I tend not to volunteer my opinions if I feel I don't have much of anything to add, unless I'm asked to specifically.
I asked you why though and you said you were following someone else
I tend not to volunteer my opinions if I feel I don't have much of anything to add, unless I'm asked to specifically.
Could you explain how Dragonz is different? Or what you see that she is doing that's ringing some alarm bells.
The ratio of fluff to serious play is way down.
Attitude to other players is different too. Her omgus vote on me also has my nips tingling.
What is your read on her?
Mafia can coordinate perfectly. If they need a bandwagon in the last hour, they can start one themselves.
I flipped town in that game, if you care.
Say for the sake of argument that I am scum and Acorn is town. Scum!Blarg knows this, and gives us a townie and a scum to read. We provide reads that gets the scum lynched. This immediately soft-confirms me as town because there's no way I'd bus my teammate, right?
The alternative is true. If we get the townie lynched then that makes the pair of us look bad, and I can just try and throw Acorn under the bus to live another day, effectively getting two townies lynched.
From previous experience, Scum have a way of hiding whenever there seems to be too much heat growing on them and they also tend to twist words and tunnel hard on phrasing. Important to note that Dr. Worm has not defended a lot of people in this game so far, but has defended Darryl.
To address WhereAreMyDragonz' other (?) question, about Darryl, I think my thoughts about Darryl are similar to those suggested elsewhere in the thread.
Coincidentally I was just laughing at the idea of us lynching Oreo over the MLK quote butchering earlier.
We don't have much time left. Have people considered an Acohrs vote? It really feels like he's been coasting by.
So to add more detail:
It all started with Palmer's unveiling. It put scum at a tough spot. If Palmer lives he comes off as a strong/important voice as a semi-confirmed townie since his bold play left a lot of people thinking town. If they kill him, they potentially waste their NK on a vanilla town. There best shot at this point was to downplay his claim and throw some doubt or even better get him lynched by town.
At this point Dr. Worm and Dragonz reactions to Palmer's unveiling were the most suspect. It seemed as through they wanted to set up a bandwagon, but wanted a townie to take the first step in putting up a serious vote. Nobody bit on their trap so they backed off, but left enough there to cast doubt and come back to later on.
Then comes their next attempt at starting a bandwagon. Darryl's weird obsession with Sawneeks wording in the early game. It seemed like Darryl was trying too hard to find something to get others to latch on to, but again failed (probably because the text between their argument was too boring and too much and most people just skipped their posts). Also some people called him out on his argument, after which he disappeared.
From previous experience, Scum have a way of hiding whenever there seems to be too much heat growing on them and they also tend to twist wards and tunnel hard on phrasing. Important to note that Dr. Worm has defended a lot of people in this game so far, but has defended Darryl.
Also, at this point in the game Dragonz also had a vote on Sawneeks. It seemed like a jokevote, but it was on Sawneeks for so long that if a bandwagon had started I don't think Dragonz would have removed that vote. Even though Dragonz did say that Sawneeks and Natiko are probably town, Dragonz didn't actually remove the vote on Sawneeks. Also I had scum call me most likely town in Day 1 and then vote against me at the end of the day anyway.
Dragonz read list consisted of considering Hey_Monkey potentially scum when Monkey is behaving mostly like Town. Also read Sawneeks as town, but said "Strong player, whether that be town or scum". Gave 30years a Scum read as well. Only person listed as clear town is SkyOdin. All the other reads felt like an attempt to either start a bandwagon or have a reasoning out there to jump on one.
Blarg's read list 'forcing' people to make reads on their possible scum teammates probably got scum shook, and this is one terrible excuse to get out of it. I've only played one mafia game, but it doesn't seem like sacrificing their own teammates is ever a good scum plan.
And all of this leads to Swamped, the godfather (godmother?)
I didn't know this last game, but apparently Godfathers come off as town if they're investigated. So it would make sense for GF to be someone who talks enough to pique the interests of some investigative towns, and then use their influence on them to get bandwagons going. Swamped has definitely been talking a lot, and has defended both Dragonz and Darryl throughout the day, While seems to have attacked Natiko and Sawneeks, which is where I think scum was attempting to start their bandwagons.
