I had the fortune of interviewing Peter back in 1995. I phoned up Bullfrog and got to his secretary and asked, “can I talk to Peter?” Without hesitating, she said “sure!”
She told me to hang on and 10 seconds later he came on. I told him what I was doing (freelance writer) and asked if I could interview him. He said sure and could give me 15 mins. 1 hour and 30 minutes later, we’re still chatting. It was the best interview I ever conducted. He was really funny and super smart and we talked about games (past and present) and he went in depth on Populous etc. He joked that the reason they decided on raising and lowering lands was because they couldn’t figure out the AI for pathfinding and that by putting an obstacle in the way of the people, it made it a lot easier.
Really nice guy.
Anyway, my random trip down memory lane