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Yeah, that's right, lay all the cards on the table, let people see you for the console warrior you are, pick your favs!!!

For me I'm doing every gen I lived through, but if you buy old games, emulate, etc. you don't need to go by such rules...

As a child - NES (I didn't have the competition but I've played the competition since via Virtual Console and emulation)
As a slightly older child - SNES (ditto with above, we had such good times with NES switching to SNES next was a no-brainer, but I've experienced some of the best of the competition as an adult)
As an adolescent - N64 (was as much a PC gamer during this phase but wasn't sure if PC should be counted)
As a teen - XBOX (Though the Gamecube had more games I at the time and today consider best games ever it had way less influence on my gaming time)
As an adult - PS3 (At the time it was mostly 360, but this shifted as the gen went on due to franchises like Killzone, Resistance, Uncharted and finally The Last of Us, it started as 360 due to stuff like BioShock, Mass Effect, Crackdown, Dead Rising, Oblivion, Halo 3, Gears of War but from a perspective of looking backwards many of those are no longer tied to XBOX but are games I replay on PC, but even during the gen I felt 360 lost it's way the second half of that gen)
Now - PS4 (though PC is now the most played platform for me I still am unsure if I should use PC for this because I feel like it's going to be everyone's favorite every time and that leads to less interesting discussion. I pick PS4 for the quality of the exclusives and the fact that I legit feel more comfortable console gaming than PC gaming and wish my console could keep up with my PC more often. Most the reason PS4 comes at all close to my time on PC is due to Destiny 1, as their exclusives are normally games you feel complete with when the story ends)


2600 My first console not counting the Vic-20. Played a ton of River Raid, Superman, and Laser Blast.

NES Had a Master System first, but there were more and better games on the NES.

Genesis I loved my SNES, but stuff on the Genesis like Sonic, Shinobi, Strider, Streets of Rage, Ecco, ETC made it my favorite.

Saturn Sorry, the PSX had inferior Capcom fighter ports and didn’t have AM2. I miss the Saturn.

Dreamcast Probably the greatest console ever killed by a system that wasn’t even released. It wasn’t even given a chance with the PS2 on the way and it had probably the greatest launch lineup in history.

Xbox It felt like SEGA’s offspring, it played Halo, MechAssault, Crimson Skies, and KOTOR.

Xbox 360 It wasn’t FIVE HUNDRED NINETY NINE US DOLLARS and the games usually ran better than on the PS3.

Xbox One X I play mostly on PC these days but I love the PlayAnywhere stuff where saves will sync between PC and console, and GamePass always has something new for me to play without having to drop $60 on games all the time.
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NES - I preferred this over Sega as Sega just didn't have the games that interested me during that time.

SNES - same argument as above.

N64/Playstation - I started off with N64 but as I got older moved on to the original Playstation.

PS2 - playstation had more games that I preferred. I saw Xbox as the console you bought if you played Halo and I didn't really care for shooters and some western games at that time.

PS3 - this is when it flipped and I admit the Xbox 360 was much better than the PS3.

PS4/PC - got PS4 during launch and I was better than the Xbox that was released. Once the Xbox One X released that evened the field a little more but PS4 still had the overall advantage IMO. About 2 years into the PS4 I switched to PC gaming and might actually go back to consoles for PS5 if the garbage with EGS and PC gaming having a new store for every developer continues.
My first console was a Playstation.

Playstation - First console, and honestly was a bit young still and didn't get as much use as subsequent consoles. Still have tons of nostalgia for this generation.
Playstation 2 - My favorite console of all time, and what actually really got me into gaming. The majority of my favorite games of all time are on the PS2. I had a Xbox as well but at the time didn't care for it and didn't play much outside of Forza and Project Gotham Racing. Never had a Gamecube or Dreamcast until much later.
Playstation 3 - My first online console, and the console I have spent the most time on. My family has never had a lot of money so I never really got a lot of games outside of rentals. This was the first time I could actually really afford to buy my own games. I didn't get a 360 until the S and enjoyed it but not as much as the PS3. Also owned a Wii but didn't play much besides horror games like Calling/Juon/FF2/4.
Funny story: I refused to get a 360 when it came out because I needed to have MGS4. My mom finally bought me one for Christmas and I cried and told her to return it because it was so damn expensive. My mom wouldn't allow that to happen.
Playstation 4 - I got a PS4 and Xbox One day one but never really played much on XBO outside of Titanfall and Forza at the time. I've also owned a Xbox One S/X, but prefer the games on Playstation. That being said one of my favorite games of the generation is FH3/4, and have great memories playing through Halo 1-4 with my buddy on MCC. Switch is a runner up this gen for me.

