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Planet, 4 times the size of Earth, may be way, way beyond Pluto

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Not the issue. What's important is that planets are the gravitational big boys of a system. For example, other stuff shares an orbit with Earth, but they move in a way subordinate to it. Naturally, when you have an uncontested leader in orbital space, it's going to be relatively tidy because most stuff would have accumulated into the planet or have been ejected from orbit. Ceres and Pluto are unable to bully their neighbors around so they're just dwarf planets.

Yes, but there is no good way to be entirely sure that an exo-planet, regardless of size, has cleared its orbit of x % of its mass (like, the matter subordinate to Earth is a minuscule percentage of its mass, it has the cleanest orbit and Jupiter is number 2). Hate that, and it stuck in the craw of a number of other scientists.


What I hate about the demotion of Pluto is that the definition of panet that we're going by cannot be applied to exo-planets. You cannot be sure if a planet in another system has cleared its orbit of a certain % of debris. I would prefer a clean, more precise definition that can be applied to any system.

And that is why there is a different definition for exo-planets. If and when our technological capabilities allow better assessment and more information about them, a reclassification or a the expansion of the classification system will be made. Pretty much just like with Pluto.



How elongated could the orbit of a planet be?


I cannot unsee it anymore :-(
When are we going to play god and make another planet hospitable? Its been far too long. The year 2000 was 12 years ago! We're behind schedule. I planned to vacay in Mars by 2015!



The more we know, the more we know that we know very little.

Although a "good" saying, I don't really like it. We are making advancements.

When has mankind every thought they knew a lot?

Rethink this. I am sure there were other examples than the inquisition.

Oh crazy, we have an astrophysicist on the board!

Come on over to the Final Frontier thread and explain a probably thesis on this.

Give us(me) a link.


sparkle this bitch
I started to read up more on this 2 weeks ago, and it really is one of the most fascinating things. Just reading through the different sorts of planets, stars, and regions they discovered. And realizing that most of it is just guesswork. How very little we know about space.


I started to read up more on this 2 weeks ago, and it really is one of the most fascinating things. Just reading through the different sorts of planets, stars, and regions they discovered. And realizing that most of it is just guesswork. How very little we know about space.

Well, let me blow your mind. We have a satellite facing one small portion of the sky and still with our "limited" capabilities we found 691 exo-planets till date.

The following is highly speculative and just a play with numbers, but just please allow me to play it through: Stars in the galactic habitable zone
_4.000.000.000 Stars with planets
__400.000.000 stars with planets in the Goldilocks zone
___40.000.000 Earth size planets
____4.000.000 Planets with a magnetosphere and tectonic pates
_____400.000 Planets with a sustainable atmosphere and lithosphere
______40.000 Planets with oceans
_______4.000 Planets where foreign objects (like asteroids) do not pose a threat
_________400 Planets that had "evolution pumps"
__________40 Planets with events like the cambrian explosion.
___________4 Planets that had managed to develop intelligent life according to human understandings.

p.s.: Dont come at me with stones and etc. Pls, I am just playing around to show the vastness of the universe, while playing around with the factor of ten. The initial number of stars in the GHZ is pretty much accurate.


So maybe we will be admitted back into the 9 planet solar system club (and really stick it to the exo-solar system that took the crown from us a few months ago).


So maybe we will be admitted back into the 9 planet solar system club (and really stick it to the exo-solar system that took the crown from us a few months ago).

Nope, and why is this even a competition? I just cant understand...

Kepler search space:



Incredibly overrated graphic novel. Way too many unintentionally funny moments; there were times where it left me seriously wondering if it was intended as satire.
That's pretty much how I feel about everything I've read from Itô Junji so far, yeah. Amusing ideas though.
Incredibly overrated graphic novel. Way too many unintentionally funny moments; there were times where it left me seriously wondering if it was intended as satire.

While the execution may be viewed as poor the concept is a fantastic romp of body horror and fatalism. I'd love to see it done right in Hollywood. But then again... lol Hollywood. It would have some contrived happy ending.


Is it a Reaper forward observation base? I hope we get a better ending if so...

It's amazing just how much there is to explore in space. If I'm POTUS, I would promise to put a man on Planet X by the end of my second term. Yeah, I said it...
Isn't the New Horizons NASA mission still on track for Pluto and the Kueiper Belt? Is there any way we could prove this or not?

Actually forget that. NASA needs to get on getting a probe below the ice of Titan. There could be an ocean of life there just under the surface.


It's amazing just how much there is to explore in space. If I'm POTUS, I would promise to put a man on Planet X by the end of my second term. Yeah, I said it...

All things set aside, the real problem is how to make a return flight during ones lifetime. Frack Mars, and frack planet X we need something better... I.e. travel through wormholes and such.


All things set aside, the real problem is how to make a return flight during ones lifetime. Frack Mars, and frack planet X we need something better... I.e. travel through wormholes and such.

I thought there was already an established methodology to opening up the universe to Earth:
- Find the Prothean ruins on Mars
- Use prothean technology to develop sub light engines
- Fly to pluto
- Discover the Charon relay
- Initiate First Contact War
- ???
- Profit
While the execution may be viewed as poor the concept is a fantastic romp of body horror and fatalism. I'd love to see it done right in Hollywood. But then again... lol Hollywood. It would have some contrived happy ending.

It did some things right, but pretty much the entire second half (with a few exceptions, like when they land on Ramina, the surprisingly subtle implication that
Ramina knows that there are intelligent beings on Earth and it's just toying with them for its amusement
and the ending) was absolutely atrocious. I did enjoy the concept, but there were so many things in that story that left me shaking my head.
a chase scene... around the world! In the outer atmosphere! Being chased by the entire population of the planet! WTF

I've liked most of Ito's other work though.


I thought there was already an established methodology to opening up the universe to Earth:
- Find the Prothean ruins on Mars
- Use prothean technology to develop sub light engines
- Fly to pluto
- Discover the Charon relay
- Initiate First Contact War
- ???
- Profit

You are not the first one, so pls don't take the following personally.

Why the continuous reference toward the ME universe?


You are not the first one, so pls don't take the following personally.

Why the continuous reference toward the ME universe?

People are disappointed with the boring big whimper entropy ending, and are hoping to get it changed.


You are not the first one, so pls don't take the following personally.

Why the continuous reference toward the ME universe?

In Mass Effect, intergalactic travel is made possible because of the discovery of a teleporter/wormholey thing just beyond Pluto's orbit, which was previously thought to be Pluto's moon, Charon.

Not really the same as this, but it's similar enough to plop the references down.
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