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Peter Moore the Matador and the PS3 the raging bull?


my reputation is Shadowruined
So...it looks as if Xbox Next launches next year. This sets the table for Peter Moore to get another shot at beating the progeny of Ken Kutaragi's hardware dreams. Will it be Deja Vu all over again? Or has Moore learned from the past mistakes and come up with a cunning plan to combat the CELL based goliath, and turn the US and European video game market into a Golgatha for Sony?

One thing the Dreamcast didn't have was full EA support, so this is a boon for the Xbox Next. The problem of being trampled by the Sony hype that will hit like a ferocious stampede in 2006 has no easy solution. A positive for MS is the recent overwhelming success Halo 2 has had. This does indeed show they do possess the skills to connect with video game consumers in a big way. What else does Peter Moore have in his arsenel to wage war against the Sony empire?


my reputation is Shadowruined
retardboy said:
You go Moore! AVENGE SEGA!

Certainly nobody at Microsoft could have a more personal vendetta against Sony than Peter Moore. Afterall the PS2 assassinated SEGA.
My money is on Moore totally assfucking the Xbox2 launch, which is good for me, and being canned shortly after.

Ken Kutaragi will continue with the confident smirk and Powerpoint presentations to spite the competition. :p


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Moore's biggest contributions to the Xenon launch will be to assure that it is not a black console and then he will tattoo the launch date on his forearm. Can't fail!


best thread all day !!!! short as it might be, right now :D

Peter Moore....I remember him saying things like "we're not afraid of the Piece of Shit Station 2" back in 2000. he went to a club around E3 to celebrate the launch of SegaNet. it was all too bad because Sony hype was overwelming....

Peter Moore cannot be in charge of the Xenon plan of attack....he's one of the generals I guess. I really hope Microsoft knows what its doing. I want Xenon to be a very strong competitor to the Playstation brand.

the best thing MS can hope for is that Xenon is the next Genesis.


Yeah, but they got rid of him. Sadly, that's what stared his slow decent into video game damnation. :lol


It's all about the games, if xbox2 launch lineup is good enough they can steal some market from sony, it's clear ps3 will win next gen too, but if microsoft plays their cards well, they can eat a big chunk of sonys marketshare.
Peter Moore the Matador and the PS3 the raging bull?

It's happened once, it will probably happen again.

The man is a glutton for punishment.


Things would have been different if the bastards up at SoJ hadn't kicked out Bernie Stolar right before DC launched. That was cold :(


Chili Con Carnage!
Its all about the games...and the pricing...and the PR...and what the unit looks like...and how it smells when you're tucked up in bed with it.....

er...scratch the last one (maybe)
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