My first Handheld was a Gameboy Color

Gameboy Color - Pokemon machine and literally the only games I owned/played.
Nintendo DS - Never had a GBA so this was my follow up to GBC when the DS Lite came out. This was when I got into VNs.
Playstation Vita - My favorite handheld of all time. Never had a PSP so the ability to play PS1, PSP, and Vita titles is amazing. The Vita also has my 3 favorite games of all time on it (Persona 4 Golden/MGS 3/Steins;gate). Still my favorite handheld of all time even above the Switch.

Not sure where WiiU fits really but I didn't own one and enjoyed it if only for Fatal Frame 5 and Wind Waker HD.

Edit: Added context to answers.
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wii and ps3 tied. Wii was so much fun with irl people + mario galaxies but ps3 had demons souls and blu rays and gtaiv

1-3ds 2-ps4 and 3-wii u 3ds has my most played games (animal crossing + Etrian odyssey), ps4 only has one 10/10-driveclub, and wii u was epic waste of money
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PlayStation 1-2-3-4-5


1. NES (But I think the Master System was better hardware)

2. SNES (But still loved the Megadrive)

3. N64 (Playstation had bigger library, but N64 had Zelda.....)

4. Playstation 2 (Massive, varied library. But also technically inferior to Gamecube and XB)

5. Playstation 3 (Even though 360 had Forza, I loved GT5, MGS4 and Uncharted slightly more)

6. XboxOne (As a massive Forza Horizon fan, I just had to pick Xbox for this one. But I did enjoy some PS4 games, like GTS)
I never experienced these home consoles wen they were released, but i did go on an obsessive buying spree starting from 2007, approximately, and i was able to buy a majority of these home consoles, over time, and a wealth of video games. I was playing catch up, more or less. 2007 - 2012 was an incredibly entertaining period of time. I sold off everything over time once i started dabbling in emulation, but i did keep a majority of the video games i collected.

16-bit - I can't pick between the SEGA Mega Drive and the SNES, their libraries of video games complement each other remarkably well, more so than any other generation i have experienced.
32-bit - I can't pick between the original Playstation and the SEGA Saturn either. No, i really can't, i'd have to contemplate for hours.
6th Generation - easily the Playstation 2. I bought an OG Xbox in 2014 solely for Jet Set Radio Future and Panzer Dragoon Orta; these games did not disappoint and were worth the trouble of buying a system for them, easily. But the Playstation 2 had a vast wealth of video games that, allthough not as unique as the above mentioned, were as good in terms of quality.

7th Generation and onwards - PC. I did purchase a Nintendo Wii, but it didn't last long enough to make it note worthy or worth listing as any sort of favorite. I've always been a PC gamer, but lately there's almost nothing on home consoles that ever interest me or convince me that a purchase is warranted.

The Snake


During the PlayStation era, all of the kids in the neighborhood came to my house to watch me play it, even the kids who owned N64. I like the N64, but it felt like a toy at the time.
This list is based on my current collection and tastes:

3rd (1983–1987): NES
4th (1987–1993): Genesis
5th (1993–1998): Saturn
6th (1998–2005): PS2
7th (2005–2012): Wii
8th (2012-Present): PS4
9th (2017-Present): Switch
Very interesting to see the Wii taking over the 7th generation era for you. Did you feel like the library was sufficient despite the lack of 3rd party titles?


