I think it's more that Muslim clerics know that if women have a lot of sexual freedom they will choose a different sort of man, and that men in their society will struggle to adapt. They are a patriarchal society, what they have will fall apart if they can't control women. If you let women in the Middle East dress how they want, in 20 years you won't be able to tell the difference between most Middle Easterners and anywhere else.
Muslim Clerics sound very similar to "black pilled" incels. "Women when given freedom will devastate our society with their thottery."
Well guess what Muslims, feminism is coming for you. Everything you laugh at us westerners for is coming, and you will do a worse job of adapting your society than we did/are doing.
Muslim Clerics sound very similar to "black pilled" incels. "Women when given freedom will devastate our society with their thottery."
Well guess what Muslims, feminism is coming for you. Everything you laugh at us westerners for is coming, and you will do a worse job of adapting your society than we did/are doing.
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