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Plastic surgery addict left with permanent erection after botched nose job


Hey atleast someone else has my hairstyle inreal life lol.

About the plastic surgery he should have stopped after a few his face actually does not look that bad, if only he stopped earlier i am sure it would have looked quite great actually.



guy should've stopped here


But it is the final nose operation, to correct a wonky septum, that will propel him to international star status.

I love how he says this in such a matter-of-fact manner. Surely he will become an immediate celebrity icon once he has his "wonky septum" corrected.


Iran govt subsidizes the surgery. If you are gay or transgender you either get the surgery or likely go to jail but really you likely are sentenced to death. You definitely can't say you are the opposite sex or like the same sex legally without the surgery. It's not an official policy to get the surgery but it's the only way not to die.



I learned a lot about iran today


Wait what? Is there some good reason for this that I am missing? Why would Iran even have good plastic surgeons?


Why would you go to Iran for plastic surgery?!?!

Apparently it's quite popular.
I have a friend who went there for her nose job. She is Iranian though!

She explained that nose jobs are very popular in Iran, so they have good surgeons and it's a lot cheaper.
Yeah, plastic surgery in Iran is... popular. I think, in Tehran, many Iranian women under the age of 30 have probably had stuff done at least 3 times. If you're a rich kid and haven't had a nose job, then you're viewed as somewhat weird.
Wait what? Is there some good reason for this that I am missing? Why would Iran even have good plastic surgeons?


Why would you go to Iran for plastic surgery?!?!
Why wouldn't Iran have good plastic surgeons? Because it's in the Middle East?


I have no problem with plastic surgery and actually think it's one of the best parts of living in the modern age.
Not that I've ever used it, but it's cool that if I ever have an accident the option is there.

But plastic surgery addiction is an illness, and one that's just as harmful as any narcotic.


With stories like this, I wonder if a questionnaire and information about body dysphoria would prevent unnecessary plastic surgery. The surgery won't fix internalized issues about how a person looks.

Plastic Surgery has a place but a nose that small leads me to believe there are other things at play.
Hypothetical: Would you choose to have a permanent erection if the only way to stop it caused you to never have an erection again?
The human ken doll guy cannot breathe through his nose and if he has another nose job it could fall off. I just read an article on it last week.
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