Grabbed this format from DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi 🤗 (although i still think we're on the 8th gen or maybe 8.5 gen)

3rd (1983–1987): MsDOS, Mame never really had a NES mostly played as a kid on the school computers and Arcades 😎🤟
4th (1987–1993): SNES hell i always wanted one, F-Zero, Mario, Zelda, DKCountry and super Metroid for me 😍.
5th (1993–1998): N64 (I wanted a PS1 with Crash Bandicoot and FFVII but all my friends got the N64 then after Zelda came, everything changed)
6th (1998–2005): GCN (this one was hard! Dreamcast was so cool with Sonic and the mini memory card, PS2 was coming with Metal Gear and then that Zelda teaser with Ganondorf vs Link in the end it won)
7th (2005–2012): Xbox360 (the strongest in my country at the time, and my opportunity to play Xbox classics like Ninja Gaiden 😎
8th (2012-Present): PS4/WiiU (i have a special place in my heart with the WiiU enjoyed many moments with family)
9th (2017-Present): no 9th gen for me yet the Switch feels to me like an usurper with all the ports from wiiU at launch and is the first Nintendo console i dont get asap. Still waiting for Metroid 4 and Bayonetta 😍


I'll only do the generations where I actually owned all of the consoles:

Saturn, PS1, N64
Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, Gamecube
PS3, Xbox 360, Wii
PS4, Xbox One, Wii U
PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, Switch
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Very interesting to see the Wii taking over the 7th generation era for you. Did you feel like the library was sufficient despite the lack of 3rd party titles?
I've owned a Wii since launch, except for a period of about 1 year during the initial "craze" where I sold my used Wii for $300 (50 above retail) and bought a PS3 to get MGS4.

Wii has a lot of great third party titles despite its reputation. Some of my favs are Sin & Punishment, Zack & Wiki, RE 4 Wii, and Trauma Center but none of these are likely to show up on "best games of the generation lists". The first party Nintendo stuff is also really good but third party is no slouch.

The system was largely responsible for bringing Local multiplayer back to the living room which I appreciate.
I've owned a Wii since launch, except for a period of about 1 year during the initial "craze" where I sold my used Wii for $300 (50 above retail) and bought a PS3 to get MGS4.

Wii has a lot of great third party titles despite its reputation. Some of my favs are Sin & Punishment, Zack & Wiki, RE 4 Wii, and Trauma Center but none of these are likely to show up on "best games of the generation lists". The first party Nintendo stuff is also really good but third party is no slouch.

The system was largely responsible for bringing Local multiplayer back to the living room which I appreciate.
Whoa, you sold your Wii to play MGS4? I salute you, comrade! 💗 I have trauma centre but didn't play it yet. I heard it's a genuinely great game but a hidden gem. As an ex-Medical School student, the game intruiges me and I'm just waiting for the right time to play it! I definitely agree that the Wii has this magical power to bring people together back to the living room. I don't remember the other 7th generation consoles doing the same for their audience.
Imma do a more advanced list now...

Favorite games are bolded, not all games played and enjoyed make each years list, platform winner is based on which is listed first

1985: NES - Super Mario Bros, Section Z
1986: NES - Ghosts 'n Goblins, Adventure Island
1987: NES - The Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, Metroid, Mega Man
1988: NES - Contra, Super Mario Bros. 3, Mega Man 2, Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Contra
1989: NES - Castlevania lll: Dracula's Curse, Batman, Ducktales
1990: SNES - Super Mario World, ActRaiser, F-Zero
1991: SNES - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Castlevania IV, Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts
1992: SNES - Contra lll: The Alien Wars, Super Smash T.V., TMNT: Turtles in Time, Super Mario Kart
1993: PC/SNES - Doom, Mega Man X, Star Fox
1994: SNES/PC - Super Metroid, Doom ll: Hell on Earth, Donkey Kong Country, Descent, Heretic
1995: SNES/PC - Chrono Trigger, Warcraft ll: Tides of Darkness, Hexen: Beyond Heretic, Worms
1996: PC/N64 - Duke Nukem 3D, Super Mario 64, Quake, Diablo, Final Doom, Mario Kart 64
1997: PS1/PC/N64 - Castlevania: SOTN, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Doom 64, Total Annihilation, Quake ll, Worms 2, MDK, Blast Corps, Carmageddon, Star Fox 64, Goldeneye 007
1998: PC/N64/PS1 - Half-Life, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Resident Evil 2, Xenogears, Starcraft, Sanitarium, Unreal, Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, Body Harvest
1999: PC - System Shock 2, Worms Armageddon, Homeworld
2000: PC - Deus Ex, Counter-Strike, Diablo ll, Soldier of Fortune
2001: XBOX/PC - Halo: Combat Evolved, Max Payne, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis
2002: Gamecube - Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
2003: XBOX - The Simpsons Hit 'n Run, Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
2004: PC/Gamecube/XBOX - Half-Life 2, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Halo 2, Burnout 3: Takedown, Ninja Gaiden, Doom 3
2005: Gamecube/PC/XBOX 360 - Resident Evil 4, F.E.A.R., Burnout: Revenge, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Call of Duty 2
2006: XBOX 360 - Dead Rising, Bully, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Godfather The Game, Gears of War, Prey, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
2007: Wii/XBOX 360/PC - Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Halo 3, BioShock, Mass Effect, Super Mario Galaxy, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, The Orange Box, Crackdown, Crysis
2008: XBOX 360 - Fallout 3, Dead Space, Grand Theft Auto IV, Left 4 Dead, Burnout Paradise, Saints Row 2, Gears of War 2, Call of Duty: World at War, Rock Band 2, Battlefield: Bad Company, Far Cry 2
2009: PS3/360 - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Demon's Souls, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Dragon Age: Origins, Halo 3: ODST, Assassin's Creed ll, Shadow Complex, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Borderlands, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Killzone 2
2010: XBOX 360/PC - Fallout: New Vegas, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 2, Rock Band 3, Halo: Reach, Deadly Premonition, Starcraft ll: Wings of Liberty, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Alan Wake, BioShock 2, Just Cause 2, Metro 2033, Alpha Protocol, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Darksiders, Lost Planet 2
2011: XBOX 360/PC/PS3 - Dark Souls, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Dead Space 2, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Bulletstorm, Resistance 3, Battlefield 3 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War ll - Retribution, Crysis 2, Killzone 3, RAGE, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
2012: PC/PS3 - Max Payne 3, Hotline Miami, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Dishonored, Mass Effect 3, Spec Ops: The Line, Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops ll, Awesomenauts, Syndicate
2013: PS3/360/PC/PS4 - The Last of Us, Grand Theft Auto V, Metro: Last Light, BioShock Infinite, Guacamelee!, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, Tomb Raider, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Battlefield 4, Earth Defense Force 2025, Payday 2, Crysis 3, Killzone: Shadow Fall
2014: PC/PS4 - Dark Souls ll, Alien: Isolation, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Dungeon of the Endless, Dragon Age: Inquisition, inFAMOUS: Second Son, Far Cry 4, Strider, Destiny
2015: PS4/PC - Bloodborne, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Ori and the Blind Forest, Axiom Verge, Pillars of Eternity, Until Dawn, Dying Light, Fallout 4, Destiny: The Taken King
2016: PC/PS4 - Dark Souls lll, Doom, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, XCOM 2, Titanfall 2, Dishonored 2, Battlefield 1, Tom Clancy's The Division
2017: PC/PS4 - Prey, Horizon Zero Dawn, Hollow Knight, NieR: Automata, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Wolfenstein ll: The New Colossus, Destiny 2
2018: PS4/PC - Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War, Far Cry 5, Destiny: Forsaken
2019: PS4/PC - Days Gone, Resident Evil 2, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Metro Exodus, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, The Division ll, RAGE 2

Nintendo has 17 inclusions and 13 wins
PC has 22 inclusions and 10 wins
Sony has 13 inclusions and 6 wins
Microsoft has 11 inclusions and 6 wins

Something went wrong with a prior edit, I had counted out which companies had the most bolded games but eh...

I think that count is accurate
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Gold Member
This list is based on my current collection and tastes:

3rd (1983–1987): NES
4th (1987–1993): Genesis
5th (1993–1998): Saturn
6th (1998–2005): PS2
7th (2005–2012): Wii
8th (2012-Present): PS4
9th (2017-Present): Switch


3rd (1983–1987): NES
4th (1987–1993): SNES
5th (1993–1998): PS1
6th (1998–2005): Dreamcast, then Xbox OG
7th (2005–2012): Xbox 360
8th (2012-Present): PS4
9th (2017-Present): Xbox One X
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Alright, here we..... go!
  • 3rd (1983–1987): Commodore 64 :)

  • 4th (1987–1993): Sega Megadrive

  • 5th (1993–1998): Sega Megadrive some more!

