Back with another culinary masterpiece. Get fucked Gordon Ramsay.
people who make these are unemployedBack with another culinary masterpiece. Get fucked Gordon Ramsay.
komplanen being smooth with the ladies once again.
komplanen being smooth with the ladies once again.
That whole gif took really long to load and I watched it all in slow motion trying to figure out what's going to happen :-3
Either komps is in Pandaland or that one is actually Panda herself.
I hate it when that happens.
Heh, Japanese is easier than I thought.
Maybe I should become an otaku too, like Ubermatik.
watashi wa anata no pantsu o tabemasu ka?
Is this real? If so, props to Ja lol
Is this real? If so, props to Ja lol
I don't use Twitter. Have I been outed, fellow kids?If it is, I'd like to know how he broke Twitter's 140 characters limit.