ludicrous.


Reading this thread while chomping down some meatloaf was greatly satisfying. And yeah, check out that Penn&Teller "Bullsh!t" episode.
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