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Phantom Dust demo impressions


I got the new issue of Famitsu Xbox from a bud over there which just so happens to include a demo of Phantom Dust which can be played on ANY Xbox (region free) complete with Live capability. I Played both off and online for a good while last night and like very much what I've played so far. I'll smack MS if they dont bring this over here and am now on the official bandwagon of this game

The gameplay is seemingly pretty deep due to the amount of available skills and the way the game has you utilize them. I cant really compare the gameplay to anything else out there. I dont understand jackshit about Japansese as all of the menus are totally beyond my comprehension so i'm hoping someone else out there with the demo will do some translating. The only things in English that I can remember are "Press Start Button", "Xbox Live", & the categories of each skill which include "Attack" (Red), "Defense" (Blue), "Special" (Yellow) among others. The demo includes 100 of the 300 or so skills that'll be in the final game and even with just 100 the game is pretty deep so I can only imagine what the final game will be like.

Right Trigger locks on to closest enemy
Left trigger cycle through other targets
Left Stick: move your character
Right Stick: rotate camera
Left Stick Button: Jump
Right Stick Button: center camera
All buttons are used to allocate/use skills in the HUD skill slot display.

The basic premise of the game is that you build an "Arsenal" of 30 (out of the 100 in the demo) skills to use in battle before going into a game. Out of the skills you select, these appear randomly as "orbs" on a certain area of the map. I think each player has a certain area where their orbs appear but i'm not sure about this. When the orbs appear you can see a discreption of what it does, how much it costs to use, etc. when you hover over it. To allocate a skill to use you press the button of the slot you want to allocate it to while standing over the orb. Each skills costs a certain amount of skill points to cast during a battle. You gain skill points by collecting white orbs. Each white orb adds another point to your skill point total. Whenever you use a skill, the amount of points it costs is subtracted from your total and your skill points will regen automatically. Some skills are one time use only, some are infinite so as long as you have skill points you can continue to use that skill.

So far i've only played with Japan players but there was no lag at all during four player games. The action can get pretty hectic so I see why there's only 4. The destructable environmets are pretty slick as you can use that to your advantage to cause more damage to other players (throwing a fireball to drop a pillar on his head, knocking him into a wall that breaks and cause more damage, etc.). I was getting my ass kicked all over the place until I figured out that just running up to people and trying to use skills as a method of beatdown aint gonna work. There are counter skills, counter counter skills, skills to avoid skills, skills that can wipe out all of the skills you have allocated, etc.
There plenty of strategy and some luck invloved as well since you cant control when the skills you have in your arsenal will appear on the map.

Lovin it so far. My only fear is that there's gonna be some uber skill out of the 300 that dumbs the game down. If yall got any questions, shoot and i'll try answer.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I think of this gameplay as an evolution of the powerstone style of game everytime people describe the gameplay of Phantom Dust... and based on the few clips I've seen. IS that an accurate comparison?


Never played Powerstone so I really cant say. But just from reading reviews and hearing about it I doubt it had the amount of depth that PD seems to have. I say "seems" as the amount of skills is just ridiculous but we dont know how many of those will be useful/meaningful.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
PhatSaqs said:
Never played Powerstone so I really cant say. But just from reading reviews and hearing about it I doubt it had the amount of depth that PD seems to have. I say "seems" as the amount of skills is just ridiculous but we dont know how many of those will be useful/meaningful.

That would be why I said "evolution of the powerstone style of game". It seems to be that style of gameplay with more depth...i.e. evolved.


The Inside Track
DarienA said:
I think of this gameplay as an evolution of the powerstone style of game everytime people describe the gameplay of Phantom Dust... and based on the few clips I've seen. IS that an accurate comparison?
Except for the fact that you are in an arena with 4 other people I would really compare both games. Powerstone is a fighting game with some really cool twists, Phantom Dust is really a brand new type of game, part action, part tactics, and even part card game if you want. Very hard to describe.


The Inside Track
novery said:
Yeah, sorry guys, Phantom Dust is nothing like Power Stone. Both titles start with a "P" though!

True enough :)

Hey you english speaking guys who have the demo, what about a live play this week end ? With Novery in Japan, me in France and others in the US (?) this could be a problem but I'm sure we'll find a way !


PhatSaqs said:
Lovin it so far. My only fear is that there's gonna be some uber skill out of the 300 that dumbs the game down. If yall got any questions, shoot and i'll try answer.

This was my number one concern with the game, but I had an opportunity to speak to the game's director and he said there will be mandatory patches if the game becomes unbalanced.

In other words, there's a backup plan in case a skill becomes too good like the .50 cal in Rainbow Six 3. Cool.