  • 5,5th (1999-2001): Sega Dreamcast

  • 6th (2001–2005): Xbox OG

  • 7th (2005–2012): PS3 (although I had a 360 at the time, I now own a PS3 and enjoy the exclusives MUCH more then the Xbox's back in the day)

  • 8th (2012-Present): PS4 pro


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Always the Nintendo system. This gen, where there are two, Wii U over Switch. There are two gens where it was close: Mega Drive is similarly amazing as SNES and so is Dreamcast in comparison to GameCube. The reason is simple: I love platformers, arcady games and action-adventures. Nintendo and Sega are best at delivering those.
Intellivision (only got to play Atari 2600 & Colecovision briefly)
NES (friend up the street had Master System so only played it a few times)
Genesis (nextdoor neighbor had SNES so it was awesome to be able to play it a ton also--probably my favorite gen of gaming.)
PS1 (got one waaay late but really had fun with it, sadly it was stolen while I was at college)
Xbox (played different friends' PS2s in college but went Xbox, got in on beta of Xbox Live and was hooked. Early days of XBL were something special.)
Xbox 360 (had both 360 & PS3 for a while but was already so invested in XB that I eventually sold it. Bought son a Wii and had fun with it.)
Xbox One (but really enjoying playing Wii U with my sons and looking forward to Intellivsion Amico. Switch is neat--oldest son has one--but I can't deal with the tiny controllers and it's honestly pretty uncomfortable to hold when they are attached also)

Other honorable mentions:
Atari Lynx--loved it for what it was, but nobody else I knew had one and that sucked because I imaging multiplayer was neat
3DO--oldest bro was a tech geek back then and could afford it so it was neat. Fucking Star Control 2, Road Rash, etc. Sucks it was soo expensive
Sega Nomad--got it maybe 7-8 years after it released and should have never sold it
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Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Sega Master System (NES didn't impress me compared to arcade but PStar was like dayummmmm)
Sega Genesis (genesis doesssssssssss. you really couldn't do that on nintendo!)
PSX (the king i enjoyed the others but it wasn't even close)
XBOX (unlike most people I was really let down by the dreamcast, gamecube and ps2)
PS3 (wii and x360 were also great this was just a great gen overall)

[I don't have a fav from current gen...everything is kinda meh to me...PS4 exclusives are the most overrating thing in gaming history B and C level games overhyped to the max]


3rd (1983–1987): NES/Famicom
The NES was the first major videogame console I owned when I received it as a gift at the age of four in 1989. Some great memories tied to that grey & black box and it stands are my favorite standalone console of all time.

4th (1987–1993): SNES-Genesis Tie.
Honestly the SNES and Genesis have amazing libraries that complement each other well and I couldn't decide between the two if you put a gun to my head.

5th (1993–1998): Nintendo 64
I loved the Saturn and the Playstation is a fine console but in the end the Nintendo 64 had the kinds of games I preferred to play and man those shimmery textures on PSX can fuck right the hell off.

6th (1998–2005): Dreamcast
Sega was at the top of their game in this generation and their exit from the videogame market soured me so much on videogames that I more or less stuck to PC Gaming and my GBA until I bought a Wii in 2008.

7th (2005–2012): Wii
A bunch of great games that put fun over graphics. Nothing more to really say here.

8th (2012-Present): Wii U
Nintendo's Dreamcast moment. Some of the best games they've ever made underappreciated by the general public.

9th (2017-Present): Switch
By default.
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Gold Member
Imma do a more advanced list now...

Favorite games are bolded, not all games played and enjoyed make each years list, platform winner is based on which is listed first

