Who said stun grenades weren't good
I got hit by one and was blinded for a good 5 seconds
I got hit by one and was blinded for a good 5 seconds
We had a weird night. Lots of moments, no chicken dinners.
Who said stun grenades weren't good
I got hit by one and was blinded for a good 5 seconds
You can actually still see muzzle flash while blinded. Don't rely on it if there's more than one enemy in the area.Who said stun grenades weren't good
I got hit by one and was blinded for a good 5 seconds
Åesop;243046422 said:If I'm crouched and move around very slowly by tapping W repeatedly, my character is wobbling around and doesn't make any noise for me. Does that still make noise for everyone else around me?
I sure regret opening my set right about now, I'm not even using any of it anymore lol. I should have taken a hint from the pre-order items.
I put mine up for £40 and it got bought straight away. Money for nothing!
That's just fucking crazy
Does the Twitch prime reward expire even though I claimed it when it came out on Twitch? I bought the game today and I thought I could get my stuff later.
I wonder what the appeal is for those twitch crates. Unlike CSGO crates there is no chance to get an item that is worth more than the crate.
Hell there isn't even an opening animation.
I sure regret opening my set right about now, I'm not even using any of it anymore lol. I should have taken a hint from the pre-order items.
Just bought this won't play until tomorrow but I'll need some beginner friendly people to play with.
So, I did open my twitch crate :/
Do you guys think I should sell them now or hold on to them ?
I linked my Twitch Prime account but never got the loot boxWas there something else you had to do? Didn't expect these things to be that valuable.
Will I able to run this game at 60fps max settings with the below system:
16gb ddr4 memory
Sli 980 gtx
You should be ye, but not sure why you would want to. You gain very much needed visibility advantages by lowering settings.