The Inside Track
PhatSaqs said:
Hey Blim, do you have a translation guide or something for any of the menus and/or skills? ;)
The menus are easy enough to learn. As for the skills I'll just wait for the full game on the 23th ;)


novery said:
This was my number one concern with the game, but I had an opportunity to speak to the game's director and he said there will be mandatory patches if the game becomes unbalanced.

In other words, there's a backup plan in case a skill becomes too good like the .50 cal in Rainbow Six 3. Cool.
Good to know. Sounds good.

Hey you english speaking guys who have the demo, what about a live play this week end ? With Novery in Japan, me in France and others in the US (?) this could be a problem but I'm sure we'll find a way !
I'm game. I'll probably be on tonight for a while. Add me to your FL and hopefully we can all hook up for some games.


MS would be fools to not bring this over here. What the hell are they thinking? I mean, no its not a system selling game or anything but its definitley a great game and something totally different from the existing live games.
PhatSaqs, thanks for the impressions!! Now I need to get my hands on an imoprt copy of that demo. I may import a copy for my modded XBox but that means on XBL play for me. :(


The Inside Track
PhatSaqs said:
Would own if the official release was region free as well. When does it drop in Japan? Anyone know?
In 13 days. Already preordered at playasia so hopefully I'll have almost the day it's released :)


And even i am moderately surprised
the game is out and fecking NO WHERE is stocking it...

why do the Japanese retailers mock me so?


I liked Power Stone more than Power Stone 2, is that strange? Power Stone 2 was still slick though.

Oh, that and I wanna try Phantom Dust, are they still refusing to bring it over...?
Holy fuck!

That was the single-best attract sequence I've seen since the 16-bit days.

The music is super-fucking-badass...same guy as Panzer Dragoon 1?

I know the producer/designer did PD1, but I mean the music composer?

Gotta get that OST immediately!

Superb editing. Wow.


The Inside Track
The game is not region free. It was planned to be but the ESRB did not allow it.
And yes I will do some videos of the Xbox Live this week end.
Thank you! The 17 minutes video looks great, but I don't have a japanese box so I'll have to wait and hope for a western version.


being watched
The destructable elements are great. Good Japanese package. Models of characters are a bit sub-FF-ripoff grade though.


The Inside Track
I think I've read not so long ago that the character design had been altered at the request of MS Redmond. When they decided not to publish the game anyway I guess it was already too late to put back the original character design. Ho well, it still looks great.
These shots have something just "perfect", it's hard to describe but it looks great :



Definitely play the demo before buying the game. I played it today at TGS and was pretty underwhelmed by the the clunky controls. There seemed to be a significant delay between when the time I hit a button and when the game registered it. It wasn't my cup of tea, but please understand that I don't speak Japanese, so maybe some of my difficulties with the game stemmed from that.


Mike said:
Definitely play the demo before buying the game. I played it today at TGS and was pretty underwhelmed by the the clunky controls. There seemed to be a significant delay between when the time I hit a button and when the game registered it. It wasn't my cup of tea, but please understand that I don't speak Japanese, so maybe some of my difficulties with the game stemmed from that.

Were you playing offline or online?


Mike said:
I don't speak Japanese, so maybe some of my difficulties with the game stemmed from that.
I can understand it if you just didnt know what you were doing and got frustrated. The game is definitely not pick up and play friendly. But I dont see how the controls are clunky at all.


The Inside Track
Mike said:
Definitely play the demo before buying the game. I played it today at TGS and was pretty underwhelmed by the the clunky controls. There seemed to be a significant delay between when the time I hit a button and when the game registered it. It wasn't my cup of tea, but please understand that I don't speak Japanese, so maybe some of my difficulties with the game stemmed from that.
I think you tried playing the game as an action game, eg moving everywhere and trying to kick everyone's ass. Well that's not how the game is played at all. You have to carefully think what you will do next and prepare your action before doing anything.
Definitely not a game you'll be able to play correctly by just trying it at a games show.


I heard the dev team is trying to get MS to release this game to other regions but management is being stupid about the whole issue.


MrSingh said:
I heard the dev team is trying to get MS to release this game to other regions but management is being stupid about the whole issue.

They're bound to release it elsewhere... Why make a quality game and only release it in a place where only a few thousand people will likely ever play it?? Bring it to the rest of the world so that number at least gets closer to 100k or more and don't have the dev teams' efforts go to waste. The cost to release it in the states will be marginal compared to its overall development costs.


The Inside Track
plik said:
so how does one go about getting this issues of Famitsu that has the demo disc? playasia?
I don't think that issue is available anywhere anymore. I guess I could sell my demo now since I have the full game :)
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