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PETA starts "Fish Have Feelings Too" Campaign

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PETA is silly. You dont see them in China or anywhere else similar telling people dont eat the stuff they eat because their message would fail. Im pretty sure most of the meat eaters of the world are in places that PETA doesnt go into because every1 would laugh.


Fish don't have feelings they have never once cried out while i'm gutting them and I do this while they are still alive for freshness they even continue to flop even without any of their inards almost as if they tickle, being ticklish isn't a feeling is it?


In Hainan island in China there is a tourist spot where u pay to get spears and then throw them in a little pond and try to pierce fish.


We aren't wackos, we only eat grass that falls from the lawn naturally - no forced grass cuttings - grass has feeling too you murdering pig bastard.


I went to a seafood restaurant last week. I think I may pay the place a visit again this week in honor of this topic.
"No one would ever put a hook through a dog's or cat's mouth," said Bruce Friedrich, PETA's director of vegan outreach.

Well, certainly not a dog's mouth, but...



Dan said:
The better question is, can PETA prove that fish are intelligent? I've never seen any evidence of this. Now animals like dolphins and monkeys, yeah, there's plenty of evidence showing that they can have the intelligence and emotional responses of three year old children. I'm not going to go eat dolphins or monkeys, or dogs or cats for that matter. Fish though? Sorry, but they don't have much intelligence, and they taste so good.

What about squids and octopi? They're pretty smart, smarter than dogs and cats for sure. :)


NEW YORK - Touting tofu chowder and vegetarian sushi as alternatives, animal-rights activists have launched a novel campaign arguing that fish — contrary to stereotype — are intelligent, sensitive animals no more deserving of being eaten than a pet dog or cat.

Don't people eat dogs and cats in parts of the world?

"No one would ever put a hook through a dog's or cat's mouth," said Bruce Friedrich, PETA's director of vegan outreach.

So if we catch the fish in nets (which is how the vast majority of fist are caught - hooks are an infinitely small percentage of the way fish are caught worldwide), then it doesn't matter right?

PETA, headquartered in Norfolk, Va., has campaigned for years against sport fishing, challenging claims by Rose and others that fish caught by anglers do not feel pain. PETA also has joined other critics in decrying the high levels of mercury or other toxins in many fish and the pollution discharged by many fish farms.

As opposed to the pain it will feel when gutted or suffocating after being out of the water for too long (as the case with all fish we eat).

And if the goal is to stop the suffering of fish, does this mean that we should prevent animals who naturally eat fish from eating fish (start roping/fencing off the nations lakes and streams).

This is lunacy.
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