1985: NES - Super Mario Bros, Section Z
1986: NES - Ghosts 'n Goblins, Adventure Island
1987: NES - The Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, Metroid, Mega Man
1988: NES - Contra, Super Mario Bros. 3, Mega Man 2, Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Contra
1989: NES - Castlevania lll: Dracula's Curse, Batman, Ducktales
1990: SNES - Super Mario World, ActRaiser, F-Zero
1991: SNES - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Castlevania IV, Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts
1992: SNES - Contra lll: The Alien Wars, Super Smash T.V., TMNT: Turtles in Time, Super Mario Kart
1993: PC/SNES - Doom, Mega Man X, Star Fox
1994: SNES/PC - Super Metroid, Doom ll: Hell on Earth, Donkey Kong Country, Descent, Heretic
1995: SNES/PC - Chrono Trigger, Warcraft ll: Tides of Darkness, Hexen: Beyond Heretic, Worms
1996: PC/N64 - Duke Nukem 3D, Super Mario 64, Quake, Diablo, Final Doom, Mario Kart 64
1997: PS1/PC/N64 - Castlevania: SOTN, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Doom 64, Total Annihilation, Quake ll, Worms 2, MDK, Blast Corps, Carmageddon, Star Fox 64, Goldeneye 007
1998: PC/N64/PS1 - Half-Life, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Resident Evil 2, Xenogears, Starcraft, Sanitarium, Unreal, Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, Body Harvest
1999: PC - System Shock 2, Worms Armageddon, Homeworld
2000: PC - Deus Ex, Counter-Strike, Diablo ll, Soldier of Fortune
2001: XBOX/PC - Halo: Combat Evolved, Max Payne, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis
2002: Gamecube - Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
2003: XBOX - The Simpsons Hit 'n Run, Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
2004: PC/Gamecube/XBOX - Half-Life 2, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Halo 2, Burnout 3: Takedown, Ninja Gaiden, Doom 3
2005: Gamecube/PC/XBOX 360 - Resident Evil 4, F.E.A.R., Burnout: Revenge, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Call of Duty 2
2006: XBOX 360 - Dead Rising, Bully, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Godfather The Game, Gears of War, Prey, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
2007: Wii/XBOX 360/PC - Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Halo 3, BioShock, Mass Effect, Super Mario Galaxy, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, The Orange Box, Crackdown, Crysis
2008: XBOX 360 - Fallout 3, Dead Space, Grand Theft Auto IV, Left 4 Dead, Burnout Paradise, Saints Row 2, Gears of War 2, Call of Duty: World at War, Rock Band 2, Battlefield: Bad Company, Far Cry 2
2009: PS3/360 - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Demon's Souls, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Dragon Age: Origins, Halo 3: ODST, Assassin's Creed ll, Shadow Complex, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Borderlands, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Killzone 2
2010: XBOX 360/PC - Fallout: New Vegas, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 2, Rock Band 3, Halo: Reach, Deadly Premonition, Starcraft ll: Wings of Liberty, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Alan Wake, BioShock 2, Just Cause 2, Metro 2033, Alpha Protocol, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Darksiders, Lost Planet 2
2011: XBOX 360/PC/PS3 - Dark Souls, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Dead Space 2, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Bulletstorm, Resistance 3, Battlefield 3 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War ll - Retribution, Crysis 2, Killzone 3, RAGE, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
2012: PC/PS3 - Max Payne 3, Hotline Miami, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Dishonored, Mass Effect 3, Spec Ops: The Line, Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops ll, Awesomenauts, Syndicate
2013: PS3/360/PC/PS4 - The Last of Us, Grand Theft Auto V, Metro: Last Light, BioShock Infinite, Guacamelee!, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, Tomb Raider, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Battlefield 4, Earth Defense Force 2025, Payday 2, Crysis 3, Killzone: Shadow Fall
2014: PC/PS4 - Dark Souls ll, Alien: Isolation, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Dungeon of the Endless, Dragon Age: Inquisition, inFAMOUS: Second Son, Far Cry 4, Strider, Destiny
2015: PS4/PC - Bloodborne, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Ori and the Blind Forest, Axiom Verge, Pillars of Eternity, Until Dawn, Dying Light, Fallout 4, Destiny: The Taken King
2016: PC/PS4 - Dark Souls lll, Doom, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, XCOM 2, Titanfall 2, Dishonored 2, Battlefield 1, Tom Clancy's The Division
2017: PC/PS4 - Prey, Horizon Zero Dawn, Hollow Knight, NieR: Automata, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Wolfenstein ll: The New Colossus, Destiny 2
2018: PS4/PC - Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War, Far Cry 5, Destiny: Forsaken
2019: PS4/PC - Days Gone, Resident Evil 2, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Metro Exodus, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, The Division ll, RAGE 2

Nintendo has 17 inclusions and 13 wins
PC has 22 inclusions and 10 wins
Sony has 13 inclusions and 6 wins
Microsoft has 11 inclusions and 6 wins

Nintendo 17 inclusions and 12 wins,
PC has 22 inclusions and 10 wins
Sony has 13inclusions and 6 wins
Microsoft has 11 inclusions and 6 wins

I think that count is accurate
I'm at work...come on man!


