Av said:
Sorry man, I have no idea what your name is, so it's Av, OK?
Having said, you've just single handedly redeemed an entire meme with that post. "I already got boyfran!" Classic.
Bravo, excellent work. A+.
You mean besides jerking off on unconscious girls?
Cartman?Haha, amazing!
A lad I know went way to far with that once, he actually took his dick out, and put it in his mates mouth. No joke.
He's real piece of shit, surprise surprise.
My username is Avixph.
how do you even say that
alligator handro
Are you Hispanic?
no.I got it from that Lady Gaga song "Alejandro".
Why?god knows
I can't say that.My username is Avixph.
no.I got it from that Lady Gaga song "Alejandro".
Why?god knows
i thought his real name was alejandro. 0_ohahahaha WHAT! that's what your username comes from??
hahahaha WHAT! that's what your username comes from??
hahahaha WHAT! that's what your username comes from??
Then what's your real name?
its a secret
Its Nick
lol omg who the hell thought this was a good idea?http://www.blogdehumor.com/wp-content/2013/02/juguetes-que-nunca-entendere.jpg
lol omg who the hell thought this was a good idea?
so jam a hard plastic handle into somebody?The blade goes into the handle.
Tsundere card.
I don't understand why this image keeps getting posted. It's a gag knife. When you try to stab someone, the plastic blade part goes back into the handle.
I don't understand why this image keeps getting posted. It's a gag knife. When you try to stab someone, the plastic blade part goes back into the handle.
I don't understand why this image keeps getting posted. It's a gag knife. When you try to stab someone, the plastic blade part goes back into the handle.