Why would Pewdiepie, a Swede living in the UK, even remotely care about Shapiro's politics? There was a "this is epic meme", which led to, "wouldn't it be funny if Shapiro commented on Shapiro memes", which led to the video. That's it.
You obviously didn't list my point below which says if I bring David Duke or some other covert right-wing TV personality with racist undertones on my channels just for the memes, you essentially sanction whatever he does outside of the context you brought him on your platform for.
I don't think Pewdiepie did it intentionally, but that's what he came across as doing. Whether is a meme or not, we shouldn't trivialize a guy who spouts hate against people because of their skin color, their gender, their social class, their intellectual acumen, and many other factors that make him the little ball of hate that bastard is.
Strange how someone whose career in academia ended long ago, is still listed as faculty at a university. There's plenty to dislike about the man, but if you want to call someone out for spewing bullshit, you might try and not do it yourself.
How unsurprising to see so many gamers attracted to individuals like Peterson. His writings are for all people who think they are disenfranchised but don't even understand the meaning of the word or have any clue what being actually disenfranchised is.
The reason why I say his career is terminated in academia is because his research has always been discredited in serious academic circles hence why he branched out on his own in the public arena; he doesn't even pretend that whatever he's spewing is coherently academic anyways hence why he has stopped writing for his supposed milieu.
When you call out
all of your academic colleagues as being undercover "cultural neo-marxists" because white male privileged culture is being attacked, what credibility do you have anyways? This is the last thing I'll say about Petersen: the terms "cultural neo-marxism" and post-modernism should never be in the same sentence together nor should they ever be likened as being one and the same, which he does constantly. It's intellectually insulting to people who've actually studied philosophy and post-modernism.