Isn't Daredevil white though ?
Edit: Oooch I get it. I think I get it, at least
I think I've read a paper about some conservative places in the US where you might have trouble if you're gay, but not as much as if people learn that you're atheist.
Those obnoxious r/atheism pics are easy to make because all you've got to do is think of a super dumb quote and plaster it over a picture of a fat guy in a fedora or something similarly loser-esque. There's one that goes around a lot where the quote starts with something like "in this moment I am euphoric not because...", the same quote on like three different pictures of three different people. I'm not even convinced the original was anything other than a joke to begin with.
Those obnoxious r/atheism pics are easy to make because all you've got to do is think of a super dumb quote and plaster it over a picture of a fat guy in a fedora or something similarly loser-esque. There's one that goes around a lot where the quote starts with something like "in this moment I am euphoric not because...", the same quote on like three different pictures of three different people. I'm not even convinced the original was anything other than a joke to begin with.
Every time they get posted someone says something like "this can't be real!" or "I hope this is a joke." I'm suggesting that they probably aren't real. Reminds me of those "baby caught me sleeping" pics.
I think I've read a paper about some conservative places in the US where you might have trouble if you're gay, but not as much as if people learn that you're atheist.
Don't know how true that is... (but the statement is dumb anyway)
I'm quite drunk and english is not my first language, isn't this controversial?
I'm quite drunk and english is not my first language, isn't this controversial?
Controversial?, maybe
Funny?, I don't think so.
Wrong thread?
I thought it was about Gingers....
I'm quite drunk and english is not my first language, isn't this controversial?