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Pics That Make You Laugh |OT| Memes Galore



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I've not been seeing like half of the images posted in this thread for a week or two. No "missing image" icon or anything. Same for you?
Well i'm just back today. Loads of posts are empty. I'm seeing some images. DeepEnigma DeepEnigma post above looks like this to me:


I'm using Firefox so maybe it's an issue with that? Because when I post this pages URL into Edge I can see the photos. Both Firefox and Edge have the same extensions (uBlock) and even if I disable that on Firefox I can't see shit.

On mobile (iPhone/Safari) I can't see Imgur posts too.
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Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
Well i'm just back today. Loads of posts are empty. I'm seeing some images. DeepEnigma DeepEnigma post above looks like this to me:


I'm using Firefox so maybe it's an issue with that? Because when I post this pages URL into Edge I can see the photos. Both Firefox and Edge have the same extensions (uBlock) and even if I disable that on Firefox I can't see shit.

On mobile (iPhone/Safari) I can't see Imgur posts too.
Same here, but I'm using Brave browser. Seeing all those laughing emojis with no images got me like:

fomo GIF
Same here, but I'm using Brave browser. Seeing all those laughing emojis with no images got me like:

fomo GIF
Maybe it's something to do with Imgur ditching NSFW images and getting rid of old content? Maybe they've fucked their servers up or something?

I tried visiting the Imgur page and I get an error

error"Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later."


always chasing the next thrill
Length of Dicks taken

I was dating this girl some time ago, and the topic of bodycounts came up.
She said hers was 30, so that got me calculating. I like mathematical modeling.

She is 20 years old, so assuming she started fucking at 16, that is 4 years for a total of 30 guys. 4 years = 1460 days. Dividing 1460 by 30 we get, approximately, 48. Taking a conservative estimate and assuming she was fucked once every five days by each guy, it means that on average, each guy fucked her approximately 9 times. We have 9×30=270, so in total she has been fucked around 270 times(=270 sessions), a conservative estimate.

Taking a look at a study from 2005, we find that the average length of a sex session is about 5.4 minutes, we will round that up to 6 minutes for convenience, and also assuming that she has been getting fucked by younger guys who last a little longer.

Assuming a guy thrusts, on average, twice every five seconds (=24 times per minute), we find that the average total number of thrusts taken per session are equal approximately to 24×6=144 thrusts per session, or 144 TpS. So the total number of thrusts taken up until now are equal to = 144×270= 38,880 TiL (Thrusts in Life).

The average length of an erect penis is about 14 cm, so the total length of dick she has been through is equal to 2×14 ×38,880 cm. We multipy by 2 because we count a thrust with an "in" and an "out". We have 2×14×38,880=1.08864 million cms, or, about 10,886.4 meters = 10.88 kms worth of dick.

Upon reaching this conclusion, I promptly got in my car and drove to my college, which coincidentally happens to be about 11km away from my house, and all the way I imagined a continuous line of dicks extending through the streets, toward the college. It was early morning, and after finally reaching the college I felt nauseous. I had driven 11kms, I checked the time, it was 7 AM, I did the math, 11-7=4 the streets, and I immediately knew where she belonged.
Length of Dicks taken

I was dating this girl some time ago, and the topic of bodycounts came up.
She said hers was 30, so that got me calculating. I like mathematical modeling.

She is 20 years old, so assuming she started fucking at 16, that is 4 years for a total of 30 guys. 4 years = 1460 days. Dividing 1460 by 30 we get, approximately, 48. Taking a conservative estimate and assuming she was fucked once every five days by each guy, it means that on average, each guy fucked her approximately 9 times. We have 9×30=270, so in total she has been fucked around 270 times(=270 sessions), a conservative estimate.

Taking a look at a study from 2005, we find that the average length of a sex session is about 5.4 minutes, we will round that up to 6 minutes for convenience, and also assuming that she has been getting fucked by younger guys who last a little longer.

Assuming a guy thrusts, on average, twice every five seconds (=24 times per minute), we find that the average total number of thrusts taken per session are equal approximately to 24×6=144 thrusts per session, or 144 TpS. So the total number of thrusts taken up until now are equal to = 144×270= 38,880 TiL (Thrusts in Life).

The average length of an erect penis is about 14 cm, so the total length of dick she has been through is equal to 2×14 ×38,880 cm. We multipy by 2 because we count a thrust with an "in" and an "out". We have 2×14×38,880=1.08864 million cms, or, about 10,886.4 meters = 10.88 kms worth of dick.

Upon reaching this conclusion, I promptly got in my car and drove to my college, which coincidentally happens to be about 11km away from my house, and all the way I imagined a continuous line of dicks extending through the streets, toward the college. It was early morning, and after finally reaching the college I felt nauseous. I had driven 11kms, I checked the time, it was 7 AM, I did the math, 11-7=4 the streets, and I immediately knew where she belonged.
me googling what is 14cm is in Inches

edit: and me going to measure lil ol nightmare-slain
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Length of Dicks taken

I was dating this girl some time ago, and the topic of bodycounts came up.
She said hers was 30, so that got me calculating. I like mathematical modeling.

She is 20 years old, so assuming she started fucking at 16, that is 4 years for a total of 30 guys. 4 years = 1460 days. Dividing 1460 by 30 we get, approximately, 48. Taking a conservative estimate and assuming she was fucked once every five days by each guy, it means that on average, each guy fucked her approximately 9 times. We have 9×30=270, so in total she has been fucked around 270 times(=270 sessions), a conservative estimate.

Taking a look at a study from 2005, we find that the average length of a sex session is about 5.4 minutes, we will round that up to 6 minutes for convenience, and also assuming that she has been getting fucked by younger guys who last a little longer.

Assuming a guy thrusts, on average, twice every five seconds (=24 times per minute), we find that the average total number of thrusts taken per session are equal approximately to 24×6=144 thrusts per session, or 144 TpS. So the total number of thrusts taken up until now are equal to = 144×270= 38,880 TiL (Thrusts in Life).

The average length of an erect penis is about 14 cm, so the total length of dick she has been through is equal to 2×14 ×38,880 cm. We multipy by 2 because we count a thrust with an "in" and an "out". We have 2×14×38,880=1.08864 million cms, or, about 10,886.4 meters = 10.88 kms worth of dick.

Upon reaching this conclusion, I promptly got in my car and drove to my college, which coincidentally happens to be about 11km away from my house, and all the way I imagined a continuous line of dicks extending through the streets, toward the college. It was early morning, and after finally reaching the college I felt nauseous. I had driven 11kms, I checked the time, it was 7 AM, I did the math, 11-7=4 the streets, and I immediately knew where she belonged.
I’m know this is a joke but 30… at 20? That’s… gross as fuck. Pun intended


Gold Member
I’m know this is a joke but 30… at 20? That’s… gross as fuck. Pun intended

For a woman this is quite fucking large number at 20yo. She changed partners very often.

She is on the good way to achieve whore level of sex partners in a few years.
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