Sega Genesis
Playstaytion 2
Xbox 360
I owned the competition too but those were my favs.
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Snes was the first console I owned so I'll go from there.

PS4. Though im leaning more towards the switch lately

I want to say wii u too. Such an under rated gem with an excellent library. Reminds me of tbe Dreamcast in many ways.


NES: Because back then I wasn't even aware of any competitor even now I can't think any other system from that time I'd rather play
SNES: Because of all the JRPG's including the GOAT Chrono Trigger
Ps1: Because it became the new home of Final Fantasy. Also metal gear, Megaman X. CTR, Twisted Metal, Suikoden and many more.
Ps2: Better games catalog, massive third party support and everyone owned one so it was fun to exchange games, play local coop and all that
Ps3: It's close but ultimately I like the exclusives better, I prefer the not as good but free multiplayer over the paid one and unlike Xbox I didn't have 3 of them die on me
Ps4: Because at launch it was stronger and cheaper and now throughout this gen it has developed a catalogue of exclusive games I like better than whats on offer on other platforms.


Gold Member
  • 3rd Gen - Nintendo NES Nintendo NES - I grew up in Japan and started with Famicom, so it was a natural to stick with Nintendo when i moved back to the US. I didn't even know Sega existed until the Genesis.
  • 4th Gen - Super Nintendo Super Nintendo - Just wanted to play my "next gen" Nintendo franchises. My cousin had a Genesis and I learned to respect what SEGA was bringing, but was still a Nintendo fanboy.
  • 5th Gen - PlayStation PlayStation - PlayStation was making massive waves and I got caught up in the hype. CD quality audio? Yes, please! Final Fantasy moving over was also a big influence.
  • 6th Gen - Dreamcast Dreamcast - One of my favorite systems ever. Just a pure arcade-style gaming beast of a machine. Also, my first online console gaming experience was PSO, which was epic at the time. Xbox is a fairly close second.
  • 7th Gen - PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 - I moved back to Japan here, so having a region free system for blu rays and games was a must. I appreciated what MS was doing, but they really fell off at the back end of this gen.
  • 8th Gen - Wii U Wii U - I felt that the Wii U was a return to form for Nintendo after one of my most hated consoles, the Wii. Miiverse was great. The best exclusives at the time (of course, many of them are available for Switch now).
  • 9th Gen - I guess this will be Scarlet, PS5 and Switch? Not sure how this will shake out, but I'm really enjoying my Switch.
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This is impossible for me, especially when it comes to the 3rd, 4th, and 6th generation of consoles. Too many great competitive consoles. Sorry.
modded xbox with emulators and xbmc
-And that's when I just into PC. I even won a xbone and a ps4 from taco bell and work party and just sold them. Idk where Dreamcast fits in it feels like it was an inbetween generation thing, but I nostalgia hard for that bad boy.


3rd: NES
4th: SNES
5th: 3-way tie
6th: Dreamcast
7th: Wii
8th: Wii U
9th: Most likely the Switch

I don't have a Switch yet but I refuse to buy a PS5 and the chances of me getting the next Xbox are pretty damn slim


Pong console (I forgot what the console's name was) - My dad pulled this thing out of his closet and I was surprised at what I'm looking at. A completely new experience to me was introduced; Gaming.

Atari 2600 - I'm not sure why I had this. I was too young to remember. Maybe dad bought it thinking it was the popular thing to buy, or I picked it out because of cool looking pictures? Lol don't know. I had fun with it at the time, but hated the joysticks. They always broke easily and bought a ton of them. Today, I don't have much nostalgia for this system, apart from a very few games.

