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PlatinumGames Community Thread | Platinum maintains its luster forever

Best Platinum boss fight?

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Any game, in the whole fuckin world won't stay unspoiled forever. You may not have an XBOX One, but you can't really be pissed if i spoil the story of Sunset Overdrive next summer, that's what i mean.
Also you are continuously agressive. Chill.

Awesome, send me a PM when you set up your NNID :)

I get what you mean, I'm just saying don't blame the person being spoiled for not being able to play the game in time, because it's not always their fault. If I got the story of Sunset Overdrive spoiled for me next Summer, I wouldn't be surprised, but I also wouldn't be happy about it.

Also, I was never being aggressive, I don't know how you got that impression. I didn't even realize until now that you were the one that I disagreed with about the story earlier.


I get what you mean, I'm just saying don't blame the person being spoiled for not being able to play the game in time, because it's not always their fault. If I got the story of Sunset Overdrive spoiled for me next Summer, I wouldn't be surprised, but I also wouldn't be happy about it.

In any case, it's how things work. Everyone is entitled to not be spoiled when a game sees release, but no one should have a fit if something about the game is shown months after, and it's only natural, for all media actually.
There are even people who never want Bayo 2 to be spoiled to them, while they never wanna buy a WiiU because underpowered/kiddy/yadayada. What do we really say to them? Is the whole community meeting in secrecy and talking in codes because a vocal minority does not want a game they have no intention of playing be spoiled to them? Not really.
I understand the necessity of spoiler control. I want it too, but only for the few months close to release. After that everything must be open for display and debate.
Hell half of GAF is full of delicious gifs that would never exist if we were keeping games in secrecy forever.

Guys, guys, it's here!
Look how good these two look together now >.<




Don't play with my heart,Kamiya.
(but he posted the same thing when people asked him about E3)

He will be there to present Okami 2. Which is the surprise "unexpected" Capcom game for PS4. Developed by PG.

He won't be there. And that Capcom game is obviously DMC5.


Nintendo seems to be doing a fun little bracket-based GOTY thing, and requires people to tweet their votes for games to advance (single elimination). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmPitpKEiJ4

Bayo 2 is on the list. If you want to vote for it tweet "@NintendoAmerica #NintendoMinute GOTY Bayonetta 2 over Hyrule Warriors" without quotations. Do your democratic duty platinumGAF.


He won't be there. And that Capcom game is obviously DMC5.

Though that announcement will only form part of Capcom's new cross-media initiative with Ninja Theory. DmC2 will be a social game for browsers, DmC3 will be a F2P iOS puzzle game, DmC4 will be a pachinko machine and DmC5 will be a low-budget TV series.


Though that announcement will only form part of Capcom's new cross-media initiative with Ninja Theory. DmC2 will be a social game for browsers, DmC3 will be a F2P iOS puzzle game, DmC4 will be a pachinko machine and DmC5 will be a low-budget TV series.

I hate you.
I fuckin hate you.
With a passion.
Though that announcement will only form part of Capcom's new cross-media initiative with Ninja Theory. DmC2 will be a social game for browsers, DmC3 will be a F2P iOS puzzle game, DmC4 will be a pachinko machine and DmC5 will be a low-budget TV series.

They will also half-announce a new Mega Man game. By which I mean, halfway through the announcement, higher ups will enter the stage, stop the video and fire everyone involved on the spot.


Fuck me my computer doesn't want to work with MGR pc anymore. It was having issues starting so I uninstalled and redownloaded. Same fucking shit.

Does anyone have any idea as to how to fix it? It crashes immediately on launching.


So I am the only person here who kinda doesn't care about possible DMC5 anymore and would rather get Dragon's Dogma 2 instead?
though we all know it's just a Street Fighter themed Bejeweled clone for iOS

Fuck me my computer doesn't want to work with MGR pc anymore. It was having issues starting so I uninstalled and redownloaded. Same fucking shit.

Does anyone have any idea as to how to fix it? It crashes immediately on launching.

Standard question - any driver updates etc. you recently did?
Try browsing through Steam forums maybe, some troubleshooting might be found there. Other than that, I don't know. Games other than RE4 tend to love my PC for whatever reason, so I'm not an expert at fixing them when they don't.
So I am the only person here who kinda doesn't care about possible DMC5 anymore and would rather get Dragon's Dogma 2 instead?
though we all know it's just a Street Fighter themed Bejeweled clone for iOS

Nah, me too: I give zero fucks about DMC without Platinum at the helm, and a Dragon's Dogma that doesn't leave the console's GPU screaming in agony would be amazing. Hell, a DD PC port would be a dream come true.

Haven't been following Deep Down, originally people touted it as a spiritual DD2 but it seemed to have changed genres recently or something? I admit I don't care all that much about Capcom since 80% of its talent packed for greener pastures.


Nah, me too: I give zero fucks about DMC without Platinum at the helm, and a Dragon's Dogma that doesn't leave the console's GPU screaming in agony would be amazing. Hell, a DD PC port would be a dream come true.

Haven't been following Deep Down, originally people touted it as a spiritual DD2 but it seemed to have changed genres recently or something? I admit I don't care all that much about Capcom since 80% of its talent packed for greener pastures.

A high five to you, then!

I haven't been following Deep Down either, really. For whatever reasons it keeps slipping under my radar, but the little bits of info I gathered don't really sound interesting. Continuous dungeon crawling with AssCreedy sci fi background, no party other than Souls-esque multi and no character creation sounds like a step back from Dogma, if anything.
And yeah, Capcom is really hard to take seriously anymore. Which is why Dragon's Dogma was so surprising for me - it was a game designed with so much love and passion, despite all its shortcomings, completely unlike last gen Capcom style.


I disagree with both of you above. Capcom is still very much capable of doing amazing games. They still have a lot of talent and it saddens me to say but the best 2 DMC are not Kamiya's.
Especially with DMC4, Itsuno's team proved they can make a combat system that would make even PG shiver.
The problem with Capcom is the management, not the staff, and already the management has taken a few steps in the right direction.
Also Deep Down is amazing.
A high five to you, then!

I haven't been following Deep Down either, really. For whatever reasons it keeps slipping under my radar, but the little bits of info I gathered don't really sound interesting. Continuous dungeon crawling with AssCreedy sci fi background, no party other than Souls-esque multi and no character creation sounds like a step back from Dogma, if anything.

Yikes. Had no clue about all that, especially the sci-fi framing. Ah well.

And yeah, Capcom is really hard to take seriously anymore. Which is why Dragon's Dogma was so surprising for me - it was a game designed with so much love and passion, despite all its shortcomings, completely unlike last gen Capcom style.

Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day :D. I had the same feeling with Square and Bravely Default (and TWEWY last gen).

I disagree with both of you above. Capcom is still very much capable of doing amazing games. They still have a lot of talent and it saddens me to say but the best 2 DMC are not Kamiya's.

Well, obviously. DMC1 was pretty much the prototype for the entire genre, and as such a lot about it was unpolished and hasn't aged too well. Howwver, Kamiya games are ahead of even DMC3 and 4, the last of which was released, let's be frank, early on the previous generation. Even if DmC didn't exist I'd have doubts believing Capcom can come even close to Platinum nowadays.

Especially with DMC4, Itsuno's team proved they can make a combat system that would make even PG shiver.
The problem with Capcom is the management, not the staff, and already the management has taken a few steps in the right direction.
Also Deep Down is amazing.

Itsuno would be part (if not the entirety) of that 20% of talent left at Capcom; however, he has directed a grand total of three games during the past decade. The thing about Platinum is that even their B teams produce amazing stuff like Bayo2. Capcom's management being the problem is little consolation when they are the ones calling the shots regarding what gets made.

As for Deep Down, none of us can know how good or bad it will be, yet. Let's hope for the best (but prepare for the worst :) ).


No way they'll announce it before MGSV release.

I agree, the dream is far from dead.

Even if DmC didn't exist I'd have doubts believing Capcom can come even close to Platinum nowadays.

In my world DmC doesn't exist :p

Itsuno would be part (if not the entirety) of that 20% of talent left at Capcom; however, he has directed a grand total of three games during the past decade. The thing about Platinum is that even their B teams produce amazing stuff like Bayo2. Capcom's management being the problem is little consolation when they are the ones calling the shots regarding what gets made.

Yes but PG do have awesome management that trusts people with potential and little experience to helm projects. PG is taking chances that either pay off, like MGR or they don't, like Korra, but there is a reason why they are the best of the genre in the whole industry.
At the other hand Capcom is now too conservative, but i still feel their dev teams have it.
Unlike most people, i thought that RE6 was brilliant, and it's a template that many action shooters should take into account. As i always said, it's more like a Vanquish to me than a traditional TPS, its combat is very deep, and could be the foundation for something new and very cool within Capcom.
The RE:R games are cool too for me. In the first one i loved the ship sections, and pretty much didn't care about the rest, and the second seems even better, and its episodic nature is great for its genre.
Their fighting games are still kings of the genre, and it seems to me like the trend will continue.
Now about Itsuno, you said it. 3 games in a decade is standard, there's nothing wrong with that.
Imo ofc Capcom is not the Capcom of the GC/PS2 era anymore, but they still have very competent teams that develop great games, let's not be too harsh. Imo again, they released more good games than bad games last gen.

As for Deep Down, none of us can know how good or bad it will be, yet. Let's hope for the best (but prepare for the worst :) ).

It feels way too good to me. I'm always ready for disappointment ofc, but i actually have a good feeling about it.


Capcom broke their fans heart before, sure, but they still are good developers. Whatever games they make, it's decent at the very least.

And I don't know why anyone would doubt Itsuno. I trust him as much as I trust Kamiya and Platinum.

No way they'll announce it before MGSV release.

Yup... I guess you're right. It's gonna be a looong wait. Hope they switch to Fox Engine with all this time on their hands.
What about DMC with Itsuno at the helm? You know, the guy who did DMC3 and 4 and is still at Capcom? He's absolutely our best bet.

See above. I'm not willing to place any hopes on him directing another DMC game with Capcom's current management.

In my world DmC doesn't exist :p

I appreciate the sentiment from a series canon viewpoint, but ignoring it and its repercussions regarding the Capcom of today is just living in denial.

Yes but PG do have awesome management that trusts people with potential and little experience to helm projects. PG is taking chances that either pay off, like MGR or they don't, like Korra, but there is a reason why they are the best of the genre in the whole industry.

So basically you're agreeing with me. We're getting what Capcom management wants, and unfortunately the character action genre doesn't sell well.

Also, Korra was a decent game for a game made on spare change. It's just unfortunate that it was released days before Bayo2.

At the other hand Capcom is now too conservative, but i still feel their dev teams have it.
Unlike most people, i thought that RE6 was brilliant, and it's a template that many action shooters should take into account. As i always said, it's more like a Vanquish to me than a traditional TPS, its combat is very deep, and could be the foundation for something new and very cool within Capcom.
The RE:R games are cool too for me. In the first one i loved the ship sections, and pretty much didn't care about the rest, and the second seems even better, and its episodic nature is great for its genre.

I admit I haven't played any recent RE games. I don't care as much now that they've become generic TPS with no "horror" or "survival" to their horror survival.

Their fighting games are still kings of the genre, and it seems to me like the trend will continue.

I can't agree with that, sorry. SF4 and sequels are great, but MVC3 made some very questionable choices, and SFvT, a game that would be a license to print money, is just bad. Them being on top has more to do with Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc. becoming a joke. Again, this has a lot to do with these genres not selling as much, being eclipsed by more popular genres like FPSs, TPSs, etc.

Now about Itsuno, you said it. 3 games in a decade is standard, there's nothing wrong with that.
Imo ofc Capcom is not the Capcom of the GC/PS2 era anymore, but they still have very competent teams that develop great games, let's not be too harsh. Imo again, they released more good games than bad games last gen.

To each their own. For me they're not much more than a hollow shell and their management seems content to pursue that mobile market, so by not expecting anything out of them I can only be pleasantly surprised.


I disagree with both of you above. Capcom is still very much capable of doing amazing games. They still have a lot of talent and it saddens me to say but the best 2 DMC are not Kamiya's.
Especially with DMC4, Itsuno's team proved they can make a combat system that would make even PG shiver.

With all due respect to DMC3/4, it's Kamiya's DMC I like the most. 1 is plain superior to all its sequels in art direction, atmosphere, level and enemy design - and I simply prefer its approach to difficulty scaling and tactical, know-your-enemy combat to the later games' Super Sexy Speedy style.
But I can see why a lot of people prefer 3/4. It boils down to one's individual tastes with this series IMO (apart from 2 and that other game with the same words in the title).

Also Deep Down is amazing.

Any particular reason to this? Serious question. I WANT to want this game, even if it's not DD2, but I just can't get myself to care about it, other than pretty graphics. Is there something I'm missing?

Unlike most people, i thought that RE6 was brilliant, and it's a template that many action shooters should take into account. As i always said, it's more like a Vanquish to me than a traditional TPS, its combat is very deep, and could be the foundation for something new and very cool within Capcom.

I find RE6 pretty fucking sad overall. After RE5, which was as conservative as it gets, a reskin of RE4 with coop and some tweaks basically, Capcom went all out on this game, with actual innovation and really cool combat (something they're still ace at), and just HAD TO fuck it up big time with dumb business decisions, bloated campaigns and a development team twice too big for its own good. I don't care about how actiony or horrory an RE game is as long as it's good, and RE6 has spectacular combat and mediocre to bad everything else (funny how some people say that's how P* games are. well, nope, they're not).
I really wish Capcom took RE6 combat, maybe expanded upon it here and there and made a proper RE7 with it and with just one well-designed, well-paced campaign. Look at TEW, Capcom, it can be done, and you can do it too (
ch 11 and 12 haters gonna hate


With all due respect to DMC3/4, it's Kamiya's DMC I like the most. 1 is plain superior to all its sequels in art direction, atmosphere, level and enemy design - and I simply prefer its approach to difficulty scaling and tactical, know-your-enemy combat to the later games' Super Sexy Speedy style.
But I can see why a lot of people prefer 3/4. It boils down to one's individual tastes with this series IMO (apart from 2 and that other game with the same words in the title).

I find RE6 pretty fucking sad overall. After RE5, which was as conservative as it gets, a reskin of RE4 with coop and some tweaks basically, Capcom went all out on this game, with actual innovation and really cool combat (something they're still ace at), and just HAD TO fuck it up big time with dumb business decisions, bloated campaigns and a development team twice too big for its own good. I don't care about how actiony or horrory an RE game is as long as it's good, and RE6 has spectacular combat and mediocre to bad everything else (funny how some people say that's how P* games are. well, nope, they're not).
I really wish Capcom took RE6 combat, maybe expanded upon it here and there and made a proper RE7 with it and with just one well-designed, well-paced campaign. Look at TEW, Capcom, it can be done, and you can do it too (
ch 11 and 12 haters gonna hate

I agree that DMC1 is unrivaled in a few aspects - the sequels never managed to surpass either Ueda's score or the evocative environmental design. I personally preferred the more refined range of abilities available in 3 and 4, but the enemy and encounter design was generally lacking - especially in comparison to Dante's growing abilities, ending up with enemies that were often less dynamic than those in the first game was a disappointing development.

In regards to RE6, while I couldn't actually stand more than a few minutes of the campaigns themselves, Mercenaries and its No Mercy variant showed glimpses of a fantastic combat system. If they spun off RE6 mid-development into a lower budget new IP (in the vein of the original DMC to RE4), it could have been the foundation for something really impressive. Instead, we ended up with a bloated, near-universally panned mess where we could have had the next Vanquish.


I'd actually be more interested in seeing how their parents get along...



With all due respect to DMC3/4, it's Kamiya's DMC I like the most. 1 is plain superior to all its sequels in art direction, atmosphere, level and enemy design - and I simply prefer its approach to difficulty scaling and tactical, know-your-enemy combat to the later games' Super Sexy Speedy style.
But I can see why a lot of people prefer 3/4. It boils down to one's individual tastes with this series IMO (apart from 2 and that other game with the same words in the title).

Let's just agree to disagree on that. I do agree that DMC1 has superior art, but imo it hasn't aged well, and no matter what, the combat of 3 and especially 4 is unrivaled. Ofc i have common sense and i know that 4 overall sucked with all that backtracking and recycling, but after all these years, i still find myself loading a random mission and losing myself to that combat.

Any particular reason to this? Serious question. I WANT to want this game, even if it's not DD2, but I just can't get myself to care about it, other than pretty graphics. Is there something I'm missing?

It's not only that it looks amazing, though it counts, i really love the new engine.
It's also that the presentation is so similar to those old procedural dungeon ARPGs that pulls me, it's also the MonHun approach, which is obvious in the combat and the way the multiplayer handles it.
It's an excellent approach that says that no matter how much time you have to spare, half an hour of half a day, you can find a group, enter a dungeon and have fun.
If you've ever played MonHun, the way it handles stuff is very similar, and there is a reason why MonHun is such an addiction.

I find RE6 pretty fucking sad overall. After RE5, which was as conservative as it gets, a reskin of RE4 with coop and some tweaks basically, Capcom went all out on this game, with actual innovation and really cool combat (something they're still ace at), and just HAD TO fuck it up big time with dumb business decisions, bloated campaigns and a development team twice too big for its own good. I don't care about how actiony or horrory an RE game is as long as it's good, and RE6 has spectacular combat and mediocre to bad everything else (funny how some people say that's how P* games are. well, nope, they're not).
I really wish Capcom took RE6 combat, maybe expanded upon it here and there and made a proper RE7 with it and with just one well-designed, well-paced campaign. Look at TEW, Capcom, it can be done, and you can do it too (
ch 11 and 12 haters gonna hate

I can't really say anything about this part. I completely agree. And by agree i mean with every single word. Exactly my feelings on everything.


Thread has got kinda slow -___-

This is what happens when there are not enough PG new to talk about -___- God knows when we are gonna get new info about Scalebound.
Did my part. Now let's all watch in awe as some casual half finished trash wins.

It's also good that you vote for five, so thatI didn't have to choose between Bayo2 and Smash. Only problem is that aside from those, I only played Bravely Default, Shovel Knight and Hearthstone from that list, and while the first two are easily GOTY material, I wouldn't vote for the latter.
So I ended up cheating and voted for Dark Souls 2 even though I haven't played it yet. I'm a fraud. :(


It's also good that you vote for five, so thatI didn't have to choose between Bayo2 and Smash. Only problem is that aside from those, I only played Bravely Default, Shovel Knight and Hearthstone from that list, and while the first two are easily GOTY material, I wouldn't vote for the latter.
So I ended up cheating and voted for Dark Souls 2 even though I haven't played it yet. I'm a fraud. :(

Dark Souls 2 has quite a few issues. It certainly isn't GotY material unlike DS1. It seems that the upcoming 'remaster' (fuck, so many remasters) will make it a much better game.
BD was great, no doubt about it, it's just that I personally wouldn't call it GotY. Shovel Knifht was phenomenal for its genre and all.
Smash is my most played game lately, in fact by the end of the year it might be my GotY.
Hearthstone is just boring shit for me, as every card game is. I think people got addicted because it's a collectathon. Blizzard is weird for me nowadays. I love SCII and D3, but i hate WoW, HS and HotS.
But this year had imo only 2 games that i know i'll be playing for years to come and that i know they have their place in gaming history. These 2 are The Evil Within and Bayonetta 2.
And right now, i gotta help the queen.



This is interesting.

Yup, I read it earlier. It is very interested indeed.
The W101 team and Bayonetta 2 team are different. We know that because they said they were trying to beat each other on which team will bring the most OTT game.
Now we know that Scalebound team and W101 team are different. Wtf is the W101 team doing atm?


Formerly Momotaro
Just got bayonetta 2 and this game is the truth. It's what a true sequel should be and it improves on the original in so many ways.

Best character action(or stylish action) game on the market right now.


PG won Studio of the Year and GotY for Bayo2 from Edge, or at least that's what JP says on Twitter!
Rejoice guys, someone gets it.
And congrats PG! JP, jump over to the thread, we're bringing booze to celebrate.
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