jim-jam bongs
I dont like this new trend
If you don't like that you're going to hate this
I dont like this new trend
what edgy said only supports the thesis though. nice story adds to the porn's appeal, but isn't necessary. just like advanced graphics (in our recent understanding of it)
but whatever haters gonna hate, stet's gonna stet.
Is this fetish number 67?stet! stet! who is this? 10/10 I'm in love
even if this plan had worked out it would have been disastrous. people are fucking dumb.
What are you talking about, the plan was comedy and it worked out just fine.
<3 heelers
my friend has blue heeler. that dog is mad cool. even though he won't stop licking you
Lick him back.Dogs dont like to be licked.
No he is trying to get you to make out with the dog.you tryin to get me bitten?
Oh Vica, why you so funny
Who is that in the gif?
No he is trying to get you to make out with the dog.
Who is that in the gif?
Lick him back.Dogs dont like to be licked.
you tryin to get me bitten?
Whats wrong with that?I made out with plenty of dogs.
No.Don't dogs lick your face instinctually to make you throw up? i thought that was a thing that wolves did, no?
Whats wrong with that?I made out with plenty of dogs.
Don't dogs lick your face instinctually to make you throw up? i thought that was a thing that wolves did, no?
You speak French? =-OYou know those mornings that you can't get out of bed and you'd call in sick if you had a job? You know those mornings when you just wanna watch TV, eat corn chips and masturbate? Sure you do!
Well, when those days happen what you should do is start thinking about my friends. My little furry waterproof pals. You know who I'm talking about.....
Les terriers sont mes types favourites
Jolies, charment, pas de problem a maintenir
Ils donnest du joie
Quand tu es 'blue'
Les terriers sont a pier pres vingt livres
speaking of dogs. aww I love this game for stuff like that :3
Vica is the hottest woman of all time.
She is a very nice young lady and I would certainly enjoy taking her out to a fine dinner, but I must say that first, redheads are overrated, and second, that we should get back on track since this is not a hot girl thread.
You know those mornings that you can't get out of bed and you'd call in sick if you had a job? You know those mornings when you just wanna watch TV, eat corn chips and masturbate? Sure you do!
Well, when those days happen what you should do is start thinking about my friends. My little furry waterproof pals. You know who I'm talking about.....
Les terriers sont mes types favourites
Jolies, charment, pas de problem a maintenir
Ils donnest du joie
Quand tu es 'blue'
Les terriers sont a pier pres vingt livres
Was it made by SunHiLegend?
She is a very nice young lady and I would certainly enjoy taking her out to a fine dinner, but I must say that first, redheads are overrated, and second, that we should get back on track since this is not a hot girl thread.
Big whoop. My roommate from college can quote any line from Dumb & Dumber on demand. I can almost do it too.
Yep.... hilarious. Meet the reason we can't get a fucking Redhead appreciation thread past 5 pages;
(NSFW-ish): http://i.imgur.com/FMk5z.gif
Second time this anime's come up. What's it called?