Well they didn't seem to like DM and WTSMG much so this is hardly a suprise. I've listened to the album rougly 4 or 5 times through now and IMO it is much improved over the previous 3 albums. The album is far more consistent compared to say HC which had a few crappy songs in there.
Its missing an anthem but I sure as hell will be singing along in manchester to everyone of these songs. I personally believe that the band peaked with DM and foloowed up with a few of the same league in the next album (Wonderwall, Some Might Say, Don't Look Back In Anger and Champagne Supernova). The B-sides from that era were also fantastic.
DM - A definate 10, rock n roll on the nose of a rocket
WTSMG - 9 - A slowdown and a few weaker tracks but more than made up by songs worthy of a 11.
BHN - 5 - A few anthems still there but far too overblown.
SOTSOG - 4 - Mostly crap but Gas panic helps
HC - 5 - An improvement but still mostly polished turds.
DBTT - 6 - Every song is better the average of the past three albums but no song even worthy of an 8.