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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale


For streamers it makes sense to keep playing aggressive and loud.

For the average player who's keen to win, PUBG is almost a stealth game. Positioning and slow strategy and "becoming a bush" is almost a prerequisite for surviving the last ten minutes of a match.

PUBG and H1Z1 are most definitely not on the Arma engine. PUBG feels like it to a degree, but is not.

H1Z1 actually uses the same engine as Planetside 2.

Look a few posts down what you quoted


I'm noticing more and more Chinese players on the Oceania server that are teaming up in Solo matches. They use the same model and wear the same clothes/hat and tend not to wear pants(lol) so they don't accidentally kill each other I assume. Not sure why this is becoming a thing as it's pretty weak, and it makes it pretty easy to report when you see two players arrive in the same vehicle, then one flanks you while you're shooting at the other one...wankers.

anyone else having sound issues? like if my camera is in the opposite direction of say the plane, i wont hear it at all unless i turn the camera. was never like that before the update.

My sound since the update seems...weird. Like direction-wise sometimes I can't tell where shots are coming from now, where I used to be able to snap straight to them...might be just me.

My favorite PUBG streamer is DrDisrespect. A true entertainer and a pretty fucking good player as well.

This kill was pretty awesome yesterday, just throwing 360's in a 1v1 to win the match: https://clips.twitch.tv/CharmingEnthusiasticHippoFloof

I don't get the people who wait outside the circle to kill people with no way of getting to the circle themselves...

I never do this deliberately, but if I get screwed by white circle RNG and I know I'm probably going to die, I'll try and take anyone I can with me. There's no honour in this game.

can't stand watching streamers get tilted

i'll take grimmz whining over DrD's raging any day.

While I don't mind DrDisrespect as he did get me into Battlegrounds in the first place, he can be grating sometimes. In the last week or so I've switched over to TSM_Viss who he actually teams up with some days. He's an extremely good player and much more chilled and relaxed.


5 games in a row spawn beside people who get a shotgun and blow me to bits. Haven't finished outside the top 90 in ages
That at least is easy to solve -- land far away from everyone, rotating the camera as you go down to watch for parachutes. You can typically land at the very end of the plane's path, or tap W to fly further away from the plane. Unless someone is TRYING to land on top of you, it's pretty easy to land in the middle of nowhere or in the water.

Getting gear once you're in the middle of nowhere is a bit more difficult, but you can at least try to find a vehicle and drive to a town far from the flight path.
I had the weirdest death today. Friends and I were in a jeep and we drove about half way up a hill before leaving it. About 30 metres in front there was this rock formation that gave us relatively good cover from 3 sides so we went there to wait it out a bit.

About 30 seconds later my friend tells me that our jeep is on fire. I thought it was weird but we did take some damage by hitting trees on our way there and I thought maybe someone was shooting at it with a silenced weapon to destroy it. I'm not sure. Next thing I know, I'm dead and the kill feed says that some person killed me with a vehicle explosion. There is no way that should have happened. I was not even in line of sight with the vehicle, not to mention I was really far away. In the kill feed the same person killed someone else with a vehicle explosion immediately after he killed me.

Can't tell if this was a bug or if someone was cheating but it was super annoying. My team of 3 were in the last 15 or so and we might have done really well if I hadn't died randomly.


Feels so damn good!



I'm noticing more and more Chinese players on the Oceania server that are teaming up in Solo matches. They use the same model and wear the same clothes/hat and tend not to wear pants(lol) so they don't accidentally kill each other I assume. Not sure why this is becoming a thing as it's pretty weak, and it makes it pretty easy to report when you see two players arrive in the same vehicle, then one flanks you while you're shooting at the other one...wankers.

The game must be getting popular in PC cafes.


anyone else notice an upped drop rate of full med kits? been finding about 2 per game when i survive a decent amount of time or sometimes even when i dont
Just had the best game of my life. We were a three man squad. Our loot wasn't anything special, I had an 8x M416 decked out and that was about it. One of us died and the other two of us managed to get in a good spot in the white with about 23 enemies left. Neither of us had any healing items but were at full HP. I had zero kills before the last big skirmish began. We move over our hill and we have the flank on every single team and just go to work. The game went from 20ish to 4 left in about 45 seconds. I have never had so much action in one spot. Last two were stuck in a shack outside the white and we dropped them. Never had PUBG match with so much condensed action and never had such good luck with positioning.




First win since the patch.

This match was just one disaster after another. We raid the Power Plant and then head over to he bridge and scope it out before crossing. Clearly we were looking in the wrong direction cause we got sniped from across the street on a roof. Luckily we were on the deep end of a hill so I revived my friend while they shot up the car and exploded it.

