Finally, a Kickstarter that can succeed with the help of intellect and romance over brute force and cynic...wait, I'm being told that it's still money that decides whether this succeeds or not. Sorry about that. Anyways, $54,364 is the goal this time around, which actually makes this their cheapest Kickstarter yet.
Pledge $1 or more
Don't have much to spend but still want to help the cause? All we ask is that you donate a dollar and share our Kickstarter on your social media pages. You'll have our gratitude, plus the satisfaction of knowing you helped make the preservation of this amazing table possible!
Pledge $7 or more
Get the Doctor Who® pinball table on a single platform of your choice.
Pledge $10 or more
Get the Doctor Who® pinball table on a single platform of your choice PLUS your name listed as a BRONZE backer in the game credits!
Pledge $15 or more
Get the Pro version of the Doctor Who® pinball table including access to the table operator’s menu on a single platform of your choice, entry into the Kickstarter Supporters Tournament. Running from now until the end of the Kickstarter, this tournament features our other Kickstarted tables; Twilight Zone®, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, T2®, and The Addams Family®. PLUS your name listed as a BRONZE backer in the game credits!
Pledge $17 or more
Everything above PLUS the new updated Doctor Who® pinball table on a single platform of your choice. This version will include all new art and audio featuring the latest doctors.
Pledge $20 or more
Get the Doctor Who® Pro pinball table on any two platforms of your choice, entry into the Kickstarter supporters tournament, your name listed as a BRONZE backer in the game credits PLUS an exclusive Doctor Who® Pinball wallpaper.
Pledge $25 or more
Everything above PLUS an additional copy of the new updated Doctor Who® pinball table on the platform of your choice (total of two copies of the new table). This version will include all new art and audio featuring the latest doctors.
Pledge $30 or more
Everything above PLUS an additional pro copy of the table for the platform of your choice (total of three copies).
Pledge $35 or more
Everything above PLUS an additional copy of the new updated Doctor Who® pinball table on the platform of your choice (total of three copies of the new table). This version will include all new art and audio featuring the latest doctors.
Pledge $40 or more
Everything above PLUS an additional Pro copy of the table for the platform of your choice (total of four copies)!
Pledge $45 or more
Everything above PLUS an additional copy of the new updated Doctor Who® pinball table on the platform of your choice (total of four copies of the new table). This version will include all new art and audio featuring the latest doctors.
Pledge $50 or more
Everything above PLUS your name listed as a SILVER backer in the game credits AND the Doctor Who® virtual pinball collection. These are Doctor Who themed custom balls that can be played on any table in the Pinball Arcade.
Pledge $60 or more
Everything above (including the four copies of the updated table) PLUS the new Regenerated Doctor Who® virtual pinball collection. These are Doctor Who themed custom balls that can be played on any table in the Pinball Arcade.
Pledge $75 or more
Everything above PLUS an entry into the exclusive Doctor Who® Backers Tournament. This tournament is played on the Doctor Who table after we've released it. Tournament winners will receive a framed Doctor Who® pinball print signed by the FarSight Team!
Pledge $80 or more
Everything above (including the four copies of the updated table and Regenerated Custom Balls) PLUS entry into the exclusive Backers Tournament featuring the new updated version of the Doctor Who® table. This tournament is played on the Regenerated Doctor Who table after we've released it. Tournament winners will receive a framed Regenerated Doctor Who® pinball print signed by the FarSight Team!
Pledge $85 or more
Everything above PLUS a Season Six Pass on up to two platforms for Steam(PC and Mac) or Mobile(Android or iOS) that will include the 1992 Bally Doctor Who table, the new Regenerated table AND nine unannounced pinball classics as they are released.
Pledge $99 or more
As a special thank you to all our gold backers: Everything above PLUS The Kickstarter EXCLUSIVE Addams Family® Special Collectors Gold Edition. This edition features a special ROM as well as gold accents, such as the metal ramps, gold legs and bolts, gold lettering, the vault plastic, the bumper caps and Thing's box. (You must already own The Addams Family table to receive this upgrade)
Pledge $100 or more
Welcome to the GOLD club!!! Everything above PLUS your name listed as a GOLD backer in the game credits.
Pledge $200 or more
BETA TIER: Everything above PLUS early beta access to the Original and Regenerated Doctor Who® table on Steam for PC and Mac.
Pledge $250 or more
Everything above, six additional Pro copies of the table for the platform of your choice (ten total copies, which can be gifted to friends) PLUS an awesome Doctor Who themed Pinball Arcade Development Team shirt!
Pledge $500 or more
Everything above PLUS an awesome Doctor Who themed Pinball Arcade Development Team hoodie!
Pledge $1,000 or more
Get everything above PLUS an invitation to the special Doctor Who Pinball party hosted at FarSight Studios in Big Bear California (transportation and lodging not included), a framed picture of you and the FarSight team (at the party) AND your name listed as a PLATINUM Backer in the game credits!
Pledge $2,500 or more
Get everything above PLUS an invitation for you AND FIVE FRIENDS to the the special Doctor Who Pinball party hosted at FarSight Studios in Big Bear California (transportation and lodging not included), a framed picture of you and the FarSight team (at the party) AND your name listed as a PLATINUM Backer in the game credits!
Funding Period
Jan 14 2016 - Feb 13 2016
Also, be sure to check out the Pinball Arcade Community thread if you haven't already: