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Phil Spencer admits defeat in console space, and doesn't think great games would help Xbox's market share.


Gold Member
Figured this should probably have its own thread, given the implications of what Spencer is saying.

Timestamped video from Kinda Funny Xcast:

Here, Spencer basically says there's no way the Xbox can compete with Sony and Nintendo, and then goes on to say that making great games wouldn't help Xbox compete.

I find this attitude utterly baffling, and I think we're now at the point where this dude needs to step away.

Whole quote here, provided by Heisenberg007 Heisenberg007 :

"We're not in the business of out-consoling Sony or out-consoling Nintendo. There isn't really a great solution or win for us, and I know that will upset a ton of people, but it's just the truth of the matter.

When you're third place in the console marketplace, and the top two players are as strong as they are, and have, in certain cases, a very discrete focus on doing deals and other things that make being Xbox hard for us, as a team.

I see commentary that if you just build great games, everything would turn around. It's just not true that if we go off and build great games, all of a sudden you're going to see console share shift in some dramatic way. We lost the worst generation to lose in the Xbox One generation, where everybody built their digital library of games. So when you go, and you're building on Xbox, we want our Xbox community to feel awesome. But this idea that if we just focused more on great games on our console, that somehow we're going to win the console race, I think doesn't really lay to the reality of most people.

There is no world where Starfield is an 11 out of 10 and people start selling their PS5. That's not going to happen." -- Phil Spencer
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This is honestly embarrassing
Make-Up Meme GIF by Justin

That interview was insane. The guy who runs Xbox doesn't even have confidence in Xbox or the staff he has producing games.
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I mean at least it gives some context to the drought since Xbox Series launched. Now people know what to expect.
Not even Series, The X1. They've barely offered anything but Gears/Forza/Halo and Cuphead for 10 years. I appreciate their PC effort but imagine if they stuck to what worked vs trying to force what isn't. I feel no way in saying the Xbox ruined all creativity from Microsoft game studios.


Gold Member
Heisenberg007 Heisenberg007 typed up a summary for those that can't watch

"We're not in the business of out-consoling Sony or out-consoling Nintendo. There isn't really a great solution or win for us, and I know that will upset a ton of people, but it's just the truth of the matter. When you're third place in the console marketplace, and the top two players are as strong as they are, and have, in certain cases, a very discrete focus on doing deals and other things that make being Xbox hard for us, as a team, that's on us, not on anybody else. Our vision is that everybody who's on console has to feel like they have a great experience and they're a first-class citizen. They've invested a ton in our platform, but we are not in a position, and I see it out there, I see commentary that if you just build great games, everything would turn around. It's just not true that if we go off and build great games, all of a sudden you're going to see console share shift in some dramatic way. We lost the worst generation to lose in the Xbox One generation, where everybody built their digital library of games. So when you go and you're building on Xbox, we want our Xbox community to feel awesome. But this idea that if we just focused more on great games on our console, that somehow we're going to win the console race, I think doesn't really lay to the reality of most people. Like 90% of the people every year who walk into a retailer to buy a console are already a member of one of the three ecosystems, and their digital library is there. This is the first generation where the big games that they're playing were games that were available last gen. When you think about Fortnite and Roblox and Minecraft, the continuity from generation to generation is so strong. I see a lot of pundits out there that kind of want to go back to the time where we all had cartridges and discs, and every new generation was a clean slate, and you could switch the whole console share. That's just not the world that we are in today. There is no world where Starfield is an 11 out of 10 and people start selling their PS5. That's not going to happen. So what we have to do, and we have this unique vision because we see what creators want to do, creators want to build games that can meet players on any screen, people play with their friends regardless of what other screen they're on, and the console is the core of the Xbox brand, there's no doubt. So, we will stay focused on making sure that console experience is awesome. But I know some people want to hold us up of just being a better green version of what the blue guys do, and I'm just going to say, there's not a win for Xbox in staying in the wake of somebody else. We have to go off and do our own thing with Game Pass, with the stuff we do with xCloud, and the way we build our games

Link: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/head...-xcast-tomorrow.1656174/page-4#post-267905453


Not even Series, The X1. They've barely offered anything but Gears/Forza/Halo and Cuphead for 10 years. I appreciate their PC effort but imagine if they stuck to what worked vs trying to force what isn't. I feel no way in saying the Xbox ruined all creativity from Microsoft game studios.
I said it in another thread, but there hasnt been a stretch of bangers to buy an xbox since 2006-2009.


Gold Member
There's no reason to get an Xbox Series X if you can just buy a PC.

If he wants people to buy an Xbox, he needs better solutions. Sony's solution was to release their exclusives 3-4 years after their debut on consoles.
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doesn't think great games would help Xbox's market share​

Well it certainly explains the last few years of XBox pretty handily.

I can't imagine a company man actually admitting this, much less the head of XBox gaming. I'll need to listen to the whole interview.

Monumentally idiotic thing to say, IMO.


Ok, in context I guess it makes more sense. He's saying that having a handful of great games wouldn't switch XBox's position from 3rd to 1st, and that part is true. But damn, making great games should be something they strive for regardless of pecking order or changing their console war placement. Their release schedule has been abysmal for a lot longer than this shit year, and saying he prefers to let his teams have creative freedom certainly doesn't seem to be paying any dividends. Sounds like ineffective management from the very top down. Also one last "throw Mattrick under the bus" moment. Get it in while you can, I guess.
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Xbox has had 21 years to "compete" and the best year they had in gaming they still managed to get outdone by their "competition" of the PS3 which was Sony's absolute worst year they've had. All this money from daddy microsoft, entering the console market to "take down" Sony and they STILL can't do anything worth a shit... Shit needs to change. Cause as again... This will go down as another year for xbox that absolutely blows ass. Bots better hope and prey starfield is worth a shit cause if not....