Thankfully that was the replacement car (because our original was getting low on gas), however with them suddenly vanishing we got in the original car, drove over the bridge onto the military island and get another car after ours ran out of gas. We then drove to the bottom edge of the circle and get attacked from both sides. My friend goes down and I'm unable to save him, thankfully the sniper on the upper group scared off the guy attacking from the lower part of the hill and I managed to get into the car, drive off the cliff and into the military base proper.

In the base, I hid inside one of those upper ground bunker/garage and healed up. However by this point I'm like out of first aid kits so I need to use all bandages. I try to snipe some people with the SKS but to no avail when suddenly a guy apparently who had been stealthing, got the jump on me... and somehow missed EVERY SHOT at short range. After this the match goes down to 4 people. I don't loot the body on fear of being sniped as I do so.

However since the circle went down to the other bunker at the south, I decide to get into the car... Only to start being sniped. I run back in and unsure of what to do. I take a leap of faith and quickly get into the car again and drive like a mad man to get onto the hill where the bunker was. I get out of the car and slowly heal myself all the while things go silent and then I hear the 3 other people (1 duo and 1 solo) shooting at each other. Since only one died, I knew it was the sniper.

My friend told me to hide behind the concrete fences and I do so. Best decision. One of the duo decides to come out but doesn't notice me and has his sight on the car. I light him up and kill him. Now it's just 1 v 1... and nothing happens. I sit inside the small circle and the other person never came out. The instant the barrier covered the bunker, the guy died.

I only had 21 shots left on my assault rifle and while I did have a SKS, I'm super bad with it. xD

Sadly every match after this went horribly.
Some good player play with a 60hz monitor here ? :)

Im not sure what i do with my 144hz monitor... I keep it for competitive games or i sell it and i play with my 60 hz monitor ? ... :-/


anyone else notice an upped drop rate of full med kits? been finding about 2 per game when i survive a decent amount of time or sometimes even when i dont

Not med kits, but I just played a game where I found 8 first-aid kits in the first 5 houses I looted and had to leave more behind. I've also noticed today I'm finding AR's more easily than right after the latest patch dropped where I was almost struggling to find one. Probably just random luck though.


Not med kits, but I just played a game where I found 8 first-aid kits in the first 5 houses I looted and had to leave more behind. I've also noticed today I'm finding AR's more easily than right after the latest patch dropped where I was almost struggling to find one. Probably just random luck though.

i mean more first aids or more ars seems like a whim of luck but i used to find 1 med kit like every 5 rounds or so, so when i get 10 in 5 matches it seems like more than a change of fortune


Speaking of drop rates, I feel like it's a lot harder to find backpacks now. I don't know if I'm just getting unlucky but its making me leave a lot more loot behind


How reliable is it hitting an M416 headshot on someone at a full sprint? In the lobby I can barely hit people running randomly, yet I always seem to die to headshots.


Unconfirmed Member
There is no way that should have happened. I was not even in line of sight with the vehicle, not to mention I was really far away. In the kill feed the same person killed someone else with a vehicle explosion immediately after he killed me.

Can't tell if this was a bug or if someone was cheating but it was super annoying. My team of 3 were in the last 15 or so and we might have done really well if I hadn't died randomly.

I saw a JackFrags game where two guys spawned/teleported right in front of him in a invisible UAZ. They were just frozen in place. He kills em both and they disappear, only to find their loot crates (with the jeep) on the other side of military island.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was some network code shenanigans and some major desync.

edit: here's the video - happens at the start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG7KULyXubQ


How reliable is it hitting an M416 headshot on someone at a full sprint? In the lobby I can barely hit people running randomly, yet I always seem to die to headshots.

I think they just need to improve the aiming. I've blasted people maybe 10-120 feet in from of me, with no hits and been headshot where I couldn't even see who was attacking me (while moving). It just seems very hit or miss. :p


I think they just need to improve the aiming. I've blasted people maybe 10-120 feet in from of me, with no hits and been headshot where I couldn't even see who was attacking me (while moving). It just seems very hit or miss. :p

I feel like the recoil is just insane for some guns. Feels like your gun goes in every direction even with a grip.

Doesn't need to be laser accurate but it just feels too random sometimes.

Obviously this main effects gun when in full auto.
God, I haven't really come back since that chicken dinner game last sunday. Almost always dying to the first person I fight. Even when I get the jump at them.

I'm just poor at 1v1s.
I'm noticing more and more Chinese players on the Oceania server that are teaming up in Solo matches. They use the same model and wear the same clothes/hat and tend not to wear pants(lol) so they don't accidentally kill each other I assume. Not sure why this is becoming a thing as it's pretty weak, and it makes it pretty easy to report when you see two players arrive in the same vehicle, then one flanks you while you're shooting at the other one...wankers.

