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[PGC] Interview with Perrin Kaplan

Justin Bailey

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PGC: Are you happy with the current image of Nintendo in the American mindset?

PK: Well, I can’t read the minds of all the individuals. I do think…matter of fact, I though the election would go differently than it did, that shows you how I can’t read them. I do think there are a lot of different opinions of Nintendo, and some of those are based on people’s personal experiences with the company and not the actual product. I do think that there’s a definite perception that we build games that are only for younger (players), and that’s part of it, but 30% or so of our players are over 18, so we have a fair percentage. That is almost equal to our competitors. So I think some more of it is perception vs. the actual reality. That said, we are making sure that our marketing efforts are speaking to all the audience that is appropriate for each product. And focusing on today’s charts, we’re doing stupendously well, profitable business. We’re making sure that with the launch of the DS, that we’re speaking to some of the older players and remind them there are a lot of games that are for them, and a lot of them already know that, but we’re just trying to spread that out to the general population so they can understand it.
Well I guess that hurts the republicans = nintendo fans argument. . .


but 30% or so of our players are over 18, so we have a fair percentage. That is almost equal to our competitors.

Interesting... Does anyone happen to have the Xbox and PS2 demographic data? I seem to recall the PS2 percentages posted awhile back, but what about Xbox? I find it hard to believe that only about 30% of the Xbox user-base is over 18. That seems kind of low when looking at the top sellers on the system.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Sean said:
Interesting... Does anyone happen to have the Xbox and PS2 demographic data? I seem to recall the PS2 percentages posted awhile back, but what about Xbox? I find it hard to believe that only about 30% of the Xbox user-base is over 18. That seems kind of low when looking at the top sellers on the system.

You're underestimating the power of "mature wanna be" little kids.


You're underestimating the power of "mature wanna be" little kids.
Seriously...I hate when a new GTA is coming out. I can't be in the gaming store without hearing at least one 12 year old beg his mom/dad to pre-order GTA for him or her. The worst part is that the parent usually caves. o_O


PGC: What is Nintendo’s reaction to the announcement of the PSP price in Japan?

PK: I guess Nintendo’s position is that we came out with a very aggressive price, $149. We’re very proud of that, we will be not losing any money by doing that, which I think isn’t the same situation with the other company. But really our focus is more on ourselves, the lineup that we have. We’ve got games in every genre, a pretty large library in the first thirty-five days of launch. The price is just astounding, the features are great. A whole lot of our energy is focused on doing what we are doing, and we believe we’re doing it right.
Has this been revealed before?


PGC: Do you think…

PK: I just want to know what you think.

PGC: What I think? Well, I think a lot of us Nintendo fans think that Sony’s being extremely aggressive with their price, and we’re wondering if Nintendo is planning to react to it with a different strategy, especially by the time PSP is released in America.

PK: You know, Nintendo owns 98% of this market, Sony’s not here yet. So there’s really nothing to react to.

Translation: "I want to sincerely hear your thoughts. However, I will turn around any of your negative concerns and pretend they don't exist."
I have to say; they should be concerned. THe PSP is an awesome kit and the price point makes it a formidable opponent. Their 5-10 year plan for the PSP with that kit/tech will ensure that down the line; the PSP will still be a strong/worthy competitor. I think Nintendo will have to prepare to eat PIE

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
snapty00 said:

Translation: "I want to sincerely hear your thoughts. However, I will turn around any of your negative concerns and pretend they don't exist."

i think she means.. there is no reason to drop the price just yet.. they are gonna sell out of their initial shipment no matter what.. why make less money for no reason ?


Funny how they, when confronted with the PSP quickly come up with a GB market number, yet still maintain that the DS is 'the third pillar.'



Well, what really got me more than not worrying about PSP is that she ASKED the guy what he (and a lot of people, really) thought, and she basically just turns around and tells him that he and everyone else are wrong!

Anyway, not everybody outside Nintendo can run Nintendo -- fine. But how bad do things have to get before they'll start taking a little basic advice? She says that Sony is the one that has to prove itself, and that's true; but shouldn't she be the least bit concerned that -- in her own words -- "people are always saying, 'What are you going to do about Sony?'" There's a good reason why people always ask this, and it's not because they want to waste their breath.
Think about it... they might react to Sony's low PSP price but not until it launches in the US. And they're not going to tell you now if they'll do it, because then why would you buy it on November 21?

You can't really have expected her to go: "well, when Sony launches in Spring we're gonna drop $30-$50 on the unit, or bundle some software. That PSP unit and its price sure does have us shakin in our boots. Why if Kaz was here, I'd gosh darn love to suck his dick. And I'm glad middle America voted Bush. I ******' hate libruls!"

Aaanyway. I noticed on the IGN video interviews she asked what people thought a lot. She seems to like to know what the influential editors out there think. Which makes sense I guess. Her and Reggie actually seem plenty receptive, but you're not gonna get PR people off the company line.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
olimario said:
She's a LIB'RUL?
And I thought I couldn't have any less respect for NOA!
No shit.

We need a Nintendo executive team that better reflects the interests and policy goals of the people who put them into power... not undermine them.

Now is the time too shake up the Cabinet.

But how bad do things have to get before they'll start taking a little basic advice? She says that Sony is the one that has to prove itself, and that's true; but shouldn't she be the least bit concerned that -- in her own words -- "people are always saying, 'What are you going to do about Sony?'" There's a good reason why people always ask this, and it's not because they want to waste their breath.

I'm sorry, but you're assuming that she's being open and honest and forthcoming about how Nintendo views Sony. In reality, I'm sure they are taking Sony into account, but they can't come out and say things like, "We're concerned" or "We'll be lowering the price, don't worry."

As much as we'd like to believe it, when they do these interviews, I'm sure there are set responses or at least limits to what is said regarding common topics (i.e. are you crapping your pants now that the PSP is going to be $200?). What's she supposed to say? "Yes, all of NCL crapped their pants at the same time. Really, I don't know if we're going to have such an easy time with Sony."

No way.


crisdecuba said:
I'm sorry, but you're assuming that she's being open and honest and forthcoming about how Nintendo views Sony.
Given Nintendo's history, I think they are being open and honest. Heck, I'm not even surprised Nintendo feels this way. It's really nothing new. It's just a shame that they still haven't changed, apparently.

Justin Bailey

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crisdecuba said:
I'm sorry, but you're assuming that she's being open and honest and forthcoming about how Nintendo views Sony. In reality, I'm sure they are taking Sony into account, but they can't come out and say things like, "We're concerned" or "We'll be lowering the price, don't worry."

As much as we'd like to believe it, when they do these interviews, I'm sure there are set responses or at least limits to what is said regarding common topics (i.e. are you crapping your pants now that the PSP is going to be $200?). What's she supposed to say? "Yes, all of NCL crapped their pants at the same time. Really, I don't know if we're going to have such an easy time with Sony."

No way.
Exactly, it's the same reason MS always says they can definitely topple Sony next gen (as opposed to" "Well maybe we can get Sony, but given their record it's going to be an uphill battle"). Companies obviously don't show that same blind confidence when they're formulating their strategies. If they don't seem confident in their product then customers and investors won't either. But hey, this isn't good news for the armchair analysts around here. If they realized this then they'd have nothing to bitch about.
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