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I think he's just going off the data, and I think that's how he views things.

They have a $300 console that was on sale many times and GP for $1. I think they're just admitting what is plain to see. They're obviously never going to be able to displace them in the console space.

What I think is weird is that people only want the winner. If they put out niche games you want, then go for it. Sega was never going to win either, and I got every one of their consoles. Some of my favorites actually to ever be released. Xbox game studios doesn't make mainstream blockbuster games either, but more niche genres. Even if they're great, they're not going to move the market share. Kind of the vibe I got from him at the Game Awards also.


From "we hear the players, games are coming, i promise, yeah absolutely promise, we gonna do games, just wait, give us time, promise you guys, trust me bro"
to " even if we had great games, it wouldnt to anything "

hope he gets yeeeeted the fuck out and replaced by someone who actually cares. what the fuck.


The fact that Phil Spencer truly believes great games wont move the needle for XBOX is tragic.

I've often wondered if XBOX's understood that the most crucial components of console gaming are Mindshare and Momentum. For the longest time I thought they didn't. It wasn't until the attempted activision takeover that I realized they did. The problem is that they don't have faith in building it. They want to purchase it outright, like some off the shelf component.

Unfortunately for Microsoft it isn't for sale. The only way to obtain Mindshare and Momentum is via the creation of great ip.
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You need marketing, retailer support, relevant ips etc. A lot of stuff that will be needed to dethrone Sony or Nintendo.

Games are just a part of the equation. Personally am cool with whatever market share they have. Sony is putting games in PC so it's a win win situation for both.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Thats one way to end the Console War.

And sounds like from his answer, Sony is going hard grabbing 3rd party exclusive deals (I expect some big ones to be announced soon) making it even harder for Xbox to win.

But damn, he's wrong. Great games will solve literally everything. Give it a try.
He’s right that it’s much harder to shift mindshare now than previously, with people being locked down to their digital library and them playing multiplayer with their friends on the same platform. But he’s still mostly wrong, if he delivers quality games with mass appeal in a consistent fashion, mindshare will even out and give Xbox a better chance.
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I said it in another thread, but there hasnt been a stretch of bangers to buy an xbox since 2006-2009.

Just also going to add this lines up when the PS3 got a second wind, I literally sold my entire 360 collection and migrated over to Playstaition and never looked back. There's something for sure in having a console available to play games in a fashion that aren't 800-2K (and over) PCs but I think realistically shifting to PC and having Xbox as an extension would do wonders for them.


Lord of Edge.
I mean it's refreshing to see an exec admit that they can't compete and are not going to try compete with Sony or Nintendo in the CONSOLE space.

This hopefully means that they will focus on themselves by making GamePass as valuable as possible, ensure there is a steady stream of quality first party games coming throughout the year and making the games available on as many things as possible. So far, they are only doing 1 of those 3 things.


This is an insane comment.

It's not about "winning," but doing as well as they possibly can. They're not right now. At all.

And it doesn't account for how Nintendo is crushing it so much - no backward compatibility in a device that followed an absolute disaster of a gen. Why? A great device, generationally incredible games, and consistency.
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Cripes man, if you build great games more people will want to buy your console.

It’s not about being number one, it’s about being in the conversation. Being a serious contender.
Right now, why would anyone want to buy an Xbox? I wouldn’t recommend an Xbox Series S/X to anyone, and it’s disappointing to have to say that.


Gold Member
Great software sells consoles, that is the model. It has worked for all previous generations. Phil has to get some killer instincts. He needs a Regginator.

Reggie Fils-Aime Nintendo GIF by Mega 64

If i was him i would just make the Series X more powerful than the PS5. More expensive but still more resonable than a powerful gaming RIG. It would be a good selling point unless Sony decides to make a PS5 Pro.

Sure it would be hard to pay more than $599 for a console, but there's no reason to get an Xbox when the PS5 peforms just the same and all Xbox games come out on PC.
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I bought an XB1 for Titan Fall. I will literally buy something if I can't play it else where, that's how you move consoles.

If you build it, they will come. By that logic, I can't wait to play Starfield on my PS5, right fellas? Am I doing it right? I mean, if you're giving up in the console space, time to go full third party publisher.


Gold Member
How did the PS3/360 generation shift? That at least had something to do with content, right? As Sony kept hammering "core" gamers while MS went off on their Kinect misadventures.

People aren't going to sell their PS5 for Starfield NOW, because PS5 has a lot of games and it is years in. The generation isn't starting today. The big problem for Microsoft is that Halo Infinite was delayed a year and came out in shabby shape. It reviewed well, yes, but we all know that is not the game it should have been. But waht if 343 actually delivered a complete, Halo 3-like package at launch? I would argue that things have gone differently.
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Thanks for posting this, as in most things context is important and like most things the gotcha lines are posted first. This is an excellent assessment of the state of Xbox and shows a very nuanced understanding of the state of the industry. Phil is choosing a different route forward and I think given the strengths of Microsoft this path makes sense. At the end of the day Microsoft needs to build a business that make sense and is profitable in the context of the company and their business is services.


He talks about digital libraries as being a barrier to get a console. I built a new digital library for the switch. I have 1000s of playstation games, but now I have 30ish switch titles. You have to have content. This man needs to be fired.
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