Haha, such a great story.
I guess Yuji Naka's new company isn't doing so hot? Looked up their most recent work, Rodea Sky Soldier for the Wii? :/
i can't say, what's Prope done beyond Let's Tap?
I'm not blaming it all on Naka, but he's the only one who's fuckery is publicly known to be on him as far as I know.
And has anything he's produced post-Sega been a hit?
intense suspicion of western involvement/participation in SEGA? yeah sounds like SEGA to me
Y'all making me sad over here.
Rhodea probably could have taken off, if it was released at the right time and not shafted by its publisher
...and now SEGA mostly just publishes western PC games.
Sega lost their minds during the Genesis.Sega was so fucking dysfunctional back then. Imagine if they could have gotten their shit together after the Genesis.
Sega lost their minds during the Genesis.
They could still be making video games consoles if they weren't just terrible back then.
Why not? The infighting between the different wings of Sega during the 90s is infamous.
I bet there are a lot of stories to tell about it.
Sega lost their minds during the Genesis.
At the end of the day, Sega always was and always will be their own worst enemy. A once-in-a-lifetime flash in the pan where art met business in the most perfect way possible, and they will probably never, ever recapture that mixture.
How depressing.
Yuji Naka:
1. Sounds like a modern console fanboy
2. Based on all the stories I've heard Yuji Naka sounds like a giant dickhead.
It doesn't turn good games in to trash, but it does make Sega in to what the focus group said. Sega was cool compared to Nintendo when the Genesis was out. By then, they were relics and were being passed up by companies like Rockstar.Being oblivious to trends suddenly means they made Trash games? Yes they werent making games that werent the trend especially in the west. That doesnt make the games bad.
Also I really doubt even if they did follow trends they could have saved the Dreamcast. The PS2 hype was just insane at that time and the DC couldnt have done much to stop that.
Love Peter Moore and his personality but if you look at the outcomes of his leadership over the last 20 years, it's not a pretty picture.
Sega was so fucking dysfunctional back then. Imagine if they could have gotten their shit together after the Genesis.
Love Peter Moore and his personality but if you look at the outcomes of his leadership over the last 20 years, it's not a pretty picture.
😂Everton to be better than Liverpool next season onwards.
Thanks peter 👍
I just can't imagine Rockstar having money problems these days, GTAV has been a non-stop cash cow for them. But, somehow that sounds very appropriate.
And the poor guy looks at me and says, 'There's no expression in Japanese.' I said, 'I know there is.'
I hope this isn't based purely on the fact that GTA3 sold so well.The world was changing around them, and we were desperate. I said that we've got to get content that is mature.
After witnessing the huge positive impact the CD addon had on PC Engine, I would say the Mega CD move made at least sense (releasing the 32X was plain crazy though).i will fight anybody who trashes the Sega-CD in here! it had a great library!
sega was never good tbqh
Come on ...sega was never good tbqh
i'm all in with peter on this one
I never understood the irrational love people have for Peter Moore. I guess it's because he's really a charismatic man?
His track record in the videogames industry is terrible: even if it wasn't only his fault, he was still there to give the kiss of death to Sega; he was at Microsoft when all the rrod disaster happened; he was at EA in what probably was (and still is) the darkest age of the company from a creative point of view, ecc.
The man appears to me as an incredible and successful business man who only cares about making money. I guess if Peter Moore is Vince Mcmahon, Yuji Naka is Paul Heyman.
ok ristar was great
can't really think of anything else
i haven't played it, but maybe i would like shining force
Moore's a Scouser, I wouldn't have fancied Naka's chances.
And the analogy of The Burning Platform is that, you know, you can have something that's on fire, and you can hang out there for a while, but eventually it's gonna burn to the ground, or it's gonna, in this instance, sink into the sea. You can choose to take matters in your own hands, or you can hold your nose and jump. John said, 'We're jumping. We're seeing the future. The future is moving towards digital. The future is moving towards the fact that the gamer is in control. We're not simply pushing out a message. We're gonna engage with our community in a deeper way.
We built, and I named and I chaired, the rather clunkily and inelegantly named "Reputation Rehabilitation Group." We met at 7:30am every Monday morning and listened. You know, it was like reading out mean tweets on late night television. We just listened to feedback that was coming to us, and sat back, and built a very objective plan of attack of how to knock this down, and by 'knock this down' I don't mean push it away, but to embrace it and then turn this company into what we determined would be a "player-first" company.
Explains a lot about the puzzling decisions Japanese companies make in the industry
Reggie wouldn't have even shown the tape to his masters.Moore has some serious balls for sure. Imagine Reggie telling Miyamoto to fuck off...
It wouldn't be a SEGA thread without revisionist history.Lol
GAF hyperbole is truly amusing