Too much here to be coincidence. Lets start with the most likely scum and then work our way down my list once they flip mafia.
VOTE: WhereAreMahDragonz
I would jump on the Acorns bandwagon as a revenge thing, if it weren't for Dr. Worm and Swamped being the ones who randomly suggested it right after my post, seems like a deflection move.
The ratio of fluff to serious play is way down.
Attitude to other players is different too. Her omgus vote on me also has my nips tingling.
What is your read on her?
Also, at this point in the game Dragonz also had a vote on Sawneeks. It seemed like a jokevote, but it was on Sawneeks for so long that if a bandwagon had started I don't think Dragonz would have removed that vote. Even though Dragonz did say that Sawneeks and Natiko are probably town, Dragonz didn't actually remove the vote on Sawneeks. Also I had scum call me most likely town in Day 1 and then vote against me at the end of the day anyway.
The rest of your reads on me are a flimsy attempt at throwing shade. I kept my vote on Sawneeks because I wanted to pressure her, and when I got what I wanted, I removed it.
Subject to change, I'm still working on BB and Burb.
I could definitely see myself voting for Dr Worm.
So basically LL is saying that people who voted early must be scum because they are starting bandwagons. I don't really agree with his reasoning tbh. But I think he's coming from a genuine place.
Looks like the other frontrunners are Palmer, 30 and Dragonz. Not really feeling any of those tbh.
Looking at how inactive this thread is, no one is finding it suspect Swamped,
30yearsofhurt, and Dr. Worm all came in with achors badnwagoning right after my post.
This is what you said about Achors when you voted for him.
and then you said
What happened to you ignoring BB and Burb and suddenly calling for others to start voting on Achors? What happened to voting for Dr. Worm?
It was mostly I wanted to see how you reacted with others
Looking at how inactive this thread is, no one is finding it suspect Swamped,
30yearsofhurt, and Dr. Worm all came in with achors badnwagoning right after my post.
If that's the case then what was the purpose of the vote? It obviously started as a joke at first and now you're saying it's a pressure vote without the pressure but just there to see how I reacted to others? If that's the case why did you not remove it after Town leaning on me as Lifeline pointed out earlier.
I do find it interesting that out of everyone they pick one of the people that has barely been around to get any sort of read on and likely won't be here at Day End.
Same with BB's vote on Darryl, actually. Darryl has been MIA and at this point wouldn't be surprised if he got replaced and it seems like a safe place to park a vote without causing trouble.
I did read BB, slight town read. Can't link the post now as I'm on my phone, but it's there. Never got around to reading Burb as i got distracted with other players. And yes, i can definitely have more than one scum read. It's weird not to.
This happened all within 2 pages ^^ i forgot to add
And in 2 pages you've gone from coasting on 2 posts to 20 posts.
I need to re-read all this and understand what your saying...
How did you go from
Achors vote because he's inactive -> wanting to look into Burb -> Now thinking Dr. Worm is scum -> now back to achors lynch because he's inactive.
There's a difference between constantly changing your mind and seeing what sticks with the townies and being busy and coming into the thread a little late.
Swamped's vote changes feel like they're desperately trying to find someone for the town to attack.
I am interested in the call for acohrs. He said he would be in for Blarg's plan and then did not deliver.
Just more proof the dude probably had some shit to do and couldn't back to the thread. I've been there.
If he had a mafia team helping him they would have helped him right the blag reads and get it over it.
Lifeline, did you ever answer why you felt Moonkid was Scum earlier? He's no longer on your list so I'm wondering what changed.
Are all vote changes symptoms of changing your mind? Are you reading me the same way? If not, what's the difference? I'm curious.
You're defending acohrs quite a bit. Yeah I'll keep my vote where it is.
Just more proof the dude probably had some shit to do and couldn't back to the thread. I've been there.
If he had a mafia team helping him they would have helped him right the blag reads and get it over it.
At this point Dr. Worm and Dragonz reactions to Palmer's unveiling were the most suspect. It seemed as through they wanted to set up a bandwagon, but wanted a townie to take the first step in putting up a serious vote. Nobody bit on their trap so they backed off, but left enough there to cast doubt and come back to later on.
You're defending acohrs quite a bit. Yeah I'll keep my vote where it is.