Thread title better be 11/10 or don't even bother. No, I'm not contributing.
I'm a premature ejaculator, don't appreciate you joking about it.
What are those weird animal pics with weird captions on it? Like the duck or that bear thingy
you guys and galls, do realise the new OT is up?!
you guys and galls, do realise the new OT is up?!
you guys and galls, do realise the new OT is up?!
found this online hahaha!
holy shit!
wtf is that possible?
In a 1987 study, published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, of 132 cats that were brought into the New York Animal Medical Center after having fallen from buildings, it was found that the injuries per cat increased depending on the height fallen up to seven stories but decreased above seven stories.[8] The study authors speculated that after falling five stories the cats reached terminal velocity and thereafter relaxed and spread their bodies to increase drag.
Yup. They can even survive higher jumps than that.
how does gravity not break their bones?!?!
cats: 1, dogs: 0
Water on Mars'
how does gravity not break their bones?!?!
cats: 1, dogs: 0
Anecdotal evidence: My brothers cat fell of a 12 story building and wasn't even severely injured.
Übermatik;54785730 said:[/B]
Dunno why but this made me laugh.
Anecdotal evidence: My brothers cat fell of a 12 story building and wasn't even severely injured.
only if it's not fertilizedAn egg is more of a chicken's period an it is a foetus.