Famicom - From here on out, these were all purchases of my choice/I bought. I saw this on one of Jackie Chan's movies. A young kid playing on this cool looking console. I wanted it! So one time I was at the gaming store we always shop at and saw it, and asked Dad to buy it. He said he'd buy it after I get great grades in my final exams, which was almost 6-8 months away and I couldn't wait that long. So I challenged him and told him how about you but it now and I get great grades? I think he smiled, said ok, and bought it. It worked! And I was the happiest ever. And I did keep my promise and was first in my class the whole year. This stayed as a great memory for me to this day, and will always be one. I even have a mini Famicom on my keychain because I'm very fond of this memory of me and my dad. Plus of course this console turned out to be such a great purchase, with Super Mario Bros 3 and Double Dragon 2. I played them repeatedly and endlessly. I also bought Captain Tsubasa 1 and 2, mandatory purchases as that was my favorite cartoon back then. Huge football (soccer) fan and played it regularly.

Mega Drive 2 - I think it was around '93 where I was always at this newly opened shopping mall near my house. I always went there for the arcades. There was a gaming store right next to the arcade, and from time to time I'd window shop. Once, I noticed this very cool looking Mega Drive 2 box with Sonic on it and I always returned to window shop it. Until one day I saved enough money and bought it. Great purchase and loved this system. I still borrowed and played my friend's Super Famicom from time to time to play the Captain Tsubasa (3-5) games. The SNES also introduced me to the Konami ISS series (now PES/Winning Eleven). ISS was an eye opener and a massive jump from the football games I was used to. It was tactical and could apply my footballing brain to it.

PS1 - Well, now you know I really like the Tsubasa games, and because of this alone, my PS1 purchase happened. I was window shopping and saw the Captain Tsubasa case on the window. I quickly and knee jerk-ly went in and purchased the game, even though I didn't have the console yet! I had the game for months to stare at, before I could finally save up and buy the PS1. The Winning Eleven story continued and blossomed. I didn't know any other console existed until I visited a friend's place and saw he had a N64. I didn't know what it was.

PS2 - I don't have a story here. I just bought the next PlayStation since it was the popular one and had the Winning Eleven games. This is where they piqued and became legendary. And of course the console introduced me to other legendary games like MGS, GTA, ICO, SOTC, you know the rest. Also, this was my first intro into the FF and JRPG world through FFX, and I've been in love since.

360/PS3 tie - Started with the 360 then moved on to PS3. Then bought the 360 again later. I liked them both.

PS4 - Although lately I've been playing on my Xbox X a lot more because of Gamepass. Possibly a tie?

9th gen - Can't decide yet until PS5 and Xbox 2 is out. But I'm enjoying the Switch's exclusives.
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1983-1986 Colecovision

1986-1991 NES

1991-1996 SNES
(Although I love the Genesis too, just didn't own one at the time)

1996 - 2000 N64

2000/1 - 2006 PS2/GameCube/Xbox
(Honestly a three way tie for me, I had all of them and they all had their specific strengths)

2006 - 2013 Xbox 360

2013 - present Xbox One (now the X)
My favs and/most used at the time (it gets harder to decide with perspective, especially for the 8/16 bit area)
ColecoVision ColecoVision Coleco Vision
Nintendo NES Nintendo NES NES
Genesis Genesis Genesis with Sega CD add on
PlayStation PlayStation PlayStation
Dreamcast Dreamcast Dreamcast
Then I played mostly on PC until late in the PS3's life cycle (I never had a ps2, but I had both a gamecube and Xbox neither got much use to be honest)
PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 PS3
PlayStation 4 PlayStation 4 PS4 - I think it's one of the best consoles ever made
8bit- pc engine
16bit- super nes

Can’t wait for more bits
Sorry, but the 360 is not more than 512bits, maybe even 256!
Therefore the one is only 1024 bits, at most!

I'm a bit expert, I have done a lot of research on the subject, you should not post mis-information on the forum, less technically inclined people could take you seriously.

3rd: NES
4th: SNES
5th: PSX
6th: Dreamcast/Xbox (tie)
7th: 360
8th: XB1X
That numbering scheme makes no sense whatsoever, how do you know about each console's bit power?

Pong console (I forgot what the console's name was) - My dad pulled this thing out of his closet and I was surprised at what I'm looking at. A completely new experience to me was introduced; Gaming.

When I started asking for an NES my grand-mother took this abomination out of an old closet and said, there you go, video games for you! That thing didn't even have colors! Unfortunately I had been introduced to gaming before and I wasn't impressed at all.
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