Doesn't count because she is using her flat is another one.
But aren't you a Corgi?So.. I should be good for at least a 66% reduction, then?
Yes, I know that's not how it works.
And then student was 911
And then student was 911
Is this a White people thing?
Thought joke, on twitter it was tagged #whitepeople
Is that one of the girls from iCarly?
I guess Nicholson can finally retire now since he's been replaced.IMG][/IMG]IMG][/IMG]
Could get an oscar for is future role in the Nicholson biopic
Looks like it's high.
Jitters said:
This is comedy gold! I mean here's a guy who pushed some other guy face first into a wall!
The dog has some sort of esophageal problem that is alleviated by eating while vertical.Is that all for the sake of the guy not having to reach all the way down to the floor?
Is that all for the sake of the guy not having to reach all the way down to the floor?
Is that all for the sake of the guy not having to reach all the way down to the floor?