Hot Coldman
Oh man...a guy I know just posted this on Facebook with "I did!"
Well I'm pretty sure being into both Who and MLP is far too overwhelming to be possible, so good news, he'll soon move on
Oh man...a guy I know just posted this on Facebook with "I did!"
Oh man...a guy I know just posted this on Facebook with "I did!"
I have no idea what this means. Can someone help me out? I watch Doctor Who but I don't get the dog reference with the hour glass tattoo.
I have to share this
I have to share this
I miss when Futureman would occasionally post his drawings in here.
Do I even want to know?
Yes. It was stuff like this:
I have to share this
I will comp 1 month GAF Gold to the first person to don one of those nips as an avatar.
And on that day Horse Detective was born.
Reminds me of this legendary moment from Never Mind the Buzzcocks.
Street Fighter would have been the better match imo. He probably doesn't have a friend to re-enact a street fighting scene though![]()
I've seen this gif hundreds of times and never known the context. Still don't.
I've seen this gif hundreds of times and never known the context. Still don't.
I've seen this gif hundreds of times and never known the context. Still don't.
That's gotta be so toasty warm for a good while, right?
I need to find a meme, but I don't know what it's called. German vehicles from WW2, "It's a [German word XY], it [X]es [Y]s".