I highly doubt it. Putting aside the issue of content updates/fees, the dev team is aiming to have cross platform servers and I imagine MS wouldn't budge on that. I'm crossing my fingers for a next gen port though. If they don't come across too many issues with the Vita version I can see them looking into a PS4 port.So guys with Xbox Live doing Free to Play now, do you think Sega will try to work out something to get it on the service with constant updates?
Oh, i have a quick question. Is there a way to change the way your Mag looks like like they did in PSZ, or are the only cosmetic effects available through leveling up only?
They're introducing cosmetic Mag devices later this month. The Recycle Shop will let you trade in AC scratch items (real money/player shops) in exchange for mag cosmetic devices and the premium set (retail version in Japan) will include a code for a Sato (PSO Force mag) mag evolution device. Going by the screenshots released, the Recycle Shop will carry a mag color device that lets you specifically set the color of your mag and a Rappy mag evolution device.
Recycle Shop
Mag Color Options
Premium Set Sato