This is actually pretty fantastic. Probably feels a bit better than just masturbating when you're away from your partner.
Übermatik;51316887 said:
Sophie turner is supposed to be 1" shorter than Kit Harington
I dont like parents who make believe to kids that everything will send them to jail.
You insulted somebody? Jail.
You stole a balloon? Jail.
I have a friend who was educated like that and he's scared of everything in life. And I'm pretty sure that it turn people into criminal too much.
"Dude, I just stole a cup, fuck that, its a life sentence. Might as well try to silence the bitch and start dealing drug."
Not Safe For Life <------ Seriously you've been warned.
The fuck is that?
The size difference isn't the jokenot the same girl.
^ That has to be fake.
That guy was at E3 last year and boy was he an unfriendly prick.
That guy was at E3 last year and boy was he an unfriendly prick.
waaaa that suckshe seems cool in the videos too! maybe file that experience under "never meet your heroes"