sega was never good tbqh
i'm all in with peter on this one
Sega makes good games now
I played one yesterday
it was yakuza
sega was never good tbqh
i'm all in with peter on this one
Don't know how I feel about thisI loved Sega, still love Sega, but it was dominated by the developers to the extent where Sega as a company couldn't move if Nakagawa-san, Yu Suzuki, Iguchi weren't into it.
Sega makes good games now
I played one yesterday
it was yakuza
Also wtf about those responses. No way Sega was like a grandad in 2002. Still had unique and modern games.
So I said to the translator, 'Tell him to fuck off.'
all these hot takes, let me get my oven mittsoh fuck, i forgot kid chameleon
but aside from that and ristar, there's not much
I side with Naka on this one,no matter his personality.
He was seeing this from the angle of a creator who gave his best years at Sega. It would be natural to feel insulted.
Moore saw things from the side of a businessman, without any experience at video games.
Also wtf about those responses. No way Sega was like a grandad in 2002. Still had unique and modern games.
Peter is best head Xbox ever had... No offense phil
This was before they made trash though... Anyway who did he ask, a bunch of punk brats? Who the hell would even answer these questions like that?
I side with Naka on this one,no matter his personality.
He was seeing this from the angle of a creator who gave his best years at Sega. It would be natural to feel insulted.
Moore saw things from the side of a businessman, without any experience at video games.
Also wtf about those responses. No way Sega was like a grandad in 2002. Still had unique and modern games.
The sonic games were not badly received at the time this would have occurred.
Untrue, he left Sega in 2003. The Gamecube versions of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were out. Adventure DX was poorly received pretty much across the board, Adventure 2 Battle was more mixed/tepid admittedly.
Someday I hope to put to paper all the incredible shit I saw go down in Japanese board rooms
Explains a lot about the puzzling decisions Japanese companies make in the industry
So I said to the translator, 'Tell him to fuck off.' And the poor guy looks at me and says, 'There's no expression in Japanese.' I said, 'I know there is.' And that was it. That was the last time I ever set foot in there," Moore explains.
I've seen firsthand how Japanese companies wil willfully make decisions not in their best interest because making the better decision would be an implicit admission they'd been wrong all along. Dead serious. I have a feeling Sho Nuff knows what I'm referring to!
Honor and shame are huge parts of japanese culture. I'm an expert.
You joke, but having worked with major Japanese clients, there is a bit of this to it. While lower down members might see the issues, the higher ups are usually reluctant to admit things are going badly until shit is pretty much right before hitting the fan
You joke, but having worked with major Japanese clients, there is a bit of this to it. While lower down members might see the issues, the higher ups are usually reluctant to admit things are going badly until shit is pretty much right before hitting the fan
Lol. "You have made them say this!"
No, years of trash made them say that. I wonder how many devs are deluded along those same lines?
They were being compared to EA (Madden) and Rockstar (GTA3) directly. They were 'granddad' in as much as they were fading from memory in a year where GTAIII, MGS2, and Halo were taking over the mindshare of their most lucrative audience. Whether or not the teenagers they asked were mistaken about the actual content of Sega's output, Moore was attempting to illustrate that they had a huge perception problem on their hands.
Expect nothing less from a Liverpool supporter.
Sega definitely were not at their best around that time, but had those teens visited arcades and played games like Virtua Tennis, Ocean Hunter, Virtua Striker, Sega Rally, Lost World, House of the Dead and the whole Sega Model 3 library, they'd change their opinion. Sequels were even better.
In 2002 those games were still hot and technically impressive. No way they'd be developed by backward thinking people. It was the swan song of Sega. After 2003 they can bash Sega all they want.
It makes me so upset that the company that we once knew isn't around anymore. I'd trade Sony or Microsoft for a traditional Sega in modern times in a heartbeat.
so is there an expression or not
I think I have new respect for Moore
Crazy, man...
Don't know how I feel about this