My sound since the update seems...weird. Like direction-wise sometimes I can't tell where shots are coming from now, where I used to be able to snap straight to them...might be just me.

This kill was pretty awesome yesterday, just throwing 360's in a 1v1 to win the match: https://clips.twitch.tv/CharmingEnthusiasticHippoFloof

I never do this deliberately, but if I get screwed by white circle RNG and I know I'm probably going to die, I'll try and take anyone I can with me. There's no honour in this game.

While I don't mind DrDisrespect as he did get me into Battlegrounds in the first place, he can be grating sometimes. In the last week or so I've switched over to TSM_Viss who he actually teams up with some days. He's an extremely good player and much more chilled and relaxed.

Yes....its also a giveaway when you hear ...chhhhinnnaaaarr nuumba one chiiiiiuinnnaaarr number one.....taiwan.....number one.....china number 2


How reliable is it hitting an M416 headshot on someone at a full sprint? In the lobby I can barely hit people running randomly, yet I always seem to die to headshots.

Practice leading with it, bullet drop is almost negligible with 5.56. Bullet speed is nuts.

Also range depended and fire mode depended. At mid distance you may have been bursted at gotten domed.

When it comes to dodging you need move in unpredictable ways and so on, but you knew that I think.


Also at certain ranges it's not worth trying to kill people with a rifle because once they start zigzagging they'll be nigh impossible to hit. Try to not commit to shooting anyone you aren't confident you'll down before they get to cover. Sometimes it's better to wait until they sit (relatively) still and go for a quick headshot instead.


Got to 11th twice tonight, just not my night.

Feels way better after the new patch, still issues but way better.


My stuttering seemed to get way better when I turned textures back down from High to Medium, so I guess the 2GB graphics card is the limiting factor. It's been such a good card. ;(

I only got 9th and 11th but I did manage to hit a couple of players, which is always an improvement.


Finished 2nd in a duo's match earlier. It wasn't even a bullet that killed me but the circle GAAAAWWWWWDAMMIIITTTT. Gutted


Got my first Duo (and ever) chicken dinner, what a fucking blast this is to play. Can't wait for vaulting and/or climbing though because I don't want to constantly miss easy jumps anymore :/
Got super close last night on my 8th match (Finished second), I got pretty lucky since I stayed still for the last 4 circles near a rock. This game is one hell of an adrenaline rush.
Moved yesterday so I fianlly got a chance to try the update this morning and WOW does it feel great!

Got to #7 in my first match of the day. At no point did I feel hindered in anything but preformance and my machine is older.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I have to run most things on low but if there were 1 or 2 graphical settings to run higher, which would be the best to?
I have to run most things on low but if there were 1 or 2 graphical settings to run higher, which would be the best to?
Texture and AA if you hate jaggies. Those two go a long way of making the game look better but they probably affect performance most as well. You can get away with everything else but draw distance at very low tbh.


pretty sure draw distance doesn't affect player models and is a pretty huge resource draw so you can definitely get away with it at very low


Just got my second chicken dinner in solo. Sadly my shadow play wasn't working the one time I win so I have no video or clips from it. :(

Loving this patch. It's really brought me back into the game after getting worn out on it. Better performance makes everything more enjoyable.


I wish there was a shooting range or training mode so you could test weapons and range. I am new to the game and just recently Ive been learning about bullet drop, distance, etc. Usually you need to aim just a little ahead of your target if you are using a 2x, 4x scope, right?


I wish there was a shooting range or training mode so you could test weapons and range. I am new to the game and just recently Ive been learning about bullet drop, distance, etc. Usually you need to aim just a little ahead of your target if you are using a 2x, 4x scope, right?
scope or no scope you're going to need to lead your shot if you're far enough away, how much depends on the bullet speed. basically just needs a lot of practice, which can be kinda difficult to do considering how few and far between encounters can be

training mode would be real nice for sure


pretty sure draw distance doesn't affect player models and is a pretty huge resource draw so you can definitely get away with it at very low
This reminds me that I'm so happy that player models render from a really long distance in this game. So many big open multiplayer games these days have players disappear so quickly which always bothered me. I'm pretty sure players still turn into black demons at like 300-400 meters and then just disappear if any further.
Got an amazing kill yesterday.

Me and my buddy were driving in two seperate jeeps. He crashed and got downed/killed.

I turn around, hoping to ram the other guy. Instead I misjudge and ram full speed into my buddy's old jeep, but that jeep then flies into the other guy and downs him.

I jump out, turn around and see that guy's buddy, and one-hit-down him with one shotgun blast